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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 231 through 240 of 2213

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126. Occult History: Lecture III 29 Dec 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Since the Egyptian period, man has had to be active in his ego, to turn his ego, via the senses, to the surrounding world in order to receive its impressions; he has had himself to participate actively in this further development.
It was in the Greco-Latin epoch that for the first time man entered into his own life of soul with full activity. It is in the intellectual soul that the ego first makes itself felt as an independent, inner member of man's being, and we can therefore say: In Greek culture the ego actually works in the ego, man as such works in man.
The art we characterise as that of ancient Greece which contemplated the human being in a simpler, more direct way, always presenting the purely human, the working of the ego with the ego in so far as the ego expresses itself in the physical material—this art has had its day.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Christ, Humanity, and the Riddle of Death 12 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
But this was precisely what was necessary if man was to reach gradually his full ego consciousness. Although in that middle period of human evolution, around the time of the Mystery of Golgotha, full ego consciousness had not yet appeared in all mankind, it was being slowly prepared.
In this turning of man to mere sense observation—which reached a high point in the age of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno—to consciousness of the sense world, there also came into being the ego consciousness. Ego consciousness, however, caused insight into the spiritual worlds to fall into the depths of darkness.
No longer did he see the eternal essence of his being through a direct picture consciousness. It was precisely his ego consciousness, his highest faculty in earth life, that drew his attention exclusively to his physical body and showed how this body, because of its constitution, could allow his ego-saturated consciousness to light up.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Initiation of the Hiram Abiff Individuality by Christ Jesus N/A

Rudolf Steiner
Easter is not only celebrated at this time because it is the beginning of spring; it has a much deeper significance. In ancient times, the group ego, the tribal ego, lived in people. In the initiated (Moses, Hermes, Buddha, Krishna, Zarathustra), the consciousness of the entire tribe was reflected.
As if by a blow, the ego becomes aware and recognizes itself in this astral sheath. It encounters doubt in everything and in itself.
Through Him, he was raised to spiritual life; he was born again in the disciple whom the Lord loved. The human ego was quickened by the divine ego and raised to a higher existence. Thereafter this disciple could become the writer of the Gospel which has as its starting point the human and the divine ego.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: Modern Idealistic World Conceptions
Translated by Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
But if the ego tries to find what it can consider as characteristic for its own nature, it discovers its will-activity.
This all goes to show how Wundt is driven by the fundamental impulse of the self-conscious ego. He goes down into man's own entity until he meets the ego that manifests itself as will and, taking his stand within the will-entity of the ego, he feels justified to attribute to the entire world the same entity that the soul experiences within itself.
Thought no longer gives to the ego or the self-conscious soul, the inner support that insures existence. This ego has moved too far away from the ground of nature to believe in such a guarantee as was once possible in ancient Greece.
71b. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul 25 Feb 1918, Stuttgart
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
A child does not appear to have an ego. As the body develops and gradually acquires its proper configuration the ego appears to wrestle its way out of the body.
Only we discover the spiritual, which gives us our first view of the ego, as a state where the ego is embedded in spiritual beings. In order to know the physical body in all its aspects, we divide it into its various members.
The ego is linked to them and we find a complete ego-organism. This then extends beyond the individual life of the body.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 22 Mar 1912, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When we go back in our memory, we get to a point where our memories stop and ego-consciousness began. What lies before that is what we made out of ourselves in previous incarnations and brought into this one.
The pupil should now replace the image of the golden calf with the image of what he was as a child, before he had an ego-consciousness. He becomes fully aware that what he feels is his ego is just a Luciferic effect. For, ordinary consciousness is based on memory and memory is a Luciferic force, since it's Lucifer's task to carry the past over into the present.
If we do this, we'll feel that a whole place in us seems to become empty; it's the place where the ego usually is—we feel that this is getting empty. When one can either become a Buddhist and go into a region for which a man should feel that he's too worthy—into nirvana, into an extraterrestrial sphere.
113. The East in the Light of the West: Comparison of the Wisdom of East and West 24 Aug 1909, Munich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Shirley M. K. Gandell

Rudolf Steiner
The organs and instruments necessary for man when he wishes to see in the spiritual world, in which he lives with his Ego and his astral body at night, must of course be built into his astral body—relatively speaking into his ego.
From morning when we wake till evening when we go to sleep they are united with the physical body, and, all that time the astral body and the ego are bound up with the forces of the physical body, which prevent the astral body and ego from developing their own organs.
The ego, the astral body and the etheric body are then united in an appropriate fashion and can work together.
107. The Being of Man and His Future Evolution: Evolution, Involution and Creation out of Nothingness 17 Jun 1909, Berlin
Translated by Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
But the astral body of the animal has no ego within it in the physical world. The animal's ego is a group ego; it embraces a whole group and exists as group ego in the astral world, where its possibilities of development are quite different from those of the single animal here in the physical world.
The ego is already within the human being from the beginning, right from conception, and it now becomes free.
Since the middle of Atlantean times they have begun living in the higher elements that man can bring forth out of his ego. What are these higher elements man produces from out of his ego? They are of three kinds.
55. Insanity from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science 31 Jan 1907, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But the ego also works into the life body and especially through the great impulses of life, especially through ART. As in the astral body, through the work of the Ego: 2 parts arise, a purified and impurified, so the life body also now becomes two-fold. And gradually that part which has been worked over by the ego becomes ever greater and greater.
The astral body is its architect. The blood. The ego dwells in this and is at the same time the architect of the blood-system. Blood circulation ------------------ Ego.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: The Three Steps of Anthroposophy 06 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The content of this experience constitutes the real spirit-men, that being at which our word ‘Ego’ now only hints. This ‘Ego’ once connoted for man something which knew itself to be independent of all corporeality, and independent of the astral nature.
[ 12 ] In order that this may be the case, we must be able to see the real nature of the ‘Ego’, and this power has been lost to modern knowledge. Even philosophers see in the ‘Ego’ only the synthesis of soul experiences. But the idea which they have thereby of the ‘Ego’, the spiritual man, is contradicted by every sleep; for in sleep the content of thisEgo’ is extinguished.

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