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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 241 through 250 of 2213

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52. Epistemological Foundation of Theosophy III 17 Dec 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Herbart—he said—would have done the mistake that he wants to come to reality by mere thinking. However, in doing so we do not come to the ego. Rather the ego rises out of the subsoil of feeling. He could have written like Schopenhauer: the world as feeling and idea.
Something must give us the possibility and ability to correlate us, our cognitive faculties and our powers of imagination with the world. Imagine the contrast of the ego and the remaining world, that is, you should say how you recognise your ego and the remaining world.
Never can a single man solely decide, and just as little the ego only can decide which relation it has to the world. The single ego is subjective, it could never decide alone on its relation to the world.
191. Social Understanding from a Spiritual-Scientific Perspective: Ninth Lecture 19 Oct 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Just as you do not perceive anything here (in the middle) where the black spot is, so you do not really perceive your ego. You do not perceive your ego at all, but you do perceive your experiences that you have gone through during your various day-wakings. And you do not perceive your ego at all; only by the fact that somewhere, when you survey your experiences, your experiences are not there, just as there is no white here in the black spot, you perceive your ego.
We have often seen ourselves in the mirror; we look just like the person standing in front of us. And since we have an ego, we conclude by analogy that the other person also has an ego. – This is a crazy idea, a real, proper nonsense!
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: The Human Being and its Expression in Greek Art 31 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It actually wants to lose us from falling asleep to waking up. We do this through the ego. The ego, when trained to do so, can really feel as if it wants to take possession of the physical body anew every morning.
The astral body has to be permeated by visualized suffering, by compassion. And the ego has to be permeated by fear. When the ego experiences fear, it strengthens itself. And the ego survives this fear because it is only presented through the image.
The body is still permeated by the forces of the ego and the astral. The form remains, the form holds firmly together. She becomes a statue, Niobe. Take the opposite case: there is no reason at all for the ego and the astral body to leave the physical and etheric bodies, and yet they are driven out because the physical and etheric bodies are destroyed from the outside, because they are taken from the ego and the astral body.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: The Human soul and the Universe II 06 Mar 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We never really see or realise our ego, whether in sleep, when in normal conditions we are quite without consciousness, or in our waking state; for the ego is then also asleep. The true ego does not itself enter our consciousness, nothing but t a the concept of the ego is reflected therein.
Yet in what it thus kept back, dwells the ego during sleep. During sleep, the ego is even now already present in that which man will only develop at a later epoch, which he will only then be able to develop and unfold.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Mission of Devotion 12 Mar 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
By damping it, it actually does a good thing. If anger only led to the expression of the ego, then every time the ego was expressed, it would reinforce the ego in its selfishness, in its self-will. In this sense, we could see the mission of anger as educating the ego. Anger poisons selfishness, as it were, by pushing the ego down. And we can find this in all affects, that they signify a kind of self-regulation of the soul or the ego.
For once we have arrived with our ego at a truth that must be experienced in itself, then this truth does not belong only to the individual ego, but is a common property for each and every ego.
57. Ancient European Clairvoyance 01 May 1909, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
The human being, as he is to-day, consists of four members: physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego. The ego is the last member to develop, and it is through the attainment of the ego that man has become a self-conscious being; he has thereby wrested his being from the life in his lower members.
Whereas in the time when the Oriental was going through the transition from the old clairvoyance to the formation of the ego, he possessed only a mere rudiment of the ego, so that it very easily surrendered itself to the higher beings, the consciousness of personality developed early in European life. It was a particular characteristic of the European peoples that during the transition period the ego made tremendous inroads. The human being was able to see into the inwardness of things, but he asserted his ego very strongly, felt himself from the outset as a strong opponent of the beings who were trying to entangle him in the threads of the spiritual world around him.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture IV 10 Dec 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
The Ego-aura is thus divided—in appearance at all events; we cannot, however, speak of an actual division of the astral aura.
The account that has been given—quite rightly from a certain standpoint—that the Ego and astral body leave the human being during sleep is, however, strictly true only as regards the upper parts of the Ego-aura and astral aura.
You have always heard—and from a certain standpoint the statement is quite correct—that man leaves his physical and etheric bodies in the bed and goes forth with his astral body and Ego; this is absolutely correct as regard the upper parts of the Ego-aura and astral aura, especially of the Ego-aura.
204. Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy: Lecture XIII 05 May 1921, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
Now, insofar as man's ego was destined to be developed during the age of the intellectual culture, the mysteries of that age had to be occupied with the secrets of the sun's life and particularly the sun's links with the human ego.
They felt called upon to address the sun in the same way they addressed their ego, to regard the sun with the same feelings they had for their ego. Ego and sun are the inner and the outer aspects of the same being.
Thus, on the one hand, in regard to his whole ego development the human being depends on the influence of the sun; without the sun he could not be an ego dwelling solidly on the earth.
219. Man and the World of Stars: “Spiritual Knowledge Is a True Communion, the Beginning of a Cosmic Cult Suitable for Men of the Present Age.” 31 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
At the same time the Ego and astral body, which still co-operate in supporting the human organism as a whole, are in a sort of Winter condition.
It is a different form of plant life, of course, from the one we see around us, but recognizable as such by spiritual sight. Above gleam the Ego and astral body like a flame, unable to approach the physical and etheric. Sleeping man therefore is a sort of budding, sprouting plot of ground, with a gleaming Ego and astral body belonging to it, but detached.
Man's physical and etheric organisms die, but man does not, because the nature of the astral and Ego within him carries within it, not death but an arising, a coming into being. If therefore external Nature is not to perish, she must be given that which man has through his astral body and his Ego.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: Knowledge of Therapeutic Substances
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
All these details merely count as indications for spiritual vision; for this directly perceives the relationship between the ego's activity and the working of antimony; it sees in effect how the antimony processes, when brought into the human organism, work in the same way as the ego-organization.
This tendency stands under the influences of the ego-organization, by which it must be regulated. Blood is an intermediate organic product. The blood substance, as it originates, has undergone processes which are already on the way to the fully human organism, i.e., to the organization of the ego.
The markedly lowered consciousness shows that the ego-organization is driven out of the body and prevented from working. This is due to the fact that the protein cannot approach those mineralizing processes where the ego-organization is able to work.

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