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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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130. Faith, Love and Hope: Towards the Sixth Epoch 03 Dec 1911, Nuremberg
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
But something else of which I have spoken was bound up with the whole progress of human evolution—that only in this way was a man able to acquire a feeling of the ego within him; to have, that is, the right ego-consciousness. The farther men advance into the future, the more firmly will this ego-consciousness establish itself within them, always increasing in significance.
The other is that all this has to be experienced by the ego so that it should rely increasingly upon itself, becoming more and more independent. The self-reliance of the ego must come for all souls; but it will mean disaster for those who make no effort to learn about the great spiritual truths, for the increasing individualism will be felt by them as isolation.
But at the same time it was the epoch in which the ego descended among men. The Christ-event had also to happen in that epoch, because, with Him, the ego made its descent in a special way.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Loki - Hodur and Baldur - Twilight of the Gods 15 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
Now I pointed out in our last lecture—and the facts confirm this—that the members of this ancient Indian civilization had to some extent undergone a rich soul-development and that they had achieved this high level whilst their ego was more or less asleep, that is to say, that they only awoke to ego consciousness after they had already reached maturity of soul development.
The apparent contradiction will resolve itself at once if you recall that cognition of the ego is totally different from other forms of cognition. If the ego “knows” any other object or other human being distinct from itself, then in the act of cognition one is really dealing with two factors, with the knower, the cognizing agent, and the known.
If you bear this in mind you will realize that Europe was destined to relate the ego in a multiplicity of ways to the world perceptible to the senses and that the ego, the fundamental essence of the human being, can enter into the most varied relationship with the external world.
134. The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture III 29 Dec 1911, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now the etheric and physical bodies of man have something more inserted into them, they contain within them an astral body and an ego; for as we know, man as a whole, as we encounter him on earth, is a conjunction of physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego.
And the fourth concerns the relationship between the ego and the astral body. Here the Luciferic displacement has brought about a preponderance of the ego over the activity of the astral body.
Thereupon the ego of man did dive down into the astral body and was saved from drowning by being inoculated with Luciferic power.
243. True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation: Abnormal Paths into the Spiritual World and their Transformation 20 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
Under normal conditions of sleep man's physical and etheric bodies are left behind, whilst his astral body and Ego are outside his body. In the dream state experience is solely the province of the Ego. The occurrences experienced in the dream belong, it is true, to the astral body which is still outside the physical and etheric bodies, but in terms of ordinary consciousness only the Ego can experience the dream.
Man is only in a mediumistic or somnambulistic condition when his Ego and astral body are outside his physical and etheric bodies; but in this case, as I have pointed out, his Ego and astral body are possessed by an alien being. Thus we have the medium or somnambulist with his physical being, but the Ego and astral body are outside the physical and etheric bodies. The Ego and astral body are suppressed, for another being takes them over.
64. From a Fateful Time: Intuitive Insight in the Happy and Serious Hours of Life 15 Jan 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
| This is the case when a person does not want to admit to himself what is actually contained in this ego, when he does not want to allow the truth to arise in his consciousness about what is contained in this ego, but instead plunges into another element and numbs himself about the truth of the ego by resting in the external world.
And we see — let me insert this — especially in our time the saddest examples of such a search, of such alienation and of wanting to live in what does not belong to the ego, because one does not want to admit this ego in its true form. So it may be that whole crowds are seized by such a feeling of wanting to anesthetize themselves with something other than what the ego actually says.
Just as knowledge empties our soul and divine spiritual forces can flow into us, so that we can feel empowered, so now — while the ego was otherwise empty for the events of fate — by we carry our ego out into destiny, into this ego flows that which passes through death and birth, which leads us back to earlier earthly lives and shows us how this present earthly life is the starting point for newer earthly lives.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture VII 11 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Which major events must be looked at in the light of this ego-entry into man's soul at the time when it was occurring behind the illusions of outer events, as it were?
Men started to become unsure of how they should think about the relation of the gods to the world and to human beings, etc., at the time when a somewhat unconscious question about how the divine ego lives in human nature arose from a lack of clarity which was present when the ego shot into the soul.
The Apocalypticer is basically saying that after the ego broke in mankind is in danger of going astray in the permeation of this ego which is pressing into humanity from 333 on,—that humanity is in danger of being confused in its permeation of this ego with the Son God or Christ.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: The Event of Golgotha: Initiation Presented on the Stage of World History 26 Sep 1909, Basel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
Only the one Ego1 which came to the Earth as the Nathan Jesus and into whose bodily constitution, when this had been duly prepared, the Individuality of Zarathustra passed this Ego-Being alone could bring to fulfilment within itself the all-embracing Christ-principle.
The Law was imparted to man in such a way that it did indeed work in him, but not directly through the forces of his Ego. These forces could not operate until the time of Christ Jesus because it was not until then that man became conscious of the Ego in the real sense.
Anyone capable in those days of interpreting the signs of the times would have known that the Ego itself must develop, that it must now be directly inspired, that the Divine Powers must work directly into the Ego.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: Man and Planetary Evolution 31 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
The physical and etheric, bodies are left lying in the bed, while the astral body and the Ego pass out into a spiritual world, into the Macrocosm. Thus in the sleeping state there is the body that remains visible on the physical plane, together with the invisible etheric body, and the super-sensible part of man's being, consisting of astral body and Ego.
Just as the form in which man stands before us today would be impossible without astral body and Ego, so we may also say that with his inner life, with his consciousness of his Ego, of his feelings and impulses of will, man could not unfold this consciousness if he did not possess physical and etheric bodies. He needs these bodies as the foundation for his inner life; it follows from this that they are the necessary antecedents for the evolution of his astral body and Ego. Physical body and etheric body must be there first and astral body and Ego can then enter into them.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VI 10 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Let us keep before us the fact that man consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego. We know that the task of the ego is to transform man's other principles; it must begin by gradually bringing the astral body under control; this means that man must learn to control his passions and impulses.
So that before man's ego was formed these backward but highly exalted beings worked upon his astral body. We call these beings after their leader—Luciferic beings.
Lastly, we have those in whom at a certain stage the ego hardened within itself; it hardened in the blood which is the expression of the ego. We might say of these people that the ego had not progressed to Spirit-Self.
236. Karmic Relationships II: The Study of Problems Connected with Karma 22 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Mabel Cotterell, Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Between the moment of falling asleep and that of waking, man lives in his astral body and his ego, outside his physical and etheric bodies. With his ego and astral body he lives within the spiritual world.
Thus at the moment of waking the astral body comes in from the opposite side. So too, the ego, only now the ego does not envelop the astral body but on returning is enclosed by the astral body.
These memories tell only of the earth-life now being undergone, yet within them lives a human ego. And did these memories not exist—I have spoken of this previously—then the human ego would not be fully present.

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