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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 331 through 340 of 2237

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57. The European Mysteries and Their Initiates 06 May 1909, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The Mystery of Golgotha brought to man a realisation of the Ego that is grounded upon itself, albeit the ties of blood are not ignored—the Ego that understands the physical world.
The rose—Flor or Flos—symbolised the human soul who has received the impulse of the Ego, of personality, who lets the Spiritual work out of his individuality, who has brought the Ego-force down into the red blood.
Flor and Blancheflor symbolise the finding of the World-Soul, the World-Ego, by the human soul or the human Ego. The event recorded in the legend of the Holy Grail is also described in the legend of Flor and Blancheflor.
96. The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Study 28 Jan 1907, Berlin
Translated by Floyd McKnight

Rudolf Steiner
The man yielding to temptation takes upon himself a personal fault, or failure. The ego, or true personality, too, can commit faults. The Paradise story indicates the kind of fault through which an ego may fall.
The higher soul, or individuality, can commit faults within the ego. These ego-failures, which are different from those stemming from faulty qualities of the etheric and astral bodies, occur through the very fact of a man's attaining independence.
Spiritual science never uses the word “evil” for any transgression that does not stem from the ego. Evil is thus the fault proceeding from the ego. Trespass, or guilt, is the fault proceeding from the etheric body of a man in social relationships with his fellow men.
103. The Gospel of St. John: The “I AM” 25 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
He could exist in this watery sphere, because no solid substance had yet been precipitated. Of the present human being, only his ego and his astral body were present. This ego and astral body did not yet feel themselves as separate entities, but as though embedded within the body of divine spiritual beings.
If you were to follow this clairvoyantly, you would see the first germ of the physical and ether bodies surrounded by the astral body and ego as shown in the first figure. That part of you—namely, your physical and ether bodies—which at present lies in bed when you sleep, formed in its very first beginnings in this Earth-state the first human germ still wholly enveloped by the astral body and the ego.
The “son of man” is the ego and astral body, born out of the physical and ether bodies in the course of earthly evolution. The technical expression for this is the “son of man.”
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: The Three Realms of Anthroposophy 06 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
Throughout, you will only find in these characterizations something that is disproven every night in sleep, for what the ego absorbs of these concepts, these ideas, is extinguished every night in sleep. Reality refutes these definitions, these characterizations of the ego.
Because mankind today does not have a living perception of the true ego through exact clairvoyance—the ego that is not extinguished with every sleep but underlies both the sleeping and waking conditions—the path of knowledge is not pursued all the way into religion.
This gap between knowledge and faith exists because the living, clairvoyant vision of the true ego, the fourth member of man's being, has been lost. Therefore, it is the task of the new spiritual life to restore knowledge of the true ego through exact clairvoyance.
205. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit I: Twelfth Lecture 16 Jul 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And furthermore, the I is connected with something else: You need only walk, that is, develop your will. In doing so, your ego goes with you, or rather, the ego participates in the movement, and whether you sneak along slowly, walk, move in a Kiebitz step or turn somehow and the like, whether you dance or jump, the ego participates in all of it.
The metabolic-limb man has a bound etheric body, that is, an etheric body bound to physical matter, a bound astral body and only a free ego. And the middle man, the rhythmic man, has a bound etheric body, a free astral body and a free ego.
One must only know how to properly assess the image. And when the Ahrimanic enters our ego, in that the ego finds itself in the butterflies and the feathers of the birds out there, that is, in the formative forces out there, then our ego in turn has the ability to form all kinds of forms from within.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Mystery of Death and the Riddle of Life 01 Feb 1908, Wiesbaden

Rudolf Steiner
For those who view the human being from the standpoint of spiritual science, the state of the sleeping person is as follows: the physical body and the etheric body are lying in bed; the astral body and the ego are lifted out. In today's human beings, the astral being and the ego do not yet have spiritual organs of perception.
After a long time, the human being discards the astral corpse. The ego cannot take anything with it on the further pilgrimage through life that is not purified by the ego.
In addition to what we have brought with us from previous lives, after death we take with us the extract of our last life. The ego experiences this bringing in of the fruit of the last human life and its use as a blessing. So the ego works to use this fruit of the last life to build a new human being.
124. Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark: Lecture Three 19 Dec 1910, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When we speak of physical man and of the physical objects around him it is the ego, aided by the senses and the understanding connected with the brain, that regards the world. Hence man only knows those things over which his ego extends, to which his ego belongs. So soon as the ego is not present the pictures the world presents to it are no longer there; this means the man is asleep.
Whenever you regard anything, at every moment, the ego is hound up with what you see. It is spread out over what you see so that you really know only the content of your ego.
243. True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation: Initiation-Knowledge, Waking Consciousness and Dream Consciousness 16 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
A further member of the human organization is the Ego itself. We perceive the Ego only when the emptied consciousness is progressively developed. When we dream, our physical and etheric bodies are detached from the astral body and Ego which are in the spiritual world, but we cannot perceive with the astral body and Ego if we possess only normal consciousness.
But it was never intended that the astral body and the Ego should always remain without organs, without eyes and ears of the soul. Through spiritual training of which I have spoken in my books, it is possible to awaken these spiritual organs in the astral body and Ego and thus to see into the spiritual world through the insight born of Initiation.
It is only in his Ego and astral body that man inhabits the spiritual world. But, having no organs, he cannot perceive anything.
314. Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Medicine: Lecture II 27 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
By virtue of this ego system, the human being is able to develop that inner soul cohesion, the inward soul life, that cannot be found in animals.
We can therefore speak of a warmth organism, a warmth man. The ego organization penetrates directly into this warmth man. The ego organization is, of course, something super-sensible and brings about the various differentiations of the warmth.
These things develop in the phylogeny of the animal kingdom only when the ego organization appears. The development of liver and gall runs absolutely parallel with the degree to which the ego organization unfolds in a living being.
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The World Underlying the Sense Organs
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Just as the leaves attach to the leaf stalk of a plant, unfolding from bottom to top, so the structures of the conceptual and phonetic organisms attach to the ego organism from top to bottom. If we now say, as is justified from the above, that the original ego experience unfolds out of a supersensible world, then we can assume that for the formation of the ego, conceptual and phonetic organisms, their coming into being, forces are at work which possess the same material as is present in the I-experience. However, they build this material into forms that must already be there when the I-experience is perceived by the senses. It is therefore self-evident that human ego-experience is one that flows from a supersensible world, but can only be perceived when it takes root in an organism that is a structure of ego, concept and sound.
But whereas in the sense of touch the I only kindles its own experiences through the touch, thus only experiences its own content, the being presses its own content into the I-experiences, so that within the I-experiences it becomes I-perception. So when the ego perceives itself, it does so as a result of its activity, which has the same content as its own experience and differs from it only in that it shows the ego its own nature from the outside, whereas the ego can only experience this nature within itself.

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