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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 351 through 360 of 2237

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222. The Driving Force of Spiritual Powers in World History: Lecture I 11 Mar 1923, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
We will study in greater detail a fact already well known to us, namely, that the four members of man's being discernible in the ordinary way—physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego—are directly connected with each other during the hours of waking life only. The physical body is closely linked with the etheric body on the one side and, on the other, the astral body and ego are separated during sleep from the former two members.
Indeed the evolution taking place during the life of sleep is actually more important than that connected with the waking life for certain forces in the human being, but observation of the ego and the astral body is beyond the power of ordinary perception. We will now consider a particularly important factor in the evolution of the ego and the astral body.
The physical body participates in the vibration of the vocal chords, in the activity of the whole speech-apparatus; the etheric body also participates in the process, so too do the astral body and the ego. But by comparison the physical body and the ego do not participate to anything like the same extent in speech activity as a whole.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Essence of Man 11 Apr 1910, Rome

Rudolf Steiner
We have to think of the ego not only as a force, but also as a feeling and sensing being, and can therefore form a vague idea of the impression of being lost in nothingness.
At this overwhelming sight, however, the disciple's ego ran the risk of sinking into unconsciousness, and his guru, his teacher, had to be ready to help him.
While the ecstatic person was threatened by the powerlessness of the dissolving ego, the mystic's ego contracted into itself to unimagined strength, and selfishness swelled within him to monstrous proportions.
98. Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World: The Influence of Other Worlds on the Earth II 11 Feb 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Antje Heymanns

Rudolf Steiner
A further type of being the clairvoyant meets on the Devachan plane is connected to plants. The plant-Egos are on the Devachan plane. And in the higher areas of Devachan, that we call Arupa,1 are the group-Egos of the minerals.
Now you are aware that the blood is the outer material expression of the Ego, that the Ego, so to speak, lives and pulsates in the blood. When the blood runs through the body, it is not only the material matter, but also the Ego that runs through all parts of the body.
Today, only very few are so far advanced that their Ego has become master of their blood, but man will gain more and more influence over it. The Ego has less influence over the lymph.
202. The Souls Progress through Repeated Earth Lives 14 Dec 1920, Bern
Translated by Elly Havas

Rudolf Steiner
The astral body, divided from the ego, now goes its own way, and in a similar manner the ego takes its own course. We cannot, however, speak of the destruction of the astral body; on the contrary, this astral body continues to evolve.
Thus it approaches the ego. It has kinship with the planetary system. The ego on its way between death and a new birth develops quite another kind of longing.
There was in this people a notably strong tendency to form the physical organism in a way that made the ego-consciousness appear with a special vigor. And the ego-consciousness that thus manifested itself was united with the selflessness of Christianity.
101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: White and Black Magic 21 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Here too, facts are described that the human ego experienced. And God saw the light, that it was beautiful, and God separated the light from the darkness.
Do not imagine anything external, but only the experiences of the ego. The ego is lowered into the astral body, it becomes tired by unfolding its image consciousness. It must then return to a state in which it can compensate for the fatigue. We have two states of consciousness into which the ego comes: one state in which the ego lives in images, in which spiritual experiences present themselves in images, and another in which everything plunges back into the darkness from which the ego is born, and where fatigue is carried away, but also where the state of light that surrounds the ego is interrupted.
102. The Influence of Spiritual Beings on Man: Lecture IX 01 Jun 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have said that these group souls play the same rôle in the astral world as our human soul—in so far as it is I-endowed—in the physical world. The human ego is really a group ego which has descended from the astral plane to the physical plane, and thus becomes an individual ego.
The ego is in the astral world, similarly formed animals being members of their group ego. We can realize from this fact how birth and death in human life have not the same significance in the life of the animal.
His ego would not say: ‘I have died through the loss of my hand’; it would feel that it had renewed a limb.
199. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: Lecture XII 03 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
The mineral kingdom is again a force complex that develops the various shapes of this specific realm. This acts within our ego. It is quite evident in the case of the ego, for you only think in terms of the mineral realm. After all, it has been reiterated time and again that the intellect can only grasp the inanimate. Hence, what is contained in the human ego understands the lifeless. Consequently, our ego dwells in the complex of forces that creates the mineral kingdom.
The ego creates the cultural life while working inwardly upon itself. All cultural life is, in fact, inner formative development of the ego.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture VIII 14 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
In the morning, on waking, the ego and the astral body pass into the physical body again through the limbs, actually by way of the fingers and toes.
In reality, when a normal human being wakes in the morning, the picture seen by clairvoyance is not of the whole astral body and the whole ego being immediately within the physical and etheric bodies; on the contrary, ego and astral body pass only slowly and by degrees into the physical body from morning onwards until towards midday and afternoon.
But the ego and astral body begin to be active from the very beginning, from the moment of waking, so that one has the feeling of being completely filled by them.
261. How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical: How Does One Gain Understanding of the Spiritual World I 09 May 1914, Karlsruhe
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
When we all asleep the sun of our Ego and astral body sets in this way for the blood and nerve-systems; yet from the Ego and astral body outside, the forces radiate while we are sleeping into those organs not connected with the blood and nerves.
We live in one while awake, when we are ensouled by our Ego and astral body; and in the other when we sleep, in the sphere from which the radiations and force of our Ego and astral body pour into the activities of our body-with the exception of the functions connected with the blood and nerves. Actually during sleep we are in the spiritual world with our Ego and astral body—as it were inserted into it—and just those forces of the astral body and Ego of which man is unconscious in normal human life, stream into his bodily organs when he is asleep.
173b. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: LectureI XIV 01 Jan 1917, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
You know some of the details already. You know that the ego projection onto the physical body may be sought in certain features of the blood circulation, where the ego projects itself onto the blood.
The human physical body is abandoned to destruction if the ego departs from it, and in a similar way the blood is brought into a state of ill health—even if this is not necessarily noticeable—if the ego is not fostered and interwoven with the right care.
Of all these higher components, I shall deal solely with the ego, though I could deal with all three. The shading here indicates that the physical body is permeated by the ego.

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