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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 341 through 350 of 2237

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318. Pastoral Medicine: Lecture III 10 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
Thus parallel experiences are there: a spiritual experience in the ego organization and astral body, and at the same time a separate experience of the etheric and physical bodies.
Then they advance to actual visions. This is the stage where the ego organization and astral organization draw the etheric body out to be united with them. So again there is a parallel experience: the ego organization, astral organization, and etheric body are all raised somewhat out of the physical body; at the same time the physical body carries on its processes separately.
If there is a further development, it proceeds in the following way: the ego organization, astral body, and etheric body take hold of the physical body from quite another direction than would normally be the case.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XII 16 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The ones who saw something like this and understood it said: For the heavens this is the birth of Christ, and for us it is the birth of our ego. Even though this ego only entered man's inner nature much later; since this point in the middle of Atlantis evolution occurred in such a way that although men were not as conscious of their ego in an elemental way as they are today, they became ever more conscious of it because the mysteries drew their attention to it. The sun enkindled the ego in man. And the sun's action continually enkindled the ego from outside through the birth which had happened along the lines of this Imagination, until the fourth post Atlantean age, when the ego entered into man.
The man who had become an ego and who had previously had nothing but an astral body bubbling through him had become an entirely different human being.
15. The Spiritual Guidance of Mankind: Lecture One 06 Jun 1911, Copenhagen
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
That point is the moment at which the individual felt himself to be an ego. In the lives of people whose memory is limited to the normal, there must always be such a point.
A human being is able to feel himself a continuous ego as far back as that point of time, because that which was previously in close connection with the higher worlds, then passed into his ego.
At the end of that span of time a child becomes capable of linking its impressions of the outer world to the ideas of its ego. It is true that this coherent ego- conception can only be reckoned as existing as far back as memory extends.
131. From Jesus to Christ: St. John and St. Paul, First Adam and Second Adam 10 Oct 1911, Karlsruhe
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
A human body, but one consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and Ego. And when a man stands before us, it is as an organised assembly of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and Ego.
Now let us suppose that at a certain point of time in life the Ego were to go out from a human organism, so that there stood before us physical, etheric and astral bodies, but not the Ego.
The Christ-Being had now taken up His abode in a human organism, as otherwise the Ego would have done. What now differentiates this Christ Jesus from all other men on Earth? It is this: that all other men bear within them an Ego that once was overcome by Lucifer's temptation, but Jesus no longer bears an Ego within Him; instead, He bears the Christ-Being.
120. Manifestations of Karma: Forces of Nature, Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes and Epidemics in Relation to Karma 22 May 1910, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If these people were not conscious in a lower degree they would not perceive anything, and what matters is that we should on entering the spiritual world maintain the integrity of our Ego-consciousness. With the Ego-consciousness however is linked our power of judgement and our faculty for acute discrimination.
If we acquire a clear insight into, and a true valuation of ourselves, we do so only with the help of those powers which affect our Ego. For this we must make use of our Ego. Therefore we may say that while our Ego struggles with the luciferic powers, Jahveh, or Jehovah, is fighting within us against Lucifer.
This battle upon the Moon is in no way concerned with our inner Ego for on the Moon we did not yet possess our Ego. It is not concerned with anything in which our Ego takes part.
184. Goethe, Comte and Bentham 07 Sep 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We must be quite clear that what is described as the astral body and the ego, do not really come to the consciousness of man by day; in his waking condition there only comes to his consciousness a copy, a mirror-picture of his ego and astral body.
This is the essential—that throughout the waking condition man does not progress beyond experiencing this shadowy side of his Ego and Astral body; and that he cannot become conscious that all the time there is working into his Ego those Beings of the third Hierarchy to which I have just referred.
Yet the whole of modern Science is subject to that deception, All modern Science believes that what we as individual persons experiences inwardly, is somehow produced by the physical and etheric bodies; whereas all the physical and etheric bodies do, is to radiate back our astral body and ego, forming the mirror-image which, while we are awake, we recognise to be our ego and our thoughts, in other words, our astral body.
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: The Mission of Truth 22 Oct 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
But if we look at the Ego, we find that this high member of man's being is imprisoned, as it were, between two extremes. Through his Ego, man is intended to become increasingly a being who has a firm centre in himself.
Just as he may lose himself if he fails to strengthen and enrich his Ego, so, if he thinks of nothing but developing his Ego, he may fall into the other extreme of selfish isolation from all human community.
Just because anger is overcome and a man frees himself from it and rises above it, his selflessness will be enhanced and the selflessness of his Ego continually strengthened. The scene of this interplay between anger and the Ego is the Sentient Soul.
266-I. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes I: 1904–1909: Esoteric Lesson 15 May 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Moderns are only productive during sleep. Consciousness arises when the astral body and ego destroy the physical and etheric bodies during the day. When the astral body and ego become aware of their physical surroundings it's as if the nerves were being torn to pieces.
At night the ego and astral body take in the forces of the spiritual world and stream them into the physical and etheric bodies.
This picture of the physical body has a healing effect on him. Likewise the astral body and ego work upon the rest of man in a strengthening, healing way at night through true pictures out of the spiritual world.
26. The Life, Nature, and Cultivation of Anthroposophy: Understanding of the Spirit and conscious Experience of Destiny 24 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy tells of an inward experience in which one does not lose the sense-world when thinking, but gains the Spirit-world. Instead of penetrating into the ego in which the sense-world is felt to disappear, one penetrates into the Spirit-world in which the ego feels established.
Instead of staring into the world which carries the ego on the waves of fortune and misfortune, one finds the ego which shapes its own fate voluntarily. Instead of striking against the world, on which the ego is dashed to pieces, one penetrates into the self, which feels itself united with the course of events in the world.
And he can look into himself and say: I find there not only my ego but, in addition, a spiritual world is revealed. In an understanding of this kind, a person who really feels—who is not unmoved by—the great riddles of Man and the World, can meet on a common ground with the Initiate who in accordance with his insight is obliged to speak of the outer world of the senses as manifesting not only sensible perceptions but also the impressions of what human souls have done in their life before birth and in past earthly lives, and who has to say of the world of the inner self that it reveals spiritual events which produce impressions and are as effective as the perceptions of the sense-world.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: An Approach to the Therapeutic Way of Thinking
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
[ 2 ] It constitutes the physical basis of the ego-organization. For this has a formative action. This ego-organization uses the silicic acid process, right into those regions of the organism in which the shaping, the forming action borders on the outer and the inner (unconscious) world.
[ 7 ] This special organism will only work correctly if silicic acid is present in such quantities in the organism that the ego organization is able to make full use of it. Any remaining amounts of silicic acid, the astral organization which lies beneath that of the ego must have the power to excrete, either through the urine or in some other way. [ 8 ] Excessive quantities of silicic acid, which are neither excreted nor taken hold of by the ego-organization, must be deposited as foreign substances in the body; through the very form-creating tendency whereby—in the right quantity—they serve the ego-organization, they will then interfere with it.

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