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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 321 through 330 of 2237

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219. Man and the World of Stars: From Man's Living Together with the Course of Cosmic Existence Arises the Cosmic Cult 29 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We know that during the waking state the physical, etheric and astral bodies and the Ego-organism form a relative unity in the human being. In the sleeping state the physical and etheric bodies remain behind in the bed, closely interwoven, and the Ego and the astral body are outside the physical and etheric bodies.
The physical and etheric organism is then in its Winter period. The Ego and astral body are given over to what can stream from the Cosmos to man in his waking state. So when the Ego and astral body come down into the physical and etheric organism, they (i.e. Ego and astral body) have their Summer period. Once more we have the two seasons side by side, but now Winter in the physical and etheric organism, Summer in the Ego and astral body.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture VI 02 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
If one brings the ego into Inspiration, Inspiration represents a healthy, indeed a necessary, step forward in human cognition.
This transformed memory, however, gives the spiritual scientist perception of a more encompassing ego. Now the ego is recognized to be more encompassing. When one has transformed memory, which contains the power of the ego between birth and death, the content of the ego cracks the husk that circumscribes but one lifetime.
One must immerse oneself in the body in such a way that the ego remains outside. One may not take the ego out into the world of Imagination in the way that one must carry the ego out into the world of Inspiration.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture II 06 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This crude procedure already shows one that man is a differentiated warmth organism. The latter is mainly under the influence of the ego—organization or ego. [ 14 ] Thus, we find four elements in man.
Conversely, every single soul that undergoes the act of consecration of man, so that it prepares the ego to become identified with the content of the apocalypse, can become a proper priestly soul. We are egos as human beings.
You have felt how the Apocalypticer says that Christ Jesus anointed him to be a priest; one becomes anointed as soon as one feels how the content of the Apocalypse arose in John and as soon as one feels that people want to become priests today by creating the Apocalypse in themselves so that they experience that their ego is in the Apocalypse. If the ego becomes apocalyptic, the ego is priestly. We will take this up again tomorrow.
118. True Nature of the Second Coming: The Second Coming of Christ in the Etheric World 06 Mar 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
And it was a great advance when, through the teachings of Moses, the World-Ego as the Deity was experienced in such a way that men realised: the Elements of manifested existence, all that is seen with physical eyes—lightning, thunder, and so on—are emanations, deeds of the World-Ego, ultimately of the one World-Ego.
To grasp them as a unity was possible only for the Initiates. But now the World-Ego, grasped for the first time by man himself with the physical instrument of the brain—a faculty that had developed in a specially marked way in Abraham—confronted him, and he conceived the World-Ego as manifesting in the different kingdoms of Nature, in the Elements.
In the pre-Christian age the spirit of Moses had been directed towards the outer world of physical Nature in order to find the Divine World-Ego as Jahve, the World-Ego manifesting in lightning and thunder, in the great revelation from the Elements of laws for men.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Sleeping and Waking in the Light of Recent Studies
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 6 ] It is different in the sleeping state. In sleep, man lives in his astral body and Ego in the germinating life of the Earth. The strongest ‘urge into new life’ is there in the environment of man in dreamless sleep.
It is true that the life remains out of it. If it did not, the Ego of man could not unfold. Nevertheless, the full content of the Universe, in all its greatness, is contained within this picture.
[ 12 ] It is thus: In the waking state man must lift himself with his own Ego-being out of the being of the world, in order to attain to free self-consciousness. And in sleep he unites with the being of the world once more.
12. The Stages of Higher Knowledge: The Stages of Higher Knowledge
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Floyd McKnight

Rudolf Steiner
—The fourth element that comes under consideration in material cognition is the “ego.” In it the union of images and concepts is produced. The ego stores up the image in memory. Otherwise no continuing inner life would be possible.
The ego then remains inactive. Whoever forms images of which the corresponding sensory objects do not actually exist lives in fantasy.
—In ordinary life man has only one “intuition”—namely, of the ego itself, for the ego can in no way be perceived from without; it can only be experienced in the inner life.
115. Wisdom of Man, of the Soul, and of the Spirit: Laws of Nature, Evolution of Consciousness and Repeated Earth Lives 16 Dec 1911, Berlin
Translated by Samuel P. Lockwood, Loni Lockwood

Rudolf Steiner
Well, by means of logic and the theory of knowledge we learn that one is an ego, but in ordinary life one is a very doubtful ego. One is exactly what this ego is filled with at the moment.
True, a little thought can show us that a significant being hides behind the ego or the “I am,” but what we experience we experience in our consciousness precisely as our ego-consciousness, our self-consciousness.
He might have become aware of any number of grandiose facts in the world, but never could he have arrived at ego-consciousness without being incarnated in a physical body. That is where he had to turn for his ego-consciousness.
227. The Evolution of Consciousness: Dream Life 22 Aug 1923, Penmaenmawr
Translated by Violet E. Watkin, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
When in sleep a man is out of his physical and etheric bodies with his Ego and astral body, he finds himself within the being who goes through repeated lives on Earth. What gives inner strength to the sleeping man, what above all is inwardly active in his being, is the Ego together with the astral body.
When the Ego has gone through the gate of death, moral laws take the place that the laws of nature hold in the physical world of the senses. Thus we can say that the Ego, even as a quite small spiritual seed, works upon what it has to carry through after death in the world of the spirit.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture X 10 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
We have heard in these lectures that through the coming of Christ Jesus the forces of the human Ego were to be gradually endowed with those faculties which in the ancient Mysteries could be acquired by man only through the suppression, the dulling, of his Ego.
The one is the condition familiar to the normal man of to-day as prevailing between the times of waking and going to sleep, when his Ego perceives and is aware of the objects of the material world. In the second condition there is no definite consciousness of Ego-hood.
But from now onwards you will experience these things when you let your Ego itself speak, in what your Ego says to you.’—Hence He constantly repeated words: ‘I say unto you!’
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and His Relationship to the Supersensible Worlds 19 Feb 1912, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Fichte, the ego philosopher, wants to construct an entire world out of the ego. Does the creation of the world stop for hours when we are asleep? [We must realize]: During the day we do not have the ego, but the image of the ego, like a figure in the mirror. The mirror image indicates that there is something that we only perceive in the mirror.
The core of the I is there in waking and sleeping, [there it shows itself to us in its reality]. We must ascend to the real grasp of the ego; our soul life will grow and become richer. The ego is to be looked at as if in a chemical laboratory some process.

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