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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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159. The Mystery of Death: The War, an Illness Process 09 May 1915, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Read Fichte (Johann Gottlieb Fichte, 1762–1814) in his struggle in the ego itself, then you have the inspiration of the ego by the folk-soul. This is just the characteristic that this Central European folk-soul is experienced in the ego, and that, hence, the ego is the actually striving force, this ego with all its power, with all its mistakes, with all its wrong tracks and also with all its conscious efforts.
This vivid striving comes from the inspiration of the folk-soul in the ego, from that intimate being together of the ego with the folk-soul. This is a basic characteristic of the Central European spiritual culture.
Christ Himself must come to life in the human ego efficiently. That is why the whole development in Central Europe tends to the ego as in no other European language.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Supplementary Thoughts on the Law of Reincarnation and Karma 23 Jun 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
At the moment man's being only consists of the etheric body, the astral body and the Ego. When man enters a new incarnation the following arises: the Ego descends from the spiritual world with all the imperishable extracts which it has acquired, both those pertaining to the etheric and to the astral body.
But only a superficial judgment induces one to speak like that, for it is not more strange than the fact that when I stand in an open field, I can look out everywhere at an equal distance, for I stand in the middle of the horizon. And through the Ego, I also stand in the centre of the sevenfold human being: physical body, etheric body, astral body, Ego, Spirit-Self, Life Spirit, Spirit-Man.
Sun; the astral body in the second stage, for it was prepared upon the ancient Moon, and the Ego is the baby among the members of the human being, for its development only began with the present earth condition.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture III 03 Dec 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
For people are prejudiced and biased against the spiritual world only in their Ego-consciousness, only in what expresses itself as Ego-consciousness on the physical plane. This is one aspect of mediation between the physical world and the spiritual world.
When his Ego and astral body leave his bodily organism. What the sun does to the plant, the Ego and astral body do to the organs of the human being.
In his Ego and astral body man has emancipated himself from that with which he is really united—namely the forces of the sun and stars.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Ordinary Consciousness and Higher Consciousness 13 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
Particularly here, imaginative, inspired and intuitive knowledge make it abundantly clear that we as human beings attain our ego consciousness initially in the physical world between birth and death and that the attainment of this ego consciousness is linked to the use of the physical body.
Only the Mystery of Golgotha can answer this question. Man could never carry his ego consciousness beyond death unless this ego consciousness, having developed in the physical body, unites with the Christ Who holds and supports it when it would otherwise melt away from the human soul along with the physical body. Ego consciousness has been attained by means of the physical body. In death, along with the physical body, it would leave the soul, if it were not bound up with the Christ Being in the sense of Paul's words, “Not I but the Christ in me,”—for the Christ takes our ego and carries it through death.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: The Introduction of Our vade maecum

Rudolf Steiner
Then a fourth organization, a “fourth human being”, the ego organization, comes to the fore. This ego organization counteracts the physical organization in the same way as the astral organization counteracts the one that depends on the ether organism.
The task is then to recognize through diagnosis where the deficiency lies in the intervention of the ego organization. It may, for example, lie in an overall weakness of the ego organization, so that it does not process enough warmth in the body; it may lie in the fact that one organ system receives too much or too little influence from the ego organization at the expense of another, etc. In all these cases, it is possible to bring the ego organization to its proper level. If one is familiar with the processes of destruction in the natural world, one can always find a substance or a process that, when introduced into the body, will help the ego organization.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture II 31 Oct 1914, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
We can also note how the German philosopher Leibniz [1646–1716] wrote his works in French. That is exactly how the ego relates to the intellectual or mind soul. And when the ego is from the depths of the soul seeking the thing it strives for, something pushes up from the depths of the ego, from unfathomable depths of the ego: the spiritual soul tries to grasp it.
In Central Europe and up north in Scandinavia the national element comes into its own in the I, the ego. It shows differentiation between different regions but overall is experienced by what is called the ego soul.
It is perfectly understandable that strife comes from the people who represent the spiritual soul. If we are really seeking the I, the ego, in Central Europe, let us see if the qualities of the ego can already be brought to bear. I have already stressed, for example, that the ego needs to be fanned to life again every morning.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 01 Jun 1913, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When we see sunlight as esoterics we no longer see it just physically—we know that without sunlight we couldn't feel ourselves as an I, that sunlight has ego-creating power in it. And when we look at the moon with its changing form we know that it's connected with the force that enables us to have descendants.
And we see the moon's four changing shapes and encounter them in the symbol with four roses (or stars) that can be a symbol for the sun's ego-power and the moon's reproductive power. But for this we must be able to read so that we're not just staring at things any more.
And so thinking of the sphere from which we come every morning and at every birth with reverence we can feel EDN resounding in us, and then we know that there's a third sun behind the physical and ego-creating ones, the Christ-force with which we can connect ourselves: ICM—and then we may let the PSSR follow full of hope.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: V. The Fundamental Teachings of Theosophy

H. P. Blavatsky
No more do we, if you mean by Soul the personal Ego, or life-Soul — Nephesh. But every learned Buddhist believes in the individual or divine Ego.
If I, Ananda, when the wandering monk Vacchagotta asked me, 'Is there the Ego?' had answered, 'The Ego is,' would that have served my end, Ananda, by producing in him the knowledge: all existences (dhamma) are non-ego?
What he meant was the difference between the personal temporary Ego and the Higher Self, which sheds its light on the imperishable Ego, the spiritual "I" of man.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: Why Does Man Become Ill?
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
In addition to the astral body, spiritual perception discovers a special ego-organization which expresses itself freely in the soul in thinking. If, with this ego-organization, man submerges himself intensively in his bodily nature, the ensuing condition makes his observation of his own organism similar to that of the external world—it is a fact that if we observe an object or process of the outer world, the idea in man and what he observes are not in a living reciprocal relationship, but are independent of each other.
[ 11 ] We must see the very essence of illness in this intensive union of the astral body or ego-organization with the physical organism. Yet this union is only an intensification of that which exists more lightly in a state of health. Even the normal way in which the astral and ego-organization take hold of the human body, is related not to the healthy processes of life, but to the sick.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 30 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For what happens in sleep? The astral body and ego leave the body, and the physical and etheric bodies remain lying on their resting place, but as I've often mentioned this is only correct to a certain extent. Just as the sun only sets for one part of the globe and arises anew for the other half, so only one part of the physical body rests. The sun of the astral body and ego begins to unfold its activity in the other part. For the astral body and ego are withdrawn from the nervous and blood systems, but they begin to work on the senses and glands during sleep.
For instance, while our eyes are closed at night the forces of the ego and astral body work into them. Whereas our eyes are really sleeping during the day when we're awake.

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