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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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91. Man, Nature and the Cosmos: The Elemental Realms 07 Aug 1905, Haubinda

Rudolf Steiner
The astral body moves up from the second to the third elementary kingdom, the ego from the first to the second elementary kingdom. On Venus, the physical body moves on into the animal kingdom, that is, it is master of pleasure and pain. The etheric body is then in the plant kingdom, the astral body in the mineral kingdom, and the ego is in the third elemental kingdom. Now we move on to the volcano. There it[, the physical body,] is in the actual human kingdom, the etheric body is then in the animal kingdom, the astral body in the plant kingdom, and the ego in the mineral kingdom.
Then it makes plants grow upon it; makes animals walk upon it. And at last it calls forth man. The ego has then become planetary spirit itself. All planets are mineral-become “I”s. [What is radiant planetary matter are I's become mineral.]
128. An Occult Physiology: The Human Form and its Co-ordination of Forces 28 Mar 1911, Prague
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And now, since everything in the human organism constitutes a co-operative unity, the entire nutritional stream must in addition be taken hold of by the forces of the ego, by the blood itself. That is, the instrument of the ego must extend its activity down to where the nutritional stream is taken up.
Thus the ego, by means of its instrument, reaches down even to the nutritive processes, since this transformed blood, in order to be the expression of the ego, works upon almost the first beginnings of the nutritive process.
In other words, the gall is prepared by the instrument of the ego, the blood, through the roundabout way of the liver; and in the gall the ego opposes the nutritional stream.
157a. Festivals of the Seasons: The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Now we all know that the highest member of human nature is the Ego. We learn to utter ‘I’ at a definite time of our childhood. We enter into relation with the Ego from the time to which in later years memory carries us back. This we know through various lectures and books upon Spiritual Science. Up to that time the Ego worked formatively upon us, up to the moment when we have a conscious relation to our Ego. The Ego is present in our childhood, it works within us, but at first only builds up our physical body.
There the Ego remains; it remains practically in the form in which it was bestowed on us by the Spirits of Form.
103. The Gospel of St. John: The Nature of the Virgin Sophia and of the Holy Spirit 31 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
On Saturn, Sun and Moon, the higher self was diffused over the entire cosmos. At that time the Cosmic Ego was spread out over all human kind, but now men have to permit it to work upon them. They must permit this Ego to work upon their previously prepared inner natures.
When he speaks about the Sun, the Spiritual Being of the Sun speaks through him. He is the instrument. His personal ego has been eclipsed, which means that at such moments it has become impersonal and it is the Cosmic Universal Ego that is using his ego as its instrument through which to speak.
The Sun Logos Who can shine into human beings through illumination, the Sun Logos Himself, the Holy Spirit, entered. The Universal-Ego, the Cosmic Ego entered and from then on during three years, the Sun Logos spoke through the body of Jesus.
181. A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future: The Being and Evolution of Man 23 Jul 1918, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Yet again—suppose we looked at ourselves much less abstractly, we talk about ourselves as though we had a “Spiritual centre.” We speak of our Ego and we have the idea: “Our Ego was there in our childhood, and accompanied us further,” and so on; but we really picture it simply as a kind of spiritual centre.
Man does not really identify himself with his living, active, ego, which actually builds his organism from year to year, but he divides it; on the one side he looks at his organism, which he imagines to be solid and enduring, and on the other at his ego, which he makes into an abstraction, a figure of straw.
The true, genuine human ego, concealed as it is, hidden at present from the soul's gaze, differs from life to life. Of course, if we are thinking of the abstraction, “ego,” not of the concrete human ego, we cannot arrive at the idea of the ego being so different from life to life.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture IX 09 Mar 1915, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Living thus outside the head, with the head asleep and ego and astral activity reflected back by the hard skull, we are able to feel the inner ego and the inner astral body to be our own.
During the night, between going to sleep and waking up, the whole ego and the whole astral body—again this is not entirely accurate but merely an approximation—but by far the greater part of the ego and astral body is outside the physical and ether bodies.
It is seemjingly small, but of infinite importance in life: the thought of the I or ego. When we think of the I or ego we always think independently of the body. In so far as we have a relationship to the cosmos through our ego, certain things connected with the ego—even if people are not aware of this in life—are thought in such a way that they are like the branches of a tree, if I may put it like this.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: True Knowledge of the Human Being as a Foundation for the Art of Medicine
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
The astral body must build up its organization within the physical and the etheric; the ego must do the same with regard to the ego organization. But in this building there is no conscious development of the soul life.
The astral body builds up its organs; it destroys them by allowing the soul to develop an activity of feeling within consciousness; the ego builds up its “ego-organization”; it destroys this, in that will-activity becomes active in self-consciousness.
[ 32 ] If we consider the human being on the basis of such a knowledge of man, we become aware that the nature of the whole man, or of any single organ, is only seen with clarity if one knows how the physical, the etheric, the astral body and the ego work in him. There are organs in which the chief agent is the ego; in others the ego works but little, and the physical organization is predominant.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture X 14 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Please hold fast the thought just mentioned in connection with the astral body of the minerals. We have, indeed, still to consider the group-ego of the minerals; that has to be sought in a still higher super-sensible world—in a world not found in the regions where the group-egos of the animals or plants are to be found. Therefore we cannot find it upon the sun. Where then does the group-ego of the minerals reveal itself to occult vision? The peculiar thing about the group-ego of the minerals is, that, strictly speaking, it does not end anywhere when we search in cosmic space; it is in the whole widths of cosmic space and works from there.
From the sun the astral body of the mineral streams out into space; from outside in cosmic Space the ego of the mineral streams in. When these currents are united something takes place which, in a modified way, expresses itself, as it were, in a fructification of the group-ego by the astral body, and by this means alone does the mineral come to its perfection.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Man's Descent into an Earthly Incarnation 21 Jun 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
First of all the Ego surrounds itself with an astral body. This process takes place through the fact that Ego attracts everything astral; the astral substance comes shooting towards it, as it were. It is just as if you were holding a magnet in front of iron filings; even as these filings are attracted in definite forms, so the Ego attracts the astral substance. But while passing through the soul and spirit realms the Ego has gained impressions through its experiences and all these form the fundamental forces which help to build up the new astral body.
Hence we pray: Lead us not into temptation. The Ego can commit errors which we designate as “evil”. Everything which transforms a normal, sound self-consciousness into to evil, that is to say, into selfishness, belongs to these errors of the Ego (which is our own Self).
143. Overcoming Nervousness 11 Jan 1912, Munich
Translated by René M. Querido, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
This exercise is based on the fact that the person's ego is brought consciously into connection with the deed he does, and also that he forms a picture of it. Connecting the ego, that is, the spiritual kernel of man's being, in this way with a pictorial image, sharpens memory.
It is advisable for the strengthening of the ego to reflect on the fact that in all cases we might well refrain from a considerable portion of the judgments we pronounce.

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