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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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125. Yuletide and the Christmas Festival 27 Dec 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But this Ego that has become sinful is rooted in another Ego, a guiltless Ego. Where then, does the Ego that is not yet interwoven with the physical world contact us?
The Ego looks into the surrounding world, is interwoven with the physical plane even before there is any consciousness of Egohood.
Then that Ego will shine into everything acquired by the Ego of your later years!’—And inasmuch as we feel this to be an ideal, it shines before us in Jesus of Nazareth, in whom the Christ subsequently became incarnate.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture III 07 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] We can round out this idea if we realize that the ego-organization—the actual ego in man as he is today—is the receiver of sense impressions. However, the latter are obliterated when the ego-organization leaves the physical and etheric bodies. So that we can say: here are the physical and etheric bodies of the human being, and during sleep the astral body and ego-organization are outside. The ego-organization gives us our sense percepts and sensations when we are awake. There is no sense perception during sleep, because the ego-organization is not in the physical and etheric bodies and because the ego is not receptive for impressions from the environment during that time.
55. The Origin of Suffering the Origin of Evil Illness and Death: What Do We Understand by Illness and Death 13 Dec 1906, Berlin
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
As we have the physical principle concentrated in the teeth, the principle of growth is thus concentrated in puberty. Then the astral body, the sheath of the ego, is free and the ego works upon the astral body. The man of culture in Europe does not follow simply his impulses and desires; he has purified them and transformed them into moral perceptions and ethical ideals. Compare a savage to an average European, or perhaps to a Schiller or Francis of Assisi, and it may be said that the impulses of these men have been purified and transformed by their ego. Thus we can say that there are always two parts of this astral body, one arising out of original tendencies, and the other which the ego itself has brought forth.
When we are able to investigate clairvoyantly how the ego begins to work freely on the astral body and to gain mastery over the desires, impulses and passions, then—if we are able to estimate the amount of energy brought by the ego—we might say: this amount suffices for the ego to work on the transformation for such and such a time and no more.
97. The Structure of the Lord's Prayer 04 Feb 1907, Karlsruhe
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
The fourth principle, the ego, is the primal source of selfishness, of egoism. It is through the efforts and operation of the ego that what was a unity in the Godhead is now diffused among the many. The defection from the divine unity into individualized existence is the work of the ego. Hence Christian teaching attributed to the ego the real origin of self-seeking and egoism. So long as the separate entities were united in the Godhead, conflict could not exist among them.
Only the ego can succumb to evil, which arose through the eating of the apple. In Latin, “malum” means both evil and apple.
161. The Fourfold Nature of the “I” 09 Jan 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
What we experience externally is actually an embodiment of the ego. Let us bear this in mind. It is an embodiment of the ego, and when we speak precisely about the human being, we should say: the human being in his entire form, right down to the blood circulation, is an ego embodied on earth.
Behind this Angelos stands the folk spirit, which is an entity from the series of archangeloi. We will now call this next ego, which again remains hidden, ego 3. Man does not experience this ego 3 directly either. For that which one experiences directly is ego 4. What one sees from the outside is ego 1. And when we perceive the effect of ego 2 from the outside, it is when a person sings or speaks.
208. The World of the Senses, the World of Thought, and Their Beings 22 Oct 1921, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
As described in my last lecture, between death and a new birth our experiences show us the deeds, the will-impulses of our Ego. This state of consciousness in which our Ego then lives, is, as it were, the normal one, even as here, the waking state of consciousness is the normal one. We have seen that here we are built up, as it were, of our physical body, etheric body, astral body and Ego, and there, of the Ego, the Spirit-Self, the Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man, which exist, to begin with, as a preliminary foundation. Between death and a new birth, the Ego is therefore the lowest member. But even as here we are inward1y conscious of our Ego through our waking consciousness, so there, through the corresponding state of consciousness, we grow aware of our Ego as an outer experience; we are conscious of our Ego by looking back upon our past deeds and volitional impulses, which, as already described, we experience as if they were reflected to us from the earth.
177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: Humanity's Struggle for Morality 30 Sep 1917, Dornach
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The etheric body has gone through three stages, the astral body through two stages. The ego has only come in during Earth evolution; it is young and belongs to an entirely different cosmic age.
This created its own element in the physical body; the astral body also created its own element in the physical body, and so did the ego. The physical body thus really has four elements to it. One of these relates to the physical body as such, one to the etheric body, one to the astral body and one to the ego.
But what happens to the element relating to the astral body, which is organized to meet the needs of an astral body that wants to go outside, and with the element relating to an ego which has also gone outside? During the night, these two elements—let us call them the astral physical body and the ego's physical body—are forsaken by the principles on which their whole organization is based.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: VI. Theosophical Teachings as to Nature and Man

H. P. Blavatsky
Here, then, we have Manas (or the Soul in general) in its two aspects: when attaching itself to Anoia (our Kama rupa, or the "Animal Soul" in "Esoteric Buddhism,") it runs towards entire annihilation, as far as the personal Ego is concerned; when allying itself to the Nous (Atma-Buddhi) it merges into the immortal, imperishable Ego, and then its spiritual consciousness of the personal that was, becomes immortal.
But as this question of the duality — the individuality of the Divine Ego, and the personality of the human animal — involves that of the possibility of the real immortal Ego appearing in Seance rooms as a "materialised spirit," which we deny as already explained, our opponents have started the nonsensical charge.
Even the Egyptians held to the Septenary division. In its exit, they taught, the Soul (EGO) had to pass through its seven chambers, or principles, those it left behind, and those it took along with itself.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 17 Feb 1913, Stuttgart
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Again feel the divine forces in e, then the astral s, as we also feel the deepest reverence and devotion. A modern esoteric knows that his ego and astral body leave the physical and etheric bodies behind every night. He should then imagine that a demon took possession of his physical and etheric bodies and that the ego and astral body couldn't go back into their dwelling.
We should repeat these three words every morning and accompany them with a feeling of deepest thankfulness that we've sunk our ego-consciousness back into the temple that the Gods built for us during Saturn, Sun and Moon evolution. We no longer have our ego-consciousness at death. Ancient Atlanteans still entered the spiritual worlds with full consciousness at death.
213. Human Questions and World Answers: Twelfth Lecture 21 Jul 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In the first stage of knowledge, he would have to become clear about the human being's position in the world, insofar as this position is contained in the human ego itself. So this life in the ego and this striving to overcome the ego as the first level of knowledge. The second view of the world would consist in the fact that, after one begins to shed the ego in a certain sense, one no longer sees the world from one's prejudiced point of view, as one used to do before, when one had not even begun to shed the ego.
The first view shows us the world without our finding our ego in it. We lose ourselves to the world. The second view allows us to gain something of the ego, and then, gradually, a multitude of beings comes towards us from the world.

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