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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 401 through 410 of 2237

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148. The Fifth Gospel III: First Munich Lecture 08 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
In that moment, as his self was wringing itself free, it shone in him for a moment what this self truly was: the consciousness of one's own ego as that of Zarathustra. He felt himself to be Zarathustra's ego, shining for a moment as if shining. But it seemed to him as if this ego went out of him and left him alone again, so that he was again the one, only greater, grown, who he had been in his twelfth year of life.
For in this physical, etheric and astral body dwelt all that came from the ego of Zarathustra. Although the Zarathustra ego had withdrawn, all its impressions had remained. This had the effect that in this remarkable personality, which Jesus of Nazareth now was, after the ego of Zarathustra had departed from him, something very special was.
157a. The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death: Spiritual Life in the Physical World and Life Between Death and Rebirth 16 Nov 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
In a sense we regard the life during these days from the standpoint of the Ego. We see in particular everything in which our Ego was interested. We see the relations which we have with a person, but we see them in a connection with the results we ourselves obtained from them.
We might say: “If we were unable to die we could never experience a spiritual Ego. For we owe the possibility of experiencing a spiritual Ego to the fact that we can die physically.” Thus lie the facts for our Ego. The Ego is strengthened and invigorated through our experiencing those first days after death, in which we are still within our etheric body.
56. Man, Woman and Child 09 Jan 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
However, the human being owns the force of the ego only, hence, he may be regarded as a crown of creation. That personality felt the depth of the word “I” who spoke: the ego is, was and will be there. True knowledge of the ego is the highest form of knowledge. The ego-knowledge stands behind the “veiled picture at Sais.” “No mortal being has lifted my veils.” The true ego-knowledge is possible only to that human force which is immortal. Only the supersensible in the human being recognises the immortal.
57. The Invisible Elements of Human Nature and Practical Life 18 Feb 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Any experience of the ego imprints itself on the astral body. Here all experiences of the ego express themselves. Any momentary imagining, judging and feeling originate in the human being that way.
As with the plant only malformation could originate if the etheric body or life body did not regulate what goes forward, an internal malformation originates in the human being if he works wrong inside, from the ego on the lower members. The astral body must be penetrated by the experiences of the ego in a healthy way.
The innermost member of the human being is thereby stimulated; spiritual science works immediately on the ego. If we hear anything about the evolution of the planets, if to us is told about the invisible members of the human nature, what goes from life to life with the human being—with all that one appeals immediately to the ego.
109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: The Configuration and Metamorphoses of Man's Physical Body 08 Jun 1909, Budapest
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
Man of the present age confronts us as an assemblage of physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego—the bearer of the ego, which means complete independence. Neither the ego nor the astral body are the most perfect members of man's being by reason of being more spiritual; the physical body, a structure consisting of the most wonderful components, is the most perfect member.
The occultist knows that such a consciousness, dull and comprehensive, without the pertinent ego, is present in a physical stone, and that if the stone could be articulate it would be able to do what the girl did.
1 They were not men as we are today but merely made use of the then “physical” body in order to experience their human epoch, to acquire ego consciousness. These sublime beings therefore acquired ego consciousness on Saturn and used the human body as a vehicle deputizing as their bodily dwelling place.
63. On Death 27 Nov 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If we can remember, we know how everything that we have experienced is connected with the ego. We sit down as it were beside our ego and feel united with all our conscious experiences. Our egoity is warranted only because we feel united with the ego with all mental experiences.
As the flame of the candle originates by consuming the fuel, the human ego emerges from the forces of death. You would never experience this ego if you did not carry death in your body.
The ego becomes something that one does not like. From a thought, which accompanies you, otherwise, always in life without which you are not there while awake, the ego becomes something that you do not have in yourself that you face like a flame emerging from the picture of the physical death: the ego becomes memory.
142. The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul: Lecture V 01 Jan 1913, Cologne
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey

Rudolf Steiner
Matthew's Gospel, we find Zarathustra reincarnated: and we have emphatically stated that in the other Jesus-child, the one described by St. Luke, there was no such human ego as is usually to be found, and certainly not as the one existing in the other Jesus-child, in whom lived such a highly evolved ego as that of Zarathustra.
We have therefore to do with a soul that is only ego-like, one that naturally acts as an ego when it permeates the body of Jesus: but which in all it displays is yet quite different from an ordinary ego.
We know further that the body of the Matthew-Jesus was forsaken by the Zarathustra ego, and that in the twelfth year of the Luke-Jesus his body was taken possession of by that same Zarathustra-ego.
165. The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Now we all know that the highest member of human nature is the Ego. We learn to utter ‘I’ at a definite time of our childhood. We enter into relation with the Ego from the time to which in later years memory carries us back. This we know through various lectures and books upon Spiritual Science. Up to that time the Ego worked formatively upon us, up to the moment when we have a conscious relation to our Ego. The Ego is present in our childhood, it works within us, but at first only builds up our physical body.
There the Ego remains; it remains practically in the form in which it was bestowed on us by the Spirits of Form.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture XIII 22 Jun 1915, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
As you know, when we are asleep we are outside the physical and ether bodies with our astral body and ego. The physical and ether bodies are lying on the couch; with our astral body and ego we are outside them.
Our consciousness cannot take it in, but it is there and it is experienced. The astral body and the ego are normally so far away from the physical and ether bodies during sleep that these are not aware of anything that goes on in the astral body and the ego. Dreams arise when the astral body and the ego come so close to the physical and ether bodies that the ether body is able to receive impressions of what goes on in the astral body and the ego.
157a. The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Now we all know that the highest member of human nature is the Ego. We learn to utter ‘I’ at a definite time of our childhood. We enter into relation with the Ego from the time to which in later years memory carries us back. This we know through various lectures and books upon Spiritual Science. Up to that time the Ego worked formatively upon us, up to the moment when we have a conscious relation to our Ego. The Ego is present in our childhood, it works within us, but at first only builds up our physical body.
There the Ego remains; it remains practically in the form in which it was bestowed on us by the Spirits of Form.

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