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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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35. Esoteric Development: Psychological Foundations of Anthroposophy Bologna
Translated by Gertrude Teutsch, Olin D. Wannamaker, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
If one wishes to employ a comparison with a fact taken from ordinary life, it may be said that the entering of the ego into union with a spiritual content is now experienced as one experiences the entering of the ego into union with a mental picture retained in memory.
A further displacement in the simple facts of consciousness is caused by Critical Idealism through the fact that it leaves out of account the question of the factual relationship existing between the cognitional content and the ego. If one assumes a priori that the ego, together with the content of laws of the world reduced to the form of ideas and concepts, is outside the transcendental, it will be simply self-evident that this ego cannot leap beyond itself—that is, that it must always remain outside the transcendental.
Therefore, one will arrive at a better conception of the ego from the viewpoint of the theory of knowledge, not by conceiving the ego as inside the bodily organization and receiving impressions “from without,” but by conceiving the ego as being itself within the law-conformity of things, and viewing the bodily organization as only a sort of mirror which reflects back to the ego through the organic bodily activity the living and moving of the ego outside the body in the transcendental.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
If this were so, definite willing, feeling, and thinking would take place in man, but they could not be so synthetised that the consciousness which expresses itself as an ego-experience could arise in the human soul. This becomes specially evident when the consciousness develops the quality of clairvoyance. Man's ego-experience can at first only take place in the physical world, when he is invested with his physical body.
Man then feels himself in a still higher sphere than the spiritual world so far known to him. We will call this world in which only the ego can experience itself, the super-spiritual world. From it even the region of thought-reality seems an outer world.
266-I. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes I: 1904–1909: Notes From a Private Lesson 31 Dec 1903, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When his eyes opened completely to physical light, when maya's veil placed itself before the spiritual world, man's astral body received impressions from the surroundings via the physical and etheric bodies and transmitted them to the ego, from where they entered men's consciousness. Thereby he became continuously active. But what worked on him in this way wasn't plastic, formative forces that corresponded to his own nature; it was forces that consumed and killed him to awaken his ego-consciousness. Only at night when he dived down into the rhythmic spiritual world that was homogeneous to him did he strengthen himself anew so that he could send forces to the etheric and physical bodies again. The life of the single ego, ego-consciousness arose from the conflict of impressions, from the killing of the astral organs that worked unconsciously in man before.
Now the forces that rekindled life in the dead remnants of previous astral organs and molded them plastically had to come out of this awakened ego-consciousness. Mankind moves toward this goal, it's guided towards it by its teachers, leaders and great initiates, whose symbol is the snake.
266-I. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes I: 1904–1909: Esoteric Lesson 31 Dec 1903, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When his eyes opened completely to physical light, when maya's veil placed itself before the spiritual world, man's astral body received impressions from the surroundings via the physical and etheric bodies and transmitted them to the ego, from where they entered men's consciousness. Thereby he became continuously active. But what worked on him in this way wasn't plastic, formative forces that corresponded to his own nature; it was forces that consumed and killed him to awaken his ego-consciousness. Only at night when he dived down into the rhythmic spiritual world that was homogeneous to him did he strengthen himself anew so that he could send forces to the etheric and physical bodies again. The life of the single ego, ego-consciousness arose from the conflict of impressions, from the killing of the astral organs that worked unconsciously in man before.
Now the forces that rekindled life in the dead remnants of previous astral organs and molded them plastically had to come out of this awakened ego-consciousness. Mankind moves toward this goal, it's guided towards it by its teachers, leaders and great initiates, whose symbol is the snake.
The Principle of Spiritual Economy: Introduction
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Peter Mollenhauer
On the other hand, I was reluctant to, but finally did, choose “ego” for German Ich, which in English can mean “I” or “self.” Steiner once described the ego as “that which says ‘I’ to itself,” but once, in the first lecture of the present book, he uses both Ich and “ego” to designate the same entity in different physical bodies. I felt that even though the current use of “ego" in psychology and popular speech can conjure up imprecise and misleading feelings, it is nevertheless a term to which many modern American readers ascribe a soul quality. Whenever Steiner uses the word Ich, which I have rendered in these lectures with “ego,” it should be understood to mean the fourth body or principle with which the human being has been endowed—the other three being the physical, the etheric, and the astral bodies.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Answers to Questions from Lecture 14 04 Sep 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
In earlier times man's etheric body was still outside his physical body, and so also, of course, was his Ego-consciousness. His soul worked on the physical body from outside. The horse today has its etheric body still outside.
If it is given the form of a body, one speaks of the astral body. The Ego is the centre of the person. Kama plays into it, and Manas also. Thus the Ego comprises a mixture of Kama and Manas.
How does suggestion work? Suggestion works on the Ego. The higher bodies are drawn out of the physical body, and then the Ego-body, without the physical brain, unconsciously follows the hypnotiser.
Universe, Earth and Man: Introduction
Translated by Harry Collison

Marie Steiner
In the hard struggle to recover the faculty of spiritual perception, once given to man and now lost, but which must be regained through the power of the ego, through the death and re-birth of the personality, the ego-being of striving humanity grows strong. When man consciously grasps this ego-being he can rise and unite himself once more with the Godhead. That this might come to pass the Divine Ego descended—once—to earth.
The personality had to come into being, it had to comprehend itself, to take itself in hand and recognize itself as a centre, to confront and then overcome itself, to learn to die, that it might realize itself again as a free ego-being whose central point is the Divine Ego. This is the path of western esotericism; the European cannot avoid it.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Clairvoyance 30 Oct 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Self-awareness is something completely different. The thought of the ego is exclusive and cannot be compared to any other. There is now a way to work on the ego in such a way that, just as it is only within itself in ordinary self-awareness, its entire world of thought is shaped from the center of the ego in the same way that the thought of the ego usually occurs.
He then produces thoughts in the same sense as he previously produced thoughts of the ego. This stage of ego development can be attained. Through correct meditation in a certain sense, a person can come to relate to his world of thoughts in the same way as he previously related to his ego. Two sentences in “Light on the Path” have the power, when applied in the right way, to bring the ego to this point of view. They are not mere abstract sentences, but are written out of the astral experience of thousands of years.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Life of the Soul in Kamaloka 24 Aug 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
The etheric body, which permeates the physical body with a delicate luminosity. The astral body. The Ego-body or consciousness body. This “Ego-body” contains: Spirit-Self, or Manas, partly developed, party still in embryo.
In the case of ordinary men, then, we have two corpses, of the physical and etheric bodies; we are left with the astral body and the Ego. If we are to understand this condition we must realise that in his earthly life a man's consciousness depends entirely on his senses.
They denied themselves many things; they ennobled their desires and so forth. The more a man uses his Ego to work on himself, the more rays will you see spreading out from the bluish sphere which is his Ego-centre.
57. The Four Temperaments 04 Mar 1909, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
People in whom the ego predominates seek to triumph over all obstacles, to make their presence known. Accordingly their ego stunts the growth of the other members; it withholds from the astral and etheric bodies their due portion.
Even subtler external traits can be found. The inwardness of the ego, the choleric's self-contained inwardness, express themselves in eyes that are dark and smoldering. The sanguine, whose ego has not taken such deep root, who is filled with the liveliness of his astral body, tends by contrast to have blue eyes.

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