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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 431 through 440 of 2237

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109. The Principle of Spiritual Economy: The God of the Alpha and the God of the Omega 25 May 1909, Berlin
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
The moment we devotedly give ourselves to the teaching, we are transported into another world. Our ego is then united with the spiritual world out of which it was born. Thus, when we think in a spiritual scientific way, we are with our ego in our spiritual home, at the fountainhead from which it came.
It is because in the course of the ages consciousness of the spiritual world has become weaker and weaker in the ego. In the Atlantean epoch the ego during sleep saw itself surrounded by divine-spiritual beings, but after the Atlantean catastrophe the ego was pushed out into the world of the senses and increasingly lost its capacity to gaze into the world that it inhabits during sleep.
When Zarathustra's astral body reappeared in Hermes and his etheric body in Moses, his ego—whose development had steadily progressed—was able to form a new astral body and a new etheric body for the new incarnation, commensurate with the full powers of the ego.
107. The Being of Man and His Future Evolution: Rhythms in the Being of Man 12 Jan 1909, Berlin
Translated by Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
You will remember that there are certain relationships between man's ego, astral body, etheric body and physical body. What there is to say about the fourth member, the ego, is best seen if we bear in mind the two alternating states of consciousness experienced by the ego in the course of the twenty-four hours of the day. One day with its twenty-four hours, during which the ego experiences day and night, sleeping and waking, will be seen as a kind of unity. So when we say that what the ego goes through in a day is based on the number one, we shall have to say that the number that corresponds in a similar way to our astral body is the number seven.
So whilst the ego goes through its cycle in a day, the astral body goes considerably slower, and carries out its cycle in seven days.
136. Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature: Lecture II 04 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now we know that in our own astral body is embedded what may be called the higher principles of man's nature, which at first we understand as the ego embedded in our astral body. We have already said that our astral body is plunged into the region of the Spirits of the Rotation of Time; that it is immersed in the surging sea, as it were, of these spirits; but as regards the normal consciousness our ego is still more asleep than the astral body.
And since, in the way described, man is united with and immersed in this plurality, if he is still asleep in his ego and awake in his astral body, he feels as if he were dismembered in the world of the Spirits of the Rotation of Time.
Just as we say with regard to man: “behind his astral body is his ego ”—so do we say that behind all that we call the totality of the Spirits of the Rotation of Time is hidden the Spirit of the Planet itself, the Planetary Spirit.
152. Prelude to the Mystery of Golgotha: Progress in the Knowledge of the Christ: The Fifth Gospel 27 May 1914, Paris

Rudolf Steiner
What appears to us in Michelangelo's Sibyls and Prophets represents the two poles: On the one hand, the tendency of the ego to fall into disorder, on the other hand, the Jewish prophetic search to bring the ego forces into order. Human nature was seething around the actual awareness of the ego, which was to occur at that time. If the danger had not been averted, dark prophetic and Sibylline forces would today be chaotically mixed up in our ego.
Without ego consciousness, as in a higher dream life, Jesus of Nazareth was driven onto the path to John the Baptist: Jesus of Nazareth, who had breathed out his Zarathustra ego in conversation with his mother.
224. The Cosmic Word and Individual Man 02 May 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Adam Bittleston

Rudolf Steiner
To speak of the human being as consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, Ego, and so on, is really very abstract. For this reason we have tried on many occasions to describe what is really meant by these members of man's being.
We know that when, under earthly conditions, the human being goes to sleep, the etheric body remains within the physical body, and that—as we have always described it—the astral body and the Ego leave this physical body and etheric body. The life of the astral body and Ego is still so weak, at the present stage of their cosmic development, that they are not capable of conscious experience between falling asleep and awakening.
From falling asleep to awakening, this musical activity continues. And the Ego and astral body, which are outside the physical and etheric body, receive strong impressions from this—from what they have left behind, the resounding music in the etheric body.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: The Mission of the Hebrews 20 Sep 1909, Basel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
The Ego had not, as in normal circumstances, been stirred into activity by its own forces, but from outside.
But being nearer to the Earth this force now worked as more than an inspiration; it had an actual formative effect upon the Ego of John. Under the influence of the visit of her who is there called ‘Mary’, the Ego of John the Baptist awoke into activity. The Nirmanakaya of Buddha was here working upon the Ego of the former Elijah—now the Ego of John the Baptist—wakening it and penetrating right into the physical substance.
154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: Awakening Spiritual Thoughts 05 May 1914, Basel
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
We know from our studies in spiritual science that when we fall asleep, two members of our being, the ego and the astral body, leave the physical and etheric bodies. Where are the ego and the astral body when we are asleep?
When ego and astral body “set” for our blood and nervous system, they rise for the other organs and are linked all the more strongly with them.
From this follows that it is of some consequence how we enter sleep with our ego and astral body. Materialists will not care much about what happens in sleep to their ego and astral body, which they never mention anyway.
204. Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy: Lecture IX 24 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
When he woke up in the morning, he submerged with his ego and astral body into his physical and etheric bodies. A close connection developed between his ego and astral body and his etheric body and physical corporeality.
While it was muted throughout most of the day by external perceptions, when these people fell asleep, they carried with them what they had thus experienced and received into their astral body and ego. Then, when their ego was alone with its astral body, these experiences arose powerfully in the form of true dreams.
Basically, from the moment of falling asleep until awakening, the human being experiences nothing of significance, because his whole manner of experiencing is calculated for the isolated human organism, which in turn affects the ego with those forces that have nothing to do with the cosmos. This is why the ego is dulled from the moment of falling asleep until waking up.
59. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience II: What is Mysticism? 10 Feb 1910, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
We said also that inner truth, as we may call it, arises in the intellectual soul. When the ego then works further on what it has gained on its way to the intellectual soul, it raises itself to the consciousness soul, where for the first time a clear knowledge of the ego is possible, and where man is led out from inner life to a real knowledge of the world.
For it belongs to the nature of our soul-life that we pass from the multiplicity of sense-perceptions, the flow and ebb of perceptions and feelings and the rich variety of thoughts, to a simplification; for the ego, the centre-point of our life, is always working to create unity in our entire life of soul. It is clear, then, that when the mystic treads the path of soul-experiences, they come before him in such a way that everything manifold and multiple strives towards the unity prescribed by the ego.
Mysticism leads to unity; but its recognition of the divine ground of the world as a unity derives from the nature of the ego, the inner constitution of the soul. The ego sets its seal of unity when the mystic looks up to the Divine Spirit.
314. Meetings with Practicing Physicians: Second Discussion 23 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
This can be achieved by acting on the ego organization with, so to speak, intensified sensory stimuli (sensory stimuli act on the ego organization).
The substance of the Emperor's mushroom, with its special content of organized nitrogen, works in such a way that an effect emanates from the head, which, through the ego organization, makes the ether body more lively and increases its affinity to the astral body. The healing process was supported by eurythmy therapy, which sets the ego organization itself in lively activity.
In a piece of calf muscle, you see a very intimate connection between the ego, the astral body, the aetheric body and the physical body. This is the normal constitution in this respect.

Results 431 through 440 of 2237

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