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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 441 through 450 of 2237

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343. Lectures on Christian Religious Work II: Twentieth Lecture 06 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Now, as you know, the human being, as he walks on earth, first has a firm connection with the physical and etheric bodies, and then these have a looser connection with the astral body and the ego – during sleep, these two are detached – and then again has a firm connection with the astral body and the ego.
This is to suggest that, to a certain extent, the currents from the spiritual life extend into the astral life, and that the human being himself — precisely as he crosses the axes of his eyes, as he can fold his hands, as he can touch one hand with the other — comes to perceive the self through the crossing of the curves here on the chasuble representing the astral body. When we now ascend to the ego, it is the case that what man calls his ego is, in fact, most separate in human consciousness; it is the case that man, through his ego, has, in fact, his particular relationship to the outer world, that he can either consciously establish this relationship to the external world, which is established by the ego, or that he can also withdraw into his ego, that this is something that is only loosely connected to the unconscious being. Therefore, everything that is an outer work, such as the head covering, or everything that the priest only wears, symbolically points to the ego. Everything that can be taken off at the altar, everything that the priest only wears, everything that can really be taken off or put on, actually belongs to the ego area.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture X 18 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And the Ego must decide in complete freedom, voluntarily, to receive the Christ. This it is with which we are concerned, this is the point.
Let us suppose, leaving aside the physical and etheric body, that the astral body of man during the Lemurian development was represented by the circle A-B-C, and the Ego was the circle enclosed (a) in that astral body. [ 22 ] The Ego gradually entered the astral body.
Christianity is only at its beginning. But let us take the Ideal; the man's ‘Ego’ has voluntarily, with complete free will, allowed the Christ's force to flow into him. When the Ego has progressed so far that it has filled itself with the Christ, then this Christ force irradiates the astral body also.
159. The Subconscious Forces 09 May 1915, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When you read Fichte, who strives within the Ego itself, you will find that the Folk-soul inspires the Ego. It is characteristic that the Central European Folk-Soul is experienced in the Ego, so that the Ego is the truly striving part, the Ego with all its strength and errors, with all its mistakes and victories.
This living striving comes from the Folk-soul's inspiration, of the Ego, from that intimate connection of the Ego with the Folk-soul. This is a fundamental quality of the Central-European civilisation of the spirit.
Christ himself must become active within the human Ego. For this reason, in Central Europe the. whole development tends towards what we call the Ego, the “Ich.”
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture VIII 16 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
What is the human brain for? It serves as a support for the ego. The animal, let it be remembered, has as yet no ego; its brain is only on the way to ego-formation.
In animal manure, there is therefore more of the potential ego element, since the animal itself does not reach ego-hood. For this reason, animal dung and human dung are completely different. Animal dung still contains ego-potentiality. In manuring a plant, we bring this ego-potentiality into contact with the plant's root.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Understanding of the Spirit; Conscious Experience of Destiny 24 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy tells of an inward experience in which one does not lose the sense-world when thinking, but gains the Spirit-world. Instead of penetrating into the ego in which the sense-world is felt to disappear, one penetrates into the Spirit-world in which the ego feels established.
Instead of staring into the world which carries the ego on the waves of fortune and misfortune, one finds the ego which shapes its own fate voluntarily. Instead of striking against the world on which the ego is dashed to pieces, one penetrates into the self, which feels itself united with the course of events in the world.
And he can look into himself and say: I find there not only my ego but, in addition, a spiritual world is revealed. [ 19 ] In an understanding of this kind, a person who really feels—who is not unmoved by—the great riddles of Man and the World, can meet on a common ground with the Initiate who in accordance with his insight is obliged to speak of the outer world of the senses as manifesting not only sense-perceptions but also the impressions of what human souls have done in their life before birth and in past earthly lives, and who has to say of the world of the inner self that it reveals spiritual events which produce impressions and are as effective as the perceptions of the sense-world.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore it is necessary for man's being that there should exist in his etheric body the two opposing forces, the capacity for transformation into other beings, and the strong ego-feeling, or feeling of self. Neither of these forces of the human soul can be unfolded in physical existence except in a deadened form.
[ 2 ] Again, the second force necessary for the etheric body—the strong ego-feeling—should not be projected into the soul's life within the physical world in the same way as is appropriate for it in the elemental world.
[ 3 ] If the strong ego-feeling passes from the etheric to the physical body, it not only effects a strengthening of egoism, but a weakening of the etheric body.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Higher Significance of the Gospel of St. John 06 Nov 1909, Bremen

Rudolf Steiner
Man can form a certain idea of the wisdom-filled cause if he seeks to regard his own ego as a drop and the divine being as an ocean in which all ideas are contained. “In the beginning was the Logos” (John 1:1) can be translated as: “Before there was a visible world, there was the spiritual one, in which all the egos of humanity are rooted.”
Understanding from soul to soul, the cooperation of separated egos outside of blood relationship has only become possible with the appearance of Jesus. At the marriage at Cana, the mother was still a partner in the blood bond, which the Samaritan woman, as a stranger by blood, proves that the power of the ego penetrated into the alien soul.
13. An Outline of Occult Science: The Evolution of the Cosmos and Man
Translated by Henry B. Monges, Maud B. Monges, Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Heretofore, these bodies developed without this human ego up to the stage at which the ego came in touch with them. [ 5 ] Spiritual science must go still further back in its research, if it wishes to answer the following questions: How did the three bodies reach the stage of evolution at which they were able to receive an ego into themselves, and how did this ego itself come into existence and acquire the capacity to be active within these bodies?
Man would have become conscious of his ego, but only as an earth-ego. This was averted by the above-mentioned event, involving the life body, caused by the earth-moon beings. The actual individual ego was released from the mere earth-ego to such a degree that man felt himself only partially as his own ego during earth life; at the same time he felt that his own earth-ego was an extension of the earth-ego of his forebears throughout the generations.
143. Nervous Conditions in Our Time 11 Jan 1912, Munich
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
And now I quietly go away; and I shall see, if I only do this once, I shall not always succeed in finding it again quickly; but if I do it often, I shall see that my forgetfulness by-and-by disappears.’ The effect of this exercise is that the Ego is brought into connection with the fact, with the deed I do, and that a picture is developed. This bringing-together of the soul and spirit—the Ego, the kernel of our being,—and the pictorial image, can most effectively sharpen one's memory.
A most important means of strengthening the control of the Ego over the astral body is to set forth what is to be said for and against one and the same thing.
And that is important, for it greatly strengthens the control of the Ego over the astral body. You will do very much for the strength of your will, if you try to carry out what I am now describing.
345. The Essence of the Active Word: Lecture IV 14 Jul 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
The Mystery of Golgotha appears as a cosmic fact of free will which has come about within the development of humanity in such a way, that the ego consciousness is awakened. Now, you know the remainder of the important facts which are linked to the appearance of the ego consciousness.
As long as we stand in the imagination of the Father God, the imagination is fulfilled so that we can say: ‘When a human being is aware of his ego nature then he feels that within his ego is the inner working of the Father God in his soul.’ The Father God distils in a certain way a drop of his own Being which remains connected to the entire spiritual sea of the Father God, to the beings of individuals and every person can say to himself: ‘The Father God is alive in me, the abundance of the Father God lives in me.’
We can find examples of these facts everywhere in the New Testament where the Gospels were expressed in a time when revelation was given through grace from the spiritual cosmos to mankind which had not yet moved from the partially developed ego consciousness into the fully developed ego consciousness. All other facts need to be judged according to this basic fact.

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