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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 461 through 470 of 2237

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353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: The Effect of the Cemetery Atmosphere on People 01 Mar 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
So there one could directly study how the carbonic acid water, which, as I have explained to you once, has a particularly strong effect on the ego and on thinking, in turn has an effect on the ego and the etheric body, and in the etheric body in turn balances the destructive effect of what seeped from the cemetery into the village stream.
It has a balancing effect. It has an effect on the ego. It is certainly strengthening. It must be possible to look at this from a health point of view. It also has a balancing effect.
This invisible God, what is he? He is the one who has an effect on the human ego. So: 4. Jews: I spiritual (Yahweh) The Jews came upon the ego as a spiritual being and called it Jahve.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VIII 12 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
We have seen how the various earth-beings are connected with spiritual-beings. Stones and the minerals of the earth have their ego in that which surrounds us in the universe. Plants have their ego localised in the centre of the earth-planet, while their astral principle, which brings about the development of the flower, encircles them above the earth.
Where egos are united within the group-soul there is no true love. Beings must be separated from each other so that love may be offered as a free gift. Only by such a separation as has come about in the human kingdom, where ego meets ego as independent individual, has love as a free gift become possible. This is why an increasing individualism and a uniting of separate individuals had to come about on earth.
158. The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman: Lecture III 22 Nov 1914, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Now we must not imagine that we are present in this interplay with our full Ego. Our earthly Ego, the Ego that we have acquired in the course of earth evolution, can only come to its full consciousness in the physical body. Not until the time of Jupiter will the Ego be able to unfold itself completely within the etheric body. In all that takes place within the etheric body the real Ego of the human being has no immediate part.
When he is walking along a road in the daytime with his ordinary consciousness, his etheric body is properly in his physical body and he perceives with his Ego-consciousness what one is normally able to perceive with the Ego-consciousness. But now suppose that he is walking along a path by night.
156. Occult Reading and Occult Hearing: The Human Being and his Relationship to the World 03 Oct 1914, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When I am confronting a human being, I am within him with my astral body and Ego. If I were not to confront him with my organism I should not see him. The fact that I can see him is due to my organism; but with my astral body and Ego I am within him.
Occult reading begins when man experiences himself in the astral body—just as in the physical world he experiences himself in the Ego—and when the experiences of the astral body are reflected in the etheric body, not as is the case in the physical world, when the experiences of the Ego are reflected in the physical body.
We are not, as I have also told you to-day, wholly within the objects outside us; we are not only in them with our Ego and astral body; but in waking consciousness the Ego also sends part of itself into the physical body.
228. Man As A Picture of The Living Spirit 02 Sep 1923, London
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Truth is, we never bring our real and inmost Ego with us from the spiritual world into the physical and earthly; we leave it in the spiritual world.
I will now show how you can see this picture-character of man more clearly. Let us imagine ourselves asleep. The Ego is away from the physical and etheric body; the astral body too is away. Now it is the Ego which works in the blood of man and in his movements. In sleep the movements cease, inasmuch as the Ego is away; the blood however goes on working, and yet the Ego is not there. We need only think of the physical body and we must ask ourselves: What happens to it while we are asleep?
275. Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom: Future Jupiter and Its Beings 03 Jan 1915, Dornach
Translated by Pauline Wehrle, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
And this creature, with a physical body, etheric body and astral body that arises out of moral actions, is predestined to receive an ego, just as in the Moon period our physical, etheric and astral body were predestined to receive an ego. They have the basis for receiving an ego, and beings of this kind are qualified to undergo a regular progressive evolution in the cosmos. The other beings, the demons created out of immoral actions, also have an astral body, an etheric body and a physical body, at the watery stage, of course, but they do not have the basis for developing an ego.
It is very difficult really to acquire the attitude that one's own ego brings one one's destiny. But it is true that with our own ego we bring ourselves our destiny, and we get the impulses for this in the life between death and a new birth according to our earlier incarnations, so that we can bring ourselves our destiny.
350. Rhythms in the Cosmos and in the Human Being: On The Deeper Causes of the World War Catastrophe 16 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
He can sleep well, so he brings his astral body and his ego body out, but he is still disturbed by the fact that he has not solved his arithmetic problem. If the astral body and the ego body had now slipped into his physical body and into his ether body, then he would have woken up and would have been unable to do anything again, probably not solving the task again.
It does not even occur to his astral body and his ego to enter. Yes, who is doing the calculating now? Now the physical body and the etheric body are doing the calculating, and the etheric body is capable of doing the whole calculation, which it cannot do if the astral body and the ego are inside.
Now imagine: if the head takes up the astral body and the ego more easily than the lower part, then the astral body can be in the head earlier, but not yet in the lower part.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): The law concerning the stages of the perfecting of human qualities 07 Sep 1910, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The fact of the withdrawal of the astral body and ego from the physical and etheric bodies during sleep is familiar to you. The astral nature and the ego on expanding into the more immediate universe, derive thence the forces needed during waking life.
By sinking down into his inner being, by being compressed within his ego, and concentrated into one point, by desiring to be nothing else than an ego—this is what renders man incapable of experiencing anything except the satisfaction of his own wishes and desires.
Before this Event there never had been a physical and etheric body in existence capable of experiencing complete inner penetration by the ego. Up till then no human ego had really taken possession of a physical and etheric body. This occurred for the first time through the Deed of Christ.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Eleventh Lecture 18 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Today I would like to call this passage before your soul as it is really meant: You have died, and your ego is separated from you and united with Christ in the spiritual world; but when Christ, who bears your ego, has himself appeared before the vision, then you too will reveal yourselves with him.
Not the earlier souls had died, for then they had not yet shared in the fate of the body, but you belong to the fate of the generation of those who have died, that is, your souls share in the fate of the body; for that which you carry here as an ego consciousness through your physical body is only an image of your true ego. Before the Mystery of Golgotha, although people had looked into their own selves and had glimpsed this true self, it was not yet separate from the human being.
And through feelings that can be stimulated in you by an understanding of these things, you will present to people a truth about the dying of the ego consciousness in the physical body, which is indeed a depressing truth for human beings, but also the uplifting truth of the salvation of the true human ego, in that the Christ can lead the ego through death.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Ebb and Flow of Power in the Macrocosm and Microcosm N/A

Rudolf Steiner
They had not gone through the development of the ego and the astral body in man, they had remained there, therefore they can only work in the microcosm when the ego and the astral body have separated out, that is during the state of sleep. In the microcosmic ego and astral body they had not internalized themselves, there they were outside, remaining in the macrocosm.
During the day and night, the beings that belong to the ascending forces alternate with those that belong to the descending forces in their work on the microcosm. During the day, the ascending forces in his ego consciousness are at work in him, while during the night they are poured out with his ego into the macrocosm.

Results 461 through 470 of 2237

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