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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 451 through 460 of 2237

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64. From a Fateful Time: The Soul of a People Considered in the Light of Spiritual Science 27 Nov 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And as we live in the period of materialism, cultured humanity as a whole has neglected Goethe’s Theory of Evolution which comes from the depths of the Ego-culture, in favour of the form which Darwin has brought forth from the British folk-soul. Up to a certain point we still stand committed to this rejection of Ego-culture.
For external events are only a projection of the war waged by the members of the soul against the Ego. The Ego penetrates into the separate members, it establishes a relation with them; and here again we could discover in the outer events a confirmation of the findings of Spiritual Science reached by inner investigation. The Ego is attracted to the Sentient Soul because it longs to be fertilised and quickened by the experiences of the Sentient Soul.
60. Turning Points Spiritual History: Moses 09 Mar 1911, Berlin
Translated by Walter F. Knox

Rudolf Steiner
He clothed his speech in words which emanated from the Ego-consciousness of the human soul, and were, therefore, incomprehensible to Pharaoh, who could only follow the old train of thought.
Moses had brought humanity so far that it could realize that all things that live and weave throughout the cosmos, manifest in deepest and most characteristic form in the Ego. Man may comprehend the world, if it be pictured as a simple unit proceeding from some great universal Ego centre.
Within the Ego is: (5) Atma. Spirit-man as transmuted Physical Body. (6) Buddi. Life-spirit as transmuted Etheric or Life Body.

111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: Occultism and Esotericism 06 Mar 1908, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
The etheric body is already more recent, the astral body is even younger, and the youngest of all is the principle that carries the power of the ego. When we look at the physical body with the eye of the spirit, it must seem to us to be arranged with infinite wisdom.
This material heart, so perfect, is exposed to the attacks that the impetuous astral body, moved by passions, directs at it every day. Later, the astral body and finally the ego - the baby among human principles - will also achieve greater perfection. To follow the development of the ego, we have to look at the development of the earth, of which man is an essence.
Thus, in truth, we are born in fire, guided through air and pass through water, in which latter we have received the astral body. What we call our 'ego' is then still contained in the spiritual atmosphere of the moon. In order to distinguish the state of beings in which the individual ego is active from beings that do not have the ability to express their individuality to the outside world, the speaker uses the occult terms 'sounding® and 'non-sounding (mute) beings.
130. Faith, Love and Hope: Faith, Love and Hope, the Third Revelation 02 Dec 1911, Nuremberg
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
Something all-embracing, grand, universal, is revealed to mankind as if in these words: There is a primal Being in the spiritual world whose image is here on earth—the Ego. This Being can so infuse His own power into the human ego, so pour Himself into it, that a man is enabled to conform to the norms, the laws, given in the Ten Commandments.
And as we can understand men in their bodily nature only as descending through the generations from this couple, so, in order rightly to understand the greatest gift coming to our ego, we have to trace this fact, that must sink more and more into our ego during earthly existence, back to the Mystery of Golgotha.
John the Baptist said: Change your mood of soul, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. That is, take to yourselves the human ego that need no longer abstain from approaching the spiritual world—a saying which points clearly to what is here in question, namely, that with the event of Palestine the time came for the super-sensible to pour light into the ego of man, so that into his ego the heavens are able to descend.
157a. The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death: On the forming of Destiny 18 Nov 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And because we see it, that gives the starting point for the maintenance of the Ego through the entire life between death and rebirth. It is that which strengthens and invigorates the soul, so that between death and rebirth it always knows: ‘I am an Ego!’ Here in physical life we realise our Ego through the fact—which I have often pointed out—that we stand in a certain relation to our body. Consider: if you reflect closely on a dream you will say: In the dream you have no clear feeling of the Ego, but often a feeling of separation.
When you touch something, however, in coming against something, you know of yourself, you become aware of yourself. We are thereby made aware of our Ego. Not the Ego itself is aroused—the Ego is a Being—but the consciousness of the Ego. The opposition makes us aware of our Self.
314. Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Medicine: Lecture III 27 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
This plastic element is the main field of action of everything that I have described as being connected with the ego organization and the astral organization of the human being. Now it may seem strange that I previously spoke of the ego organization as proceeding from the liver-gall system and the astral organization as proceeding from the kidney system, and that I now say: everything connected with the ego and astral organizations emanates from the head organization. We shall never understand the human organization with all its tremendous complexities if we say baldly that the ego organization proceeds from the liver-gall system and the astral organization from the liver-kidney systems.
We must think of the workings of the kidneys as being radiated back from the head system. What of the the ego-organization in the child? The workings of the liver-gall system are also radiated back from the head system.
326. The Origins of Natural Science: Lecture VIII 03 Jan 1923, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar, Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
This process is even more pronounced in regard to the ego organization. This gradually became a very meager experience. The way man looked into himself, the ego became by degrees something like a mere point. For that reason it became easy to philosophers to dispute its very existence. Not ego consciousness, but the experience of the ego was for men of former ages something rich in content and fully real. This ego experience expressed itself in something that was a loftier science than psychology, a science that can be called pneumatology.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Nature and Work of the Masters X 15 Nov 1909, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Why is it necessary for the human being to withdraw his ego and astral body from the physical and etheric bodies at night? The divine beings who built the physical and etheric bodies into such a magnificent, perfect temple move back into them during the night, while the human being's ego and astral body also enter divine realms.
This disciple reincarnated in Moses, and that he had received a special etheric body can be seen from narrative of the Bible, in which he, as a small child, had to dwell for a while, completely closed off from the world, in the water, so that his ego and astral body would not have a confusing effect on these subtle processes through impressions from the outside. Zarathustra's ego was powerful and strong enough to create a new etheric and astral body for himself during a new incarnation.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 22 Jan 1907, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
It has never said anything other than this: that it is the soul itself, under the impulse of the ego, that causes the blood to flow either under a sense of terror or under some other feeling that belongs to the soul, that this soul, this ego, drives the blood and thereby the heart.
If the impressions of the outer world are stronger, then what has entered my ego, my blood, drowns out what flows from within. I forget what the ancestors have allowed to flow in.
They, the ones from the close marriage, referred to it as belonging to their ego. Through generations the same name resounded, because the experiences of the ancestor were recalled.
352. A Spiritual Scientific View of Nature and Man: The Human Eye — Albinism 02 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
So someone with a very strong ego completely dissolves the iron, and the result of this is that little iron enters this skin, which is at the very outermost edge of the body, because it is completely dissolved.
And even if the ego can process the iron, it is sometimes still unable to process the sulfur. If the ego lets the sulfur into the skin without processing it, then a yellowish-brown color develops in the iris, and that is how brown eyes come about.
In a person who is always in bed, who cannot use his will for his body, one cannot say that he is developing his ego strongly. In a person who is very mobile, one can say that he expresses his ego strongly. And that which otherwise brings us into contact with the outside world, that is precisely in smelling, seeing and so on, these are the senses.

Results 451 through 460 of 2237

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