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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 541 through 550 of 2237

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232. Mystery Centres: Lecture VIII 08 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But there was something more that he felt; he did not feel himself as a unity, but in very fact he felt his ego multiplied as many times as he had senses; he felt his ego multiplied twelve times, and because he felt his ego multiplied twelve times there came to him this remarkable experience, so that he said: “There is an ego that sees through my eye, there is an ego that works through my sense of thinking, in my sense of speech, in my sense of touch, in my sense of life.
From this arose a living longing for union with a Being out of the Hierarchy of the Angels, in order that from this union with the Being out of the Hierarchy of the Angels he should receive ability and power to control this splitting-up of the ego into the individual sense-experiences. And out of all this there arose in his ego the experience: “Why have I my senses?”
In this deep soul-distress the second thing arose which he had to experience, and that which was born for him out of the soul distress can be clothed somewhat in the following words: “I have something in me which in my ordinary earth-life is claimed by my corporality. This must be conquered, my earth-ego must be conquered.” This (impression) lived powerfully in the consciousness of the pupil. Then when he had for a sufficiently long time experienced this inner condition of heat, this inner distress, this feeling that the earth-ego must be conquered, there arose in him something by which he knew that it was not the earlier state of consciousness, but it was a state of consciousness well known to him, the state of consciousness in dreaming.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture XI 11 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
Matthew, namely that through the Christ Impulse it was possible for men to develop Ego-consciousness in the fullest sense, to bring to blossom what is implicit in the am'. In other words : even in the actual process of Initiation, men were in future to retain all along the paths leading into the higher worlds the full Ego-consciousness normally possessed only on the physical plane.
They will no longer be dependent upon the faculty of the old clairvoyance for reaching the spiritual world, for they will now achieve this by developing their own Ego. But in order that this may come to pass the Ego must take into itself more and more of the power that was anchored once on Earth in a unique Being—in Christ.
Whereas man grows upwards from below with the other members of his being, unfolding the flower that is the ‘Son of Man’, if he is to progress even further and acquire full Ego-consciousness there must come to him from above the gift of Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man.
159. The Mystery of Death: The Four Platonic Virtues and Their Relation with the Human Members 31 Jan 1915, Zürich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There we stay outside with our ego more or less, in that we move freely, and only our astral and our etheric go into the physical. If we come to the virtues which wisdom encloses, there we keep the ego and the astral body free outside.
We can call wisdom a virtue that is attached to the human being as a spiritual being, where he is freely active with his ego and astral body and has in his physical and etheric organs only a kind of support. We can call courage as a virtue, where the human being is free only with his ego and has in the astral, etheric, and physical bodies his supports. Finally, we can speak of temperance where we become free with our ego-germ, where we are bound with our ego to the astral, etheric, and physical bodies and work our way out of this restraint with the help of our ego.
317. Curative Education: Lecture II 26 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Whatever is to be effective for the development of an astral body must be living in an ego; and an ego can be influenced only by what is living in a spirit-self. I could continue, and go beyond the spirit-self, but there we should be entering the field of esoteric instruction.
The spirit-self of the teacher must work upon the ego of the child. And I will show you how, not only in the ideal teacher, but often in the very worst possible teacher, the teacher's spirit-self—of which he is himself not yet in the least conscious—influences the child's ego.
Suppose an abnormality gets hold of the physical and the ether body and a rhythm such as I have described is set up: first, a powerful development of astral and ego activity, so that physical body and etheric body are taken hold of strongly; then, that is all reversed, and the activity of astral and ego becomes weak again.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: The Relationship of Christ with Humanity 12 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
He did not find himself in the same degree as to-day as an ‘Ego’. [ 6 ] This feeling has arisen only in the course of human spiritual evolution, and the decisive epoch of this development is that in which occurred also the event of Golgotha.
[ 16 ] It was necessary for the complete unfolding of the ego-consciousness, which was to come into being in the development of humanity, that initiate knowledge should disappear for a few centuries, and that man should turn his attention to the outer world of the senses in which the ego-consciousness could be freely cultivated.
Man now had indeed something in the ordinary consciousness which could develop the complete Ego-sense, but nothing which could give the soul the strength to approach the gates of Death with certain knowledge of its living passage through them.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Knowledge and Immortality 05 Feb 1910, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
But when falling asleep, the human being, who is endowed with spiritual organs, can observe how the ego and the astral body withdraw into a spiritual world.Why do the astral body and the ego leave the etheric body and the physical body?
These are experiences of the soul that take place within the astral body, affects and so on. At a lower level, the ego is like the slave of the astral body, but this ego can work its way out. Let us compare a lower and a developed person. The latter rules over his astral body. The ego rules over, governs him, wresting him from the urges, desires and passions. We call this inner processing of external impressions.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom 25 Apr 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The new instrument guides humanity towards a common bond that is more comprehensive than the bond of love. In the past there was a tribal ego, then, after long-distance marriage occurred, the same developed into a national consciousness, a national ego.
The old God, Jahve, the one who blows, who gave the ego, the one God who lives in the individual consciousness, will develop to recognize something common in all people, this human consciousness, that is the Christ consciousness! This encompasses an ego that will embrace all of humanity in one consciousness. There is a sentence that expresses this: “If anyone does not give up father, mother, son, or brother, he cannot be my disciple.”
109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: On Karma, Reincarnation and Initiation 12 Jun 1909, Budapest
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
The beginning of a process of reincarnation such as exists at present can first be spoken of when the ego is being incorporated into the earth, that is to say, from the middle of the Lemurian epoch until the middle of the Atlantean. For the animal, whose ego is the group soul, there is even today no reincarnation. The connection between an animal species and the ego belonging to it is to be found in the astral world.
The physical and etheric bodies of a man asleep remain in bed; his astral body and ego emerge and are in the spiritual world. But why is it that he perceives nothing of the spiritual world that is all around him and into which his astral body and ego enter during the night?
159. The Great Virtues 31 Jan 1915, Zürich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Here our Ego remains more or less outside, and we move freely; only what is astral and ethereal in us is absorbed into the physical.
For when we are awake we are also outside the brain with our Ego and our astral body, and these have to make the greatest efforts within themselves, without being supported by the external organ.
We can name Courage as the virtue active where man is only free with his Ego, which is supported by his astral, ethereal and physical bodies. Finally we can speak of Temperance, where the seed contained in our Ego is becoming free; where our Ego is still bound to the astral, ethereal and physical bodies, and yet with our Ego we are beginning to work ourselves free from these bonds.
157a. The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death: The Subconscious Strata of the Soul-Life and the Life of the Spirit After Premature Death 20 Nov 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Thus we can say: we build up the consciousness soul because with our Ego we bring about a certain inner relation with our physical body, because we work our way so deeply into the physical body.
One may say the astral body is clairvoyant. And the true Ego, which rests still deeper in the subconsciousness, and which dwells in the inner depths of our being, is much more clairvoyant still. As you already know, we built up our physical body on old Saturn, our etheric body on the Sun, and our astral body on the old Moon. Our Ego is the baby among the human principles, it is the youngest. Not till the Vulcan period, after the Jupiter and Venus evolutions are completed, will the Ego be formed, as the physical body is fashioned now—but this Ego rests the whole time in the bosom of the spiritual world.

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