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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 551 through 560 of 2237

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218. Spiritual Relation in the Configuration of the Human Organism: Lecture II 22 Oct 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But all this would not give us a configuration in which the ego takes part in the whole, if the liver-system would not be there. (see diagram 1) The absorption through the lymphatic vessels is still something that belongs to the heart.
Because of the liver being there and the gall being excreted by the liver and mixed already with the chyme inside the intestines and the whole is permeated already by the liver products (diagram 1, blue), all this is driven into the ego organism. This way also our ego organism takes part through the liver, which has as its representative essentially hydrogen, in the whole building of the human organization.
But the kidney has an intimate. relationship to the astral body and the liver to the ego. That alone gives them their character. Without considering this, it is altogether senseless to define or to consider the whole matter.
319. What can the Art of Healing Gain through Spiritual Science: Lecture II 21 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The Ego-organisation is essentially bound up with katabolism; it is of greatest moment in those parts of the human being that are in a state of disintegration.
If we again proceed according to Spiritual Science, we shall discover that here we have to do principally with a faulty and inadequate working of the Ego-organisation. Why is the Ego-organisation not acting strongly enough? That is the question. And we must search somewhere in the functional regions of the human organism for what it is that is causing this weakness of the Ego-organisation.
If that is so, then we must come to the assistance of the Ego-organisation (just as we came to the assistance of the kidneys with the equisetum) by administering something which, if it reaches the required spot by being prepared in a certain way, will there strengthen the inadequate working of the Ego-organisation.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: II. Exoteric and Esoteric Theosophy

H. P. Blavatsky
But what is the distinction between this "true individuality" and the "I" or "Ego" of which we are all conscious? Theo. Before I can answer you, we must argue upon what you mean by "I" or "Ego."
Let us call every new life on earth of the same Ego a night on the stage of a theatre. One night the actor, or "Ego," appears as "Macbeth," the next as "Shylock," the third as "Romeo," the fourth as "Hamlet" or "King Lear," and so on, until he has run through the whole cycle of incarnations.
The body of the latter becoming paralyzed, or "entranced," the spiritual Ego is free from its trammels, and finds itself on the same plane of consciousness with the disembodied spirits.
255b. Anthroposophy and its Opponents: Religious Opponents VII 03 Dec 1920, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
— that is, the anthroposophist — ... is unable to say why it is better to be an ego than a non-ego, and why, then, seven world ages are so important for the becoming and the perfection of this ego!? Now one could initially believe that the man means that only the anthroposophist does not know how to say why it is better to be an ego than a non-ego, but actually it is clear from the following that he means something completely different, that he actually believes that no one can somehow figure out why it is better to be an ego than a non-ego.
You see, here life presents itself to us first as an expansion of our ego over that which our existence has brought us since our birth; life presents itself as an inward growing together of our ego with that which has come to us.
174a. The Weaving and Living Activity of the Human Etheric Bodies 20 Mar 1916, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When we encounter man’s physical body upon the Earth, we must think of it as being endowed with an Ego, and since it is endowed with an Ego, we must bear in mind that it has received a certain form, the form which is most appropriate to it.
The form which was most suited to it, is a gift of the Spirits of Form, and is in keeping with the fact that an Ego had to be Implanted in it. We may thus say: Our earthly body, which has a physical form, has been formed in such a way as to become a bearer of the Ego. Together with the Ego, the Spirits of Form gave the human physical body the form which it now has and which is in keeping with the fact that it is the bearer of an Ego.
159. The Mystery of Death: Spiritual Science and the Mystery of Death 21 Feb 1915, Bremen
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For that is necessary that here in the centre an ego-culture is founded. You can see that easily on the esoteric field. The human ego has to enkindle itself in the outside world, there only it is awake and realises internally. Thus the ego-culture of Central Europe is aroused from without. You need to look only at the last events, the standardisation of the German being.
—Countless human beings go in the prime of life through the gate of death. At first the connection of ego, astral body, etheric body with the physical body is separated. The physical body is handed over apparently to the earth, the etheric body to the etheric world; astral body and ego go on.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: The Stages of Christian Initiation 27 Jun 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The air which he thus breathed in, produced his red blood. The Ego-nature expressed itself in the red blood. As long as the blood was a common element shared by many, the Ego too was a common Ego.
What took place upon Mount Golgotha, could not have been fulfilled by any human Ego; such as we have it. Such a deed called for an Ego which had already advanced t0 a high stage of development upon the Sun.
He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him, but the world did not comprehend Him. To each man He came, even to the Ego-men, but these individual men, these Ego-men, received Him not. As many as received Him could manifest themselves through Him as children of God.
129. Wonders of the World: Nature and Spirit 20 Aug 1911, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, as microcosms, we have in us above all those forces of soul which bring about our will-impulses, impulses which are needed to make good the claim that the ego is the central governing power of the human soul. For without his will man would never attain to an ego-consciousness.
The upward-pointing pentagon comprises all the astral forces in man, including those of which he is not yet aware, and which will be perfected as the ego transforms the astral body more and more into Spirit-Self or Manas. Now you may wonder how these three sheaths are related to the ego. You see, normally developed man today knows very little of the real ego, which I have called the baby, and which is the least developed of the human members. But all the forces of the ego are already in man.
286. Ways to a New Style in Architecture: The Creative World of Colour 26 Jul 1914, Dornach
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
This is difficult for man because, since he has to develop his ego during earthly evolution, he has risen out of this flowing sea of colour to a mode of contemplation that proceeds purely from the ego.
During the earth period, this living bodily existence in the flowing sea of colour had to cease in order that man might be able to evolve his own conception of the world in his ego. So far as his form was concerned he had to become neutral to this sea of colour. The tint of the human skin as it appears in the temperate zones is essentially the expression of the ego, of absolute neutrality in face of the outer waves of colour; it denotes man's ascent above the flowing sea of colour.
Physical body, etheric body, astral body—these were developed during the periods of Saturn, Sun and Moon; the ego has to develop during the earth period. Man must find the ways and means to spiritualise his astral body once again, to permeate it with all that the ego has won for itself.
243. True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation: Influences of the Extra-Terrestrial Cosmos Upon the Consciousness of Man 21 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
If we observe man during sleep when his physical and etheric bodies are detached from his astral body and Ego, we find that between falling asleep and waking he carefully preserves in the astral body and Ego the Sun influences which are withdrawn from the physical and etheric bodies.
This is the phenomenon of sleep. The Sun shines from the human Ego and astral body, irradiating the skin and penetrating into the human being through the doors of the senses.
During sleep the Sun inhabits the astral body and Ego; during waking life, the Moon. In waking life the Sun inhabits the physical and etheric bodies, during sleep, the Moon.

Results 551 through 560 of 2237

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