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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 531 through 540 of 2237

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109. Festivals of the Seasons: The Festival of Easter II 11 Apr 1909, Cologne
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But something else was preserved for later times, viz., the copy of the I or Ego of Jesus of Nazareth. His I or Ego indeed disappeared from the three bodies when the Christ entered into them, but, through Christ, a still higher image remained and still exists to-day.
To-day the time has come in which, if the hearts of men are opened by a spiritual life, they can rise to the understanding of this great mystery, when looking upon that sacred cup, souls become mature enough to know the mystery of the Christ-Ego, or I that can develop in each human being. In order to receive the Christ ‘Ego,’ or ‘I’ in contemplation upon the Holy Grail one needs to understand that which has here happened as a fact and to take it as a fact. And when mankind has been prepared more and more, the Christ-Ego will develop in them more and more; they will understand in how far the Christ- Ego is the great ideal for humanity.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 30 Nov 1906, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
But what makes man the crown of all creation, what makes him rise above the animal world; what he has for himself alone, is the fourth limb, the ego body. This is what distinguishes him from all beings except himself; out of this he develops further and further upwards.
The blood system, in which inner warmth can develop, the red, warm human blood must be there for the ego to reveal itself. The blood is the carrier of self-awareness in a being. Therefore, if you have found the way to his blood, you have also found the way to his self; what affects the blood affects the self. It is not the ego that is or creates the blood; the astral body does that. Only when the astral body has created the blood is the ego able to dwell in it.
93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture XV 10 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Through Wisdom the etheric body was to be developed, through Beauty, to which Piety belonged, the astral body, and through Power the individual ego. The human being had to become a self-effacing imprint of the outer world. In ancient India nothing of this was yet known.
It was developed still more intensively in the West through Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. They sought the perfecting of the ego in the form that is also in the outer world, not so much in the inner life as this was cultivated in India.
The human being said to himself: ‘I stand here as the end result of a time when the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms sacrificed themselves for me; out of this foundation arose self-awareness, the ego. And just as the ego has been formed through these other kingdoms, so must it now itself develop the kingdoms of Wisdom, Beauty and Strength, in order by their means to mount still higher to a complete transformation of our etheric, astral and ego bodies.’
94. Theosophy Based on the Gospel of John: Fourth Lecture 02 Nov 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If you look at a person's ten fingers, they are all animated, but not independent - they are only one part of the whole body. Just as we have to search for the ego of the fingers within us, so we have to go up into the astral world to find the common soul of the animals.
All lions are connected in the astral, a thread goes from each of them into the astral world, where the ego is. For the materialist this is incredible; but the spiritual researcher must say: it is true!
Furthermore, an unconscious consciousness of the etheric body exists on the lower devachan plan, and one of the ego in the upper devachan plan. The most important thing now is that the human being works from the ego into the other bodies, and that only through this does he become aware of the different consciousnesses.
152. Prelude to the Mystery of Golgotha: The Three Spiritual Precursors of the Mystery of Golgotha 05 Mar 1914, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
We must remember the fact of the two Jesus-children: the Solomon-like child, in whom the Zarathustra-ego lived, and the Nathan-like child. We must look at the Nathan-like child and ask ourselves: what kind of being was this child, in whom the Zarathustra-ego later lived?
It had lived through the times when the human shells were created, lived through the Saturn period, in which the germ of the physical body was laid, the sun and moon period, when the etheric and astral bodies were formed, and also lived through the smaller stages that repeated the great periods of time. But when the human ego descended into the three sheaths in the Lemurian period, this being had remained in the spiritual worlds as it were as a part of the divine human being and had not taken part in the development of the ego in the three sheaths and its seduction through the Luciferic-Ahrimanic influence.
Only then did the Mystery of Golgotha take place for the fourth time, in order to regulate the I in its relationship to the world. The danger for the human ego, into which it was led by the temptations of Lucifer and Ahriman, was sensed in the Egyptian priestly centers in the Greco-Latin period.
147. Secrets of the Threshold: Lecture VIII 31 Aug 1913, Munich
Translated by Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
Allomatics teaches the nothingness and nonexistence of the Ego. Everything is and comes from the non-Ego, from outside, from above, from below, in short, from the Other.”
We have pointed out that on leaving the astral body the human being can then be within his true ego. Around him will be the supra-spiritual world. When he enters this world, he has finally attained what he has always possessed in the depths of his soul, his true ego.
Thus we confront our own true ego on the threshold. Abstract Theosophy can simply say: that is oneself, the other self, the true ego.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Spirit of Truth from a Christian Point of View 21 Feb 1908, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
I and the Father are one (John 10:30), this is not the physical father, but the great community in every individual, which has descended into every individual ego. Instead of blood ties or blood community, spiritual community had to arise. Only by developing the small individual ego can it become selfless.
Thereby man received the claim to the great brotherhood. The ego could grow beyond itself. This is the mystery of Golgotha. This will transform the earth into a planet of love.
That is to say: the land, the continents were divided, everything that the ego can distribute, what it can force upon itself. But the rock cannot be divided: the Paraklet, the Spirit of Truth, that is the air circle around the continents, this Spirit of Truth cannot be divided.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 11 Dec 1910, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The candidate for initiation was put into a sleep and his soul was then shown what it had elaborated in the spiritual world until then. His ego was then as it were, sucked up by the macrocosm, and it saw that it was a nothing. Of course this standing before nothingness as before a dark abyss aroused feelings of fear, and he had to get over this.
But the lower parts of both bodies remain behind in the physical body. The ego lays a peculiar role between these two parts that have, as it were, been torn apart. Through the fact that we've become so firmly attached to material things, it's as if it were chained to the lower parts and is their slave.
Then the higher parts would also not be unconscious, as they are when the ego is in the lower ones. Because the higher bodies leave the lower ones the latter often become weak.
265a. Lessons for the Participants of Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924: Mantram: I Entered this World of the Senses 04 Dec 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
One must direct one's attention to the fact that time is a creative being that incessantly sends its impulses among people so that they may develop their ego here on earth, may find their ego. ... When man recognizes his ego as that which stands behind things in space and behind what he has experienced in time, and when he sees the meaning of it all, then the ego is consciously born in him, and then he himself will one day become a creative word of the world...
109. The Principle of Spiritual Economy: The Principle of Spiritual Economy in Connection with Questions of Reincarnation 21 Jan 1909, Heidelberg
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
Then the etheric body leaves the astral body, in which the ego is living. All three had been connected from the time they left the physical corpse, but now the etheric body separates itself from the other two and becomes an etheric corpse.
The fact is that the astral body of Cusa was transferred to Copernicus even though the ego of the latter was different from that of Cusa. This is how Copernicus received the foundation and all the preparations for his own doctrine.
The result of this is that the whole configuration of the process of reincarnation is much more complicated than is usually supposed. And thus we see that the ego of Zarathustra was reincarnated as Zarathas—Nazarathos, who in turn became the teacher of Pythagoras.

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