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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 631 through 640 of 2237

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275. Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom: Impulses of Transformation for Man's Artistic Evolution II 30 Dec 1914, Dornach
Translated by Pauline Wehrle, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
If he remains in the everyday sphere, the human being cannot at once accomplish what we described yesterday as the submerging of the ego in the astral body. To submerge the ego in the astral body in the right way is to enter into the divine world, and this is the passage through initiation.
In ancient times, even in the case of the Greeks who were Sun men, an atavistic clairsentience led men to abandon their astral and their ego beings completely and only to express the laws of the physical human form created during the Saturn and Sun evolutions.
The human being has lost this ability to feel himself within the etheric and physical bodies alone, without the ego or the astral body. When he awakes and submerges his ego and his astral body into his etheric and physical bodies, he feels and experiences only what is present in his ego.
202. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Connections Between Organic Processes and the Mental Life of Man 26 Dec 1920, Dornach
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
Through the father and impregnation comes that which is formed in the physical body and in the ego. This ego, as it is then, after the Midnight Hour of Being, passes over into an entirely different world.
When you awake in the morning you draw into your physical and etheric bodies the astral body and ego. This is also breathing. In the morning you inhale the astral body and ego, and when you fall asleep at night you exhale them again; thus one complete breath in 24 hours, in one day.
That is to say, if you take the entire earthly life of a human being, and count each single day, each falling asleep and awakening, as one breath, you have then in an entire life as many inhalations and exhalations of the astral body and ego as you have in and out breathings in 24 hours. You make in the course of your life as many in and out breathings of the astral body and ego as you make daily in your in and out breathing of air.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: Theosophical Glossary

H. P. Blavatsky
One of the names given in Theosophy and Occultism to the human Higher Ego. We make a distinction between the immortal and divine and the mortal human Ego which perishes.
Only that which is immortal in its very nature and divine in its essence, namely, the Ego, can exist for ever. And as it is that Ego which chooses the personality it will inform after each Devachan, and which receives through these personalities the effects of the Karmic causes produced, it is, therefore, the Ego, that Self, which is the "moral Kernel" referred to, and embodied Karma itself, that "which alone survives death."
Nevertheless, the putting on of flesh periodically and throughout long cycles by the higher human Soul (Buddhi-Manas) or Ego is taught in the Bible as it is in all other ancient scriptures, and "resurrection" means only the rebirth of the Ego in another form.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution VII 01 Nov 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
On the Moon he had been a soul in a body. The principle we call 'ego' had been present as a soul quality from the beginning, going through evolution on the third planet. On the fourth planet the ego also took in the manasic or spiritual principle. Before, the ego had been the highest principle, now it also took in the manasic. From this point onwards we are dealing with an ego endowed with spirit. Before, the ego was called 'ahankara', the element which now holds the spiritual ego within it.
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: The Relationship of the Self to the Other Elements 24 Sep 1907, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
When a person falls asleep, the physical and etheric bodies remain in bed; the astral body and the ego withdraw, along with everything that develops through the ego. The dream is an intermediate state when the astral body is still connected to the etheric body in a certain way.
This is because the etheric body has the ability to form memories through the ego; it is the carrier of memory. It is an experience that the etheric body is separated from the physical body after death.
When a person is free from the physical body through death and in the etheric body, he takes an extract of life with him, which joins the others as a new leaf, like a link in a chain. In this way, the ego enriches itself, the carrier of all further wanderings.
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: Introduction to Theosophy I 25 Mar 1909, Rome

Rudolf Steiner
When awake, man shows the clairvoyant eye all his bodies, including the ego, which sends out its rays like a star. In the state of sleep, however, the conditions change. While the physical and life bodies lie on the bed, the astral body and the ego move away. So-called unconsciousness sets in, joy and pain no longer take place. In the morning, the ego and the astral body submerge again into their physical tool. Since every body is nothing more than a means of perception in relation to the sense organs, a person can perceive as many worlds – world revelations – as he has senses.
At death, however, the physical body remains behind alone, while the life body, the astral body and the ego move out, and the physical corpse dissolves into its elements. The first sensation the dead person has is the feeling of expanding, more and more, and penetrating into his surroundings.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Appendix: First Circular letter 11 Mar 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
In man this line is brought into a slanting angle with the vertical by his upright posture. This is aligned by the ego organization, and, namely, in such a way that the earthly ego works in a hypertrophic way along the dorsal vertebrae; the developing ego which remains after death aligns the cartilaginous part of the ribs and the breast bone in a hypertrophic way.
The mediumistic talents of certain people are based on an incomplete insertion of the astral body and ego into the metabolic-limb tract of the etheric and physical bodies when these people are in a trance.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 06 Oct 1913, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But they're not satisfied with remaining in the spiritual realm to which they belong and with only sending their effects to the physical plane—they also want to rule on earth with their ego-consciousness. We know that man attains his ego-consciousness on earth, the angels attain it in the elemental world and archangels in the astral world. Thus Lucifer and Ahriman would like to penetrate man's ego-consciousness. Ahriman is the lord of death, as it's conditioned by man's nature. There's no life in a stone, so it belongs to him.
203. Apollonius of Tyana 28 Mar 1921, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
The important point to emphasise always is that when men of earlier times strove to work wonders, they had recourse to a lower force of the Ego, whereas Christ-Jesus worked out of the force of the Ego itself. We should not rightly understand the Lord's Prayer if we were to explain its existence by saying that, the single sentences are already to be found among earlier peoples and that it is therefore ancient. Anyone who compares these earlier forms of the sentences in the Lord's Prayer with the Lord's Prayer itself, will realise that with the Lord's Prayer the essential thing was that what had formerly been expressed in a way which did not point to the Ego, should now be expressed in a way which did point to the Ego.2 We should not therefore go in search of the similarities with Christ-Jesus recorded in these particular biographical data.
"Christ Jesus inaugurated an evolution in human nature based on the retention of the full Ego consciousness. He inaugurated the initiation of the Ego…” p. 144. The terms used by Owen Barfield in his recent book Saving the Appearances, to depict the evolution of human consciousness, are very illuminating in this connection.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: Master Personalities Associated with the Awakenings in the Gospels

Rudolf Steiner
And in his entire mission, Zarathustra was a forerunner for the Christ in that he taught to appreciate and work the earth, not to flee from evil forces but to overcome them and thereby redeem them. Thus the Ego of Zarathustra, the highest developed human Ego, could be chosen to dwell for eighteen years in the sheaths that were to receive the Christ. His Ego left the sheaths shortly before the baptism of St. John in the Jordan. Thus he was not embodied in the flesh when the Christ walked on earth.
Thus, once again, his peculiar representative relationship to the ego of Zarathustra is manifested, who, as the Solomonic Jesus child, was really born as the son of this mother.

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