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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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175. The Human Soul and the Universe 20 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The inner man is of such a nature that he is more closely related to the astral body and ego. To the universe the astral body and ego are younger than the physical body and etheric body. This we know, from what has been given out in the book Occult Science.
We all know that as earth-men we bear within us the physical body and etheric body, the astral body and ego. Each of the two beings I have referred to bears within him what I might call two sub-beings. The more external man the physical and etheric body, the more inner man the ego and astral body.
That which is connected with the ego and the physical body is very greatly displaced in present-day man. The second meeting is already more in connection with the great macro-cosmic order.
233. World History in the light of Anthroposophy: Asiatic Mysteries of Ephesus, Gilgamesh and Eabani 26 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Now the man of long past times was different in the whole constitution of his being from the man of a later time, and still more so from the man of our own time. Man to-day, in his waking condition, bears the Ego and astral body within him unnoticed, as it were; most people do not notice how the physical bears within it, along with the etheric body, a much more important organisation than itself, namely, the astral body and the Ego-organisation.
He knew how to distinguish: This I have as my spirit and soul,—we, of course, call it the Ego and the astral body—and it is linked with my physical body and my etheric body. He went through the world in this experience of twofold-ness.
But along with this condition of soul, where the Ego has drawn down from the spirit and soul and entered as conscious Ego into the bodily and etheric, this personality had still left in him habits belonging to the past; and especially the habit of experiencing memory solely in connection with rhythm.
3. Truth and Science: Practical Final Remarks
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
The object in this case is our own self, our “I”, our ego. If our ego has thoroughly infused its essential behavior with real awareness, then it feels at once the master of its behavior.
The law no longer rules over us, but rather within us over the events emanating from our ego. The realization of an event by means of a law that is external to the person who realizes it is an act of bondage, while the realization of an event by the person who realizes it is an act of freedom.
Truth and Science: Translator's Comments

John Riedel
Another problem arises in translating das Ich as the “I”, which sounds awkward in English and is how Steiner said people refer to their ego after death. We must remember that the ego is that part of a person out of which he can say “I am”.
We share soul-nature with the animals, and the divisions of psychology traditionally are thinking, feeling, and willing. We do not share ego-nature with the animals, for it involves spirit-activities such as art, music, humor, belief, recognition, scientific thinking, technique, laughter, and weeping.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Details From the Domain of Spiritual Science
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Thus it is only in one respect that the length of the human Ego's sojourn in the spiritual world between death and new birth depends upon the above-mentioned cosmic data.
And yet the dream-condition of today differs essentially from the old picture-consciousness, for the Ego, which has since developed, influences what goes on in the astral body during sleep while we are dreaming. It is therefore a picture-consciousness transmuted by the presence of the Ego. Yet inasmuch as the Ego's influence on the dreaming astral body is unconscious, nothing deriving from the dream-life can be a direct source of spiritual-scientific knowledge of higher worlds.
109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: Evolutionary Stages of our Earth before the Lemurian Epoch 09 Jun 1909, Budapest
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
On the earth the Spirits of Form or Powers instill the ego, bringing it about that in this phase of evolution the ego enters gradually into what had come into existence, namely, man's physical body, etheric body and astral body. This is the work of the Spirits of Form. In order that an ego-man could come into existence at all as the expression of ego consciousness, and that this coordination of the physical, etheric and astral bodies could take place, everything that has now been described was essential.
It was often within narrow limits that humanity proved to be ripe for the tests; receptive souls and hearts were not always to be found. When the ego of humanity was to be instilled, the test consisted in gradual attempts to permate what had formerly been astral body only, with the ego.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Investigations Into Life Between Death and Rebirth I 26 Oct 1912, Milan
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
If we seek to understand the essence of the soul in our time, then we must realize that the deepest part of man's nature can penetrate today to a knowledge of the ego. Such a comprehension was not possible in former times. Among human beings at large we find this drawing-near to the ego in the grossest forms of egoism.
Both agree that a man only finds a measure of inner peace if he discovers the ego. The reason for this lies in the fact that in earlier times humanity could not come out of its own powers to a knowledge of the ego.
This is due to the fact that the man of today penetrates increasingly into his personal ego and seeks to find the divine spark ever more in himself. We have seen that in the nineteenth century this way of viewing the ego was intensified to the point that the divinity of Christ was denied.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 11 Jan 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
The fourth link, whereby humans become the crown of creation, is their ability to say “I” to themselves. This is what underlies all religions. In the ego, God speaks to the human soul, and a shiver went through the line of Jews in the temple when the priest pronounced the name of the ineffable God, “Yahweh”.
So you see that blood is like a tablet; what is inherited is the inner structure of the body, which is written into the blood. The same ego remains wherever the same is written into the blood. We have the group soul and also speak of such a thing in animals. Therefore, we do not refer to the individual lion as an ego; and the further we go back in man, the more we come across the group soul. It is only through long-distance marriage that the individual ego develops.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: White Lotus Day 02 May 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Those who did not have the ability to free themselves from pain through lofty thoughts fell prey to this. Then man went the torturous path of the ego to cross over into another, higher world. All teaching and learning should only be there to lead us to what lies beyond life, because man's essence is spiritual.
The human self must be a sanctuary for us. Reverence for every human ego - that is the third ethical principle that the Theosophical movement wants to bring back into honor.
Make the mute, chaste realm of inanimate nature your ideal, so that you stand reverently before every other ego and it would violate your spiritual sense of shame to reach into that which is a human ego with a coarse hand.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Reading the Akashic Records of Wolfram von Eschenbach 01 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
As long as you are still using the power that a person uses in ordinary thinking – and every person who has not explicitly learned to consciously switch off their ego uses this power – you cannot read in the Akasha Chronicle. If you ask yourself, “Who is thinking?”
As long as you yourself connect the individual concepts, you are unable to read in the Akasha Chronicle because you connect your thoughts with your own ego. But you have to switch off your ego; you have to renounce all self-will. You must merely present the ideas and let the connection of the individual ideas be established by forces outside of yourself, through the spirit.
I have to say something that is a good preparation for learning to read in the Akasha Chronicle by eliminating the self-willed ego. You know how today what the monks cultivated in the Middle Ages is despised: they made the sacrifice of the intellect.

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