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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 17 Dec 1912, Zürich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But having consciousness doesn't mean that one has ego-consciousness yet. We also have consciousness in the experience that something thought in us, but it's only when we remember that something has thought in us that we connect the experience with our ego. So we lose our ego at death, and we dive down dead as a soul to find ourselves and to gradually become conscious in the Christ-substance.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Man in His Macrocosmic Nature
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
But everything that is connected with the shaping of the Ego as the vehicle of self-consciousness must radiate from the centre of a star. The astral works from the circumference; that which belongs to the Ego works from a centre. From its centre the Earth as a star gives the impulse to the human Ego. Every star radiates from its centre forces which mould or shape the Ego of some being. [ 17 ] This shows the polarity existing between the centre of a star and the sphere of the Cosmos.
At that time the Earth received the capacity to unfold the Ego-impulses of humanity. It is the Spiritual from that period which the Earth has preserved for itself from the Sun nature; and it is preserved from dying out through the present activity of the Sun.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Evolution of Planets and Earth 11 Jun 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
True, it awakens first in the physical world, but it must none the less gradually light up in the other members of man's being—in the member that is constituted by the life-forces (the plant-nature of man), in the member that is chiefly dominated by the forces of feeling (the animal-nature), and finally in the Ego. Truth to tell, man only knows what is mineral in the universe. He does not know the essential laws underlying the animal's life of instinct and feeling, and the growth of plants.
All this preparatory activity in the universe was necessary in order that the Ego might descend into man. We have heard that man was only ready to receive the germ of his Ego, when, on Earth, he began to breathe the air around him.
His primordial being comes to expression in the ‘I,’ the Ego. The conscious Ego is the realisation in man of the Christ Principle.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 25 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
For Fichte does not want to arrive at the soul, at the ego, by grasping it in its being. Rather, Fichte wants to grasp being [in its being generated] as an act of doing, that is, in order for me to experience my ego as me, I must continually create myself.
From the human ego to the world ego, Fichte sought a human essence that has within itself the power to continually generate and thus to develop and educate itself.
But to present this single thing in its characteristic before the world, to incorporate this nuance into the world view of German idealism, this mistake of a great virtue, this one-sidedness, was necessary to grasp the thought in its highest degree: Man, when he plunges into his inner self, can depart from his ego to such an extent that he is so powerfully active in his ego that he extinguishes this ego itself, so that the world spirit may shine forth in him!
108. The Answers to Questions About the World and Life Provided by Anthroposophy: Life between Two Reincarnations 02 Dec 1908, Wroclaw

Rudolf Steiner
Then we have the astral body, the carrier of our feelings, permeating the etheric body and, like a large shiny oval, surrounding the physical body, which is connected to the etheric body. And then we have the ego body. However, the four aspects of human nature only permeate each other when we are awake. When a person sleeps, the astral body with the ego carrier emerges, while the physical body, connected to the etheric body, remains in bed.
Now, at death, not only does the astral body leave the four-part human being with the ego, as in sleep, but the three parts, ether body, astral body and ego, leave the physical body, and we have on the one hand the physical body, which remains behind as a corpse, is immediately attacked by physical and chemical forces and falls prey to destruction; on the other hand, we have a connection between the etheric body, astral body and I-bearer.
If you want to understand what kind of state this is, you have to bear in mind that after leaving the physical and etheric bodies behind, the human being still has the astral body and the ego of his four limbs, and the question now arises for us as to what the astral body, with which the ego now lives into the time of the Kamaloka, is all about.
313. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy: Lecture VI 16 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore nutritive and digestive activities occur primarily in the ethericfluid and the physical-solid, whereas the main respiratory activity is developed in the astral-airy, and the main ego activity, the actual spiritual activity, unfolds in the warmth conditions connected with the ego itself.
The ego must always go hand in hand with warmth, must always operate through warmth. If we put a patient to bed and tuck him in, this is simply an appeal to the ego to make use of the warmth generated in an appropriate way.
If you want to work against this tendency of the lung to become “head,” you must realize first of all that we have to do with a weakening of the required astral activity and with an excessive strengthening of the ego activity. This activity of the ego begins to overpower the astral activity. This must be remedied.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture IX 13 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When he is in a sleeping condition the astral body and ego are outside the physical and etheric body and are in the earthly environment, in the spiritual region of the earthly environment, which is behind sensory, physical phenomena.
Now if we don't think anything else than this; we have man's astral body and ego in the spiritual world, and they stand in that world in such a way that they can receive no direct impressions of Christ and his real nature.
This Christ impulse has a strong influence upon man's etheric body every night when the astral body and ego are outside of the physical and etheric body, except that the average person is usually not able to find the Christ impulse which is contained in the etheric body when he returns to the physical body in the morning with his ego and astral body.
56. Hell 16 Apr 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We must exactly distinguish something else within that what is lifted out at night from the human body, from the physical one and the etheric one: It is the human self-consciousness and its bearer, the human ego. We call the bearer of joy and sorrow, of instincts and passions, of sensuous sensations surging up and down the astral body, and the bearer of the self-consciousness, the fourth member of the human being, the ego. These both members, the ego-bearer and the bearer of desire and pain, are lifted out during the dreamless sleep from the physical and etheric bodies.
In the morning when the ego and the astral body disappear in the physical body and use these organs the human being perceives the surroundings.
107. The Development of Christianity in Present Humanity 15 Feb 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Sometimes their ego's actions seemed grotesque, but the world of their feelings and emotions, their fervor, was magnificent and sublime.
One might say that Christianity also has a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body and an ego. This ego can even deny its origin, as it can in our time, and it can become selfish. But it is still an ego that can at the same time take in the true essence of Christ and ascend to ever higher levels of existence.
Just as this was a true development from the past, so it is true that the ego-figure of humanity can only emerge after the astral and etheric forms of Christianity have been developed.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: About the Etheric Body

Rudolf Steiner
The thoughts of things embodied in the ether flow into the ego, and so the ego first forms the third, uppermost limb of its astral body. With the help of this “ego work”, the astral body becomes an organized entity, whereas before it was a chaotic, virgin being.
This latter state is connected with the waking life only through the ego-concept. It is pure will, creating out of nothing. The dream state is connected to waking life through the desires and feelings.

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