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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 581 through 590 of 2237

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114. The Gospel of St. Luke: The Evolution of Consciousness 24 Sep 1909, Basel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
The self-conscious Ego will reconquer everything that mankind has lost in the course of the ages. But just as the teaching of the Eightfold Path had to be established for the first time by Buddha, so too the supremacy of the Ego-principle over all the bodily processes had to be visibly established before the expiration of the old era.
Through the last surviving examples of humanity belonging to the old era, it was to be shown with what power the Ego worked upon those who were living at that time, for the Ego was present here in its fulness in one human being, in Christ Jesus, as will be the case in the rest of mankind at the end of the Earth period.
This had to be demonstrated as a proof that when mankind in the future, after thousands of years, has acquired in full measure the power that can proceed from the Christ-Ego, it will be possible for influences such as streamed into humanity from Christ while He was on Earth, to stream from the Egos of men.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: The Action of the Will beyond Death 15 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
The lifting of my arm takes place during this regeneration,—what was burned up is restored and the actual act of the will occurs during this restoration. Now the true ego being is contained in that part of the astral organism that underlies the soul's will impulses; so, whenever the will is stirred into action, the ego is aroused.
In the course of earthly life, we see how the astral body and ego, which are linked to this will nature, actually build up an inner entity of man—it is only dully alive—by means of the astral and ego forces in the cosmos.
By means of such asceticism, modern man would at the same time deaden his physical organism to the point where the ego consciousness that must develop could not properly do so. Man would then never attain a consciousness of freedom.
224. The Human Soul in its Connection with Divine-Spiritual Individualities: Man's Fourfold Nature — The Mirroring Character of Intellectual Thinking and the Reality of Moral-religious Experience 11 Jul 1923, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that we are imperfect as human beings stems from our ego and our astral body. Our astral body and our ego are incapable of rising to the inner solidity, clarity and worldliness of the etheric body.
But you do not yet enter the world to which the human ego belongs. It is initially not present at all in this area of the cosmos, which can be found even for the astral senses, but the ego still belongs to a further world, which in turn has its own laws.
The condition that is brought about is that our soul, namely the astral body and the ego, cannot initially enter the physical body and etheric body completely. They can never enter completely.
16. A Road to Self-Knowledge: Fourth Meditation
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
And therewith everything we have been up to that moment is rejected. We look back upon our whole soul, upon our ego itself, as upon something which has to be laid aside, when we want to enter the supersensible world. The soul, however, cannot but consider this ego as its real being until it enters the supersensible worlds. The soul must consider it as the true human being, and must say to itself: “Through this my ego I have to form ideas of the world. I must not lose this ego of mine if I do not want to give myself up as a being altogether.' There is in the soul the strongest inclination to guard the ego at all points in order not to lose one's foothold absolutely.
69c. A New Experience of Christ: Christ in the 20th Century 22 Feb 1912, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
But this clairvoyance had to be lost, because it was a prelude to the development of the ego in human evolution, to the development of the full ego of man in the physical world, of man's self-built existence.
The initiates recognized: the spirit reveals itself only in the ego, not in the powers of the soul; the ego is the center of the soul's being. But at first the spirit revealed itself only as God, who lived in all the people, as with the ancient Hebrews.
But then the human soul was guided outwards into the physical world, now its only support is the ego; and in this ego of man the Christ consciousness must be established. It is a kind of repetition, but now inwards, internalized.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Delusion of Illness in the Light of Spiritual Science 11 Oct 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
One is where a person is always concerned with his ego. The other mode of perception goes beyond the ego, is concerned with art, takes pleasure in the world of the stars, in nature and in others, and can become absorbed and forget itself in this.
If people were to free themselves from their limited ego, much would be released from them. The truth is that a high world view is the only thing that can heal and restore health.
But if you do it several times, it has a bad effect because then the person is too concerned with his or her own ego. But anyone who seeks to break away from their ego, who seeks to bring themselves into harmony with the laws of the world and turns to the great facts of the universe, will come to the truth about how to get well.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Apocalypse II 24 May 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Through this “mating”, the human being became mature enough to gradually develop his ego. To educate this ego, the human being needed the processing of the entire physical body, and all the rest of the Atlantean development was used to make the human physical body a carrier of the ego. It was only after the Atlantic catastrophe that the human brain was so dense that it could become an ego carrier. The hydrocephalus is an atavism from ancient times. A firm, compact head was made by the etheric head going inside.
First, therefore, there is an unconscious transformation of the astral body through the influence of higher powers of the ego. The result of this unconscious transformation of the astral body is now called the sentient soul.
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Eighth Lecture 10 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
Christ went right into the most intimate part of the human being; his spiritual power was so strong because it went right into the ego. The others could heal the members of their own people. Christ heals the stranger, works beyond the barrier of the people.
He had emerged with His spirit and was with the disciples, overcoming space and time through the strong power of the ego. The author of the Gospel of John describes how [one's own] consciousness in Christ is always increasing.
It had worked into the inner being, striving into the ego, but had not yet had the opportunity to radiate its essence. The divinely radiating essence is light.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
When the soul in the interval between death and rebirth—as described in Theosophy—becomes detached from its astral body, it goes on living in the entity which is here called the real ego. The astral body then experiences by itself, the soul being no longer with it, that which has been described above as oblivion.
This world is experienced as its outer world by the soul which continues to exist in the real ego. If it is desirable to characterise the experience in this outer world, it can be done in the same way in which it is described in Theosophy and Occult Science, as the passing through the “spirit region.” The soul, experiencing itself in the real ego, has around it within the spiritual world that which has been formed in it as soul-experiences during physical existence.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 19 Feb 1911, Strasburg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we do our meditation with this attitude we can conquer Ahriman. We conquer Lucifer by filling our ego completely with the meditation's content. Lucifer can't get into the ego, only into the astral body.
Men who take Lucifer in on Jupiter will be mighty beings; but it'll be like a burning of these egos in wisdom without love. Then on Venus one will be dealing with black magic; the condition will be like a spiritual drowning.

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