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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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147. Perception of the Elemental World 25 Aug 1913, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To understand this, we should consider that in the physical sense world the human being is a self, an ego, an ‘I’. It is the physical body, as long as it is awake, that contributes what is necessary for this feeling of self.
We would be mistaken if we imagined that the alternation of transformation with strengthened ego feeling were regulated in the elemental world just as naturally as waking and sleeping are in the physical world.
Whatever a person develops as the ability to transform himself is expressed for the clairvoyant vision in the unfolding of the lotus flowers. Whatever he can acquire of a strengthened ego-feeling becomes inner firmness; we can call it an elementary backbone. Both of these must be correspondingly developed: the lotus flowers so that one can transform oneself, and an elementary backbone so that one can unfold a strengthened ego in the elemental world.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture IX 15 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When man passes through the gate of death, everything that underlies the physical metabolic-limb system falls away from him and with his ego he remains in the realm wherein he previously existed, namely in the realm of the Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim.
—And this Oriental went on to say: ‘Yes, in nearly everything that belongs to his civilisation, Western man actually starts from the standpoint of his ego, the ego that is enclosed within a single life and therefore has no reality. It has reality only when it emerges from its bounds and leads into the successive earthly lives.’
If he contemplates karmic development with its magical processes he must have accepted the principle of successive incarnations. Then the ego widens out and will no longer be egotistic. The Oriental says that the European can recognise the ego only within the limits of birth and death and this he calls the egotism of the European.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XII 01 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You know that in Spiritual Science we have found it necessary to state that man consists of the following four members: the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and the ego. You know that we have been led by the facts themselves, further, to maintain that when sleep begins ego and astral body separate, in a sense, from the other vehicles, though this separation takes place more in a dynamic sense, and return again when the individual awakes. Thus you must conclude: in the state of sleep there is a bond between the astral body and the ego, and another bond between the etheric and physical bodies; so even in the waking state, we must accept a less intimate connection between astral body and ego on the one hand and etheric body and physical body on the other, than between the ego and astral body or between the etheric and physical bodies. This looser link between the two groups, the upper human entity, ego and astral body and the lower human entity, etheric and physical bodies—is a true mirror-image of the loose admixture of oxygen and nitrogen in the external atmosphere.
34. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Posthumous Papers of Paul Asmus

Rudolf Steiner
In 1872, at the age of only thirty, he was snatched from a promising life. Two of his writings have been printed: “The Ego and the Thing in Itself” and “The Indo-European Religions”. These are treasures of German intellectual life.
Few works have been written about Kant that match the quality of what Paul Asmus has written about him in his essay “The Ego and the Thing in Itself”. He does full justice to Kant; but at the same time he shows how impossible it is to stop at Kant, and how the great impetus given by the Königsberg philosopher to German thought must necessarily have led to the conceptions of Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer and others.
For this outer world of appearances only acquires meaning and significance when the human ego allows its own light to shine on it. Paul Asmus presents this process of Fichte's thinking emerging from Kant's in a very astute way.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 20 Sep 1912, Basel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The important and necessary thing is to become attentive enough to notice thoughts that seem to fall out of one's ordinary thought life, and that we become aware that possibly grotesque thoughts rise in our soul without our ordinary waking ego-consciousness being involved. Thereby we become aware that something lives behind our ordinary ego that we hadn't known previously, that something is active behind this ego which weaves thoughts.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Cross and the Triangle in the Cosmos and in Man N/A

Rudolf Steiner
Each of them is connected with one of the four limbs in man, for in each of the planetary conditions one of these limbs has been developed in the disposition. The fourth guides the development of the human ego. He is most intimately connected with humanity and is the direct servant of the mighty spirit of the sun.
During these, at higher levels, that which was developed in the three first stages will be fully realized. With the powers of his ego, which man has acquired in the evolution on earth under the influence of the powerful Archangel Michael and through the power of Christ, which has been placed in him, he will be able to develop higher members within himself during these three following planetary conditions.
On earth, the power of Christ has given the human ego the possibility of developing these limbs within itself in the future. In the next planetary state, the Jupiter state, the human being will connect with the forces that reveal themselves in the cosmos as the “Holy Spirit” by developing the spirit self.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Spiritual Science and Sensory Perception

Rudolf Steiner
Only in the case of perceptions is it a matter of preserving the ego in the face of changing perceptions; with regard to the spiritual world, it is a matter of bringing the ego into becoming, into change - by relating it to ever-changing spiritual beings and identifying with them.
265a. Lessons for the Participants of Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924: The Mystery of Life and Death 01 Oct 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He thus conquers death, for he participates in the life force of the gods, the inexhaustible source, by striving from the center of his ego up the paths that are shown to us by the masters. The gods continually sacrifice themselves to us in their love, their strength, their will, feeling and thinking.
The germ of the I was sunk into it, and now it began its work from within. When it goes beyond its ego center, breaking through the ring of the astral body, then the human being can reunite with the power of the primal fire of the Godhead and receive eternal life.
117. Festivals of the Seasons: The Spirit of Christmas 26 Dec 1909, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And men do not perceive that He Who really frees us from belief in authority, is He Who taught man to build in his inmost being on the power of his own Ego. He who has revealed to us what the Ego is capable of taking into itself can also show us how to find the source and the power of truth within our own being.
When we look back on the evolution of mankind in the remote past, we know that the human ego was not yet fully developed. As we trace back the evolution of man, we come to the Group-soul. A certain number of human beings had at that time an Ego-soul in common, just as animals still have a group-soul to-day.
That then is the question: whether we resolve to look back from our reincarnations in the sixth Period, upon our present ego as a non-individual, lacking in independence, bound up in the group-soul consciousness, or whether we desire to remember an ego, which has laid hold for itself of the source of spirituality in our Earth-evolution, which has laid hold of the great Word.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: The Two Jesus Children 18 Sep 1909, Basel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
During the Lemurian epoch man assumed a form that made it possible for him to develop his fourth principle, the Ego. At that time the first seed began to form for the development of an Ego in the other three principles. Hence we can say that the changes which took place on Earth enabled man to become the bearer of an Ego. Before the Lemurian epoch the Earth was also inhabited, but by human beings who as yet bore no Ego within them.
These pristine forces of the Adam-Individuality were preserved; they were there and were then led as a provisionalEgo’ to the child born to Joseph and Mary. Thus in his early years this Jesus-child bore within him the power of the original progenitor of earthly humanity.

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