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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 801 through 810 of 2237

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124. Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark: Lecture Six 07 Mar 1911, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
will become ever more and more true, that that human ego alone is fruitful which receives into it the Impulse of Christ, we ought to feel that this passage refers in a most outstanding way to our own day.
But to those who had been moved by His words He began to give the following teaching: “That which is the outward physical expression of the ego-nature in man must suffer many things if it is to attain full development; and so it came to pass that the most ancient masters of mankind and those who knew the content of the holiest wisdom could say: The form in which the ego dwells at present serves it no longer; in this form it shall be slain, and after three days, in accordance with the ordered rhythm of universal connections, it will rise again in a higher form.”
It was only possible for earthly man to acquire an understanding of what was to enter more and more into the human ego after the coming of the Christ-Impulse. We can now receive inspiration in a certain way from the Gospels.
127. The Mission of the New Spirit Revelation: The Inflow of Spiritual Knowledge Into Life 26 Feb 1911, St. Gallen

Rudolf Steiner
And this possibility can create a certain splendor in him, which may also emanate from his grief to all other tears and other sadness, because the more we are moved by everything else, the greater is our sadness. And in his grief, man is in a sense led to his ego in a non-selfish way. What has no ego cannot cry or be sad. The claim that animals also cry is therefore basically nonsense.
| It is quite different with regard to another experience of our ego, which we can call by many names. What is expressed in laughter, merriment, joy, perhaps even in jokes – in our sense of the comic – is the other way around.
But they are healthy and contribute to the healthy education of the person when we can take pleasure in the depicted burlesque and comic. For this points to the healthy ego within us. There you see how the healthy in the environment can also be understood when we realize that we also have an ego.
271. Understanding Art: The Sources of Artistic Imagination and Supersensible Knowledge I 05 May 1918, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
There are oddballs today who think: How come I have to deal with a complete stranger's ego? They want to remain completely within the realm of the naturalistic; they want to remain true naturalists, so they say to themselves: I have memorized the facial oval and other things, and because I have learned from various experiences that a person is hidden in such shapes, I conclude that there will be a human ego behind this nose shape.
But that does not correspond to the experience one comes to when one observes life from one's own participation in life. I do not conclude that there is an ego from the shape of the face and so on. I have the consciousness of an ego because the perception of what confronts one as a physical human being is based on something other than the perception of crystals or plants.
Real self-knowledge aims to see how what one otherwise experiences in the mere point of the ego lives creatively in the organism. We are not merely conceiving and perceiving beings in that we have perception and perception; we also continually breathe out and in.
178. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Psychoanalysis II 11 Nov 1917, Dornach
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
But now we are considering the relation of the ego to the soul-forces that work within it, and their action beyond the threshold of consciousness in the spiritual world.
An opposite condition may be brought about if the ego has been weakened in any way. Then the threshold is crossed, as it were, in the opposite direction (See drawing, left).
This happens if thinking is exposed in any way to the danger of not being properly confined, so that it asserts itself unwarrantably in the consciousness. Then, because the ego is not working as it should, thinking slides into the sphere of feeling or of will. Instead of working side by side, thinking mixes itself with feeling, or will, the ego being for some reason unable to exert its normal power.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Dawn of a New Spiritual Age Comets and their Significance for Life on Earth 13 Mar 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
A plant is indeed capable of life as a self-contained organism, but not the sleeping human being, because the latter has arranged his physical and etheric bodies in such a way that they must be permeated by his astral body and his ego. So while the human ego and the astral body leave the person, during this time another entity of the same value, a divine spiritual astral body and a matching ego, permeates the physical and etheric body at night.
That which is in the physical world is thus incorporated into the great spiritual powers of the macrocosm, and all spiritual beings belonging to it work unimpaired by the human ego and astral body. Today we want to get to know some of these forces of the great world that affect human beings.
Now the abilities are beginning to prepare themselves, which will be able to lead human nature back to spiritual development. It was only in the Kali Yuga that the ego could and had to develop into the consciousness that is its own, in the only way possible during this time.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Human Consciousness in the Seven Planetary Conditions 01 Jun 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
On the Moon the Astral body was added, and on the Earth the Ego, which brought it to a still greater completion. At the time when the physical body existed on Saturn, when as yet no etheric body had interpenetrated it, all the organs it contains today were not yet within, for it lacked blood and nerves, nor had it as yet any glands.
Then the astral body worked further during the Moon existence, the Ego during the Earth existence and thus the glands, the organs of growth and so on have matured to their present perfection.
The principle, however, which enabled the human being to evolve an objective consciousness and at the same time gave him the power to sound forth his pleasure and pain from within—the ego—this formed in man his blood. Thus the whole universe is the builder of the sense organs. Thus have all the glands, organs of reproduction and nutrition been formed by the life-body; thus the astral body is the builder of the nervous system and the ego the incorporator of the blood.
54. German and Indian Secret Doctrine 08 Mar 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
While we connect the lower members and the upper ones, we have the ego in the middle. It has a share of both, of the earthly and the divine. It penetrates the etheric body and the astral body. We call this ego soul. We call the real immortal inside of the human being, atman, buddhi, and manas, mind or spirit.
Today these experience the same as at that time, while they outgrow their lower ego, develop the spiritual essence in themselves, and become citizens of a higher world already in this life.
131. From Jesus to Christ: The Esoteric Path to Christ 14 Oct 1911, Karlsruhe
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Karma does not only balance the accounts of each Ego, but in every case the balancing must be arranged so as to be in the best possible accord with the concerns of the whole world.
If the God who is designated by the name of the Father had not at one time permitted the Luciferic influences to come to man, man would not have developed the free Ego. With the Luciferic influence, the conditions for the free Ego were established. That had to be permitted by the Father-God. But just as the Ego, for the sake of freedom, had to become entangled in matter, so then, in order that the Ego might be freed from this entanglement, the entire love of the Son had to lead to the Act of Golgotha.
182. The Work of the Angels In Mans Astral Body 09 Oct 1918, Zürich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
In the sense of Spiritual Science, the members of man's being, beginning from above downwards, are: Ego, astral body, etheric body—which latterly I have also called the body of formative forces—and physical body. The Ego is the only one of these members in which we live and function as beings of spirit-and-soul. The Ego has been implanted in us by the Earth-evolution and the spirits of Form who direct it. Fundamentally speaking, everything that enters into our consciousness enters it through our Ego. And unless the Ego, as it unfolds itself, can remain connected—connected through the bodies—with the outer world, we have as little consciousness as we have during sleep.
275. Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom: Technology and Art 28 Dec 1914, Dornach
Translated by Pauline Wehrle, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
If we want to understand what these indications actually mean we must recall to memory a spiritual scientific truth which you no doubt know, namely, that whilst we are asleep our ego and astral body are outside our physical and etheric body. In fact, because of certain limitations which cosmic laws impose on us in the natural order of things, our ego and astral body are very close to our physical body and etheric body in a case like this, so that if we are asleep on a train journey our ego and astral body are right inside all the rattling, rumbling and braking going on in the wheels and the engine of the train.
We bring all this disharmonious squeezing and tearing back into our physical and etheric body, and if you have ever woken up with all the after-effects of what the engines of a steamer or a train have done to your ego and astral body, and bring that into your waking consciousness, you will notice how little it synchronises with what is going on within you in the way of a kind of experience the ego and the astral body have of the inner harmony of the physical and etheric body.
There is something tremendous behind the fact, for instance, that the conception of the ego in the whole evolutionary system of language is quite differently constructed the further back we go in pre-Christian times, than it is later on when we go forwards from the Mystery of Golgotha.

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