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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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Foundations of Esotericism: Translator's Preface
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Vera Compton-BurnettJudith Compton-Burnett
The wonderful moment when the higher being of man descended in a bell-like form and enveloped the lower human form, still on a level with the animals, depicts what eventually provided him with a body suited to the development of the ego. Spiritual Beings and the great Initiates led him along the path he had to tread. Where do we look today for these ego-endowed human beings?
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: Something about the Moon in the Light of Spiritual Science 09 Dec 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
The ego is present within the life of the Sentient Soul, but as yet knows nothing of itself. Then the ego develops further and the soul advances to the stage of the Intellectual Soul or Mind Soul. And when the ego has carried still further its work on the soul, the Intellectual Soul gives rise to the Consciousness Soul.
If now we consider human evolution, we see that the work of the ego on the Sentient Soul, Intellectual Soul and Consciousness Soul has developed only on earth under the conditions that prevail between earth and sun.
60. The Spirit in the Realm of Plants 08 Dec 1910, Berlin
Translated by Gerald Karnow, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
There, because his body offers him resistance, he again feels his ego, his self-consciousness. This breathing out and breathing in of the soul is a wonderful alternation in human life.
Just as everything in the human being tends toward a self-conscious ego, so it is also in the realm of plants. The whole plant world belongs to the earth. I have already said that a person would be close to insanity if he did not think of how all feelings, sensations, and mental images are directed toward our ego. Similarly, everything the plants mediate during summertime is directed toward the earth's center, which is the earth ego. This should not be said merely symbolically! As the human being has his ego, so the earth has its self-conscious ego.
79. Jesus or Christ 29 Nov 1921, Oslo

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who studies the psychology of history by permeating it with supersensible views will find that the ego experience was not there until around the 8th or 7th century BC, that it then slowly emerged, that the historical development in human history actually tends towards what one must describe as the dawning of the ego.
This was present in man without the development of the ego having taken place. The older human being did not have a clearly defined ego, but he had an instinctive knowledge.
Through logic, man steps out of his natural existence, but enters into his development of the ego, which, however, ultimately leads to the disease we have been talking about. This development must return to where it came from if it is not to lose the understanding of Christ.
64. From a Fateful Time: The Germanic Soul and the German Mind 14 Jan 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Of course, in this, one must no longer think of the ego that is bound to the self-will of life, but of the ego that knows itself to be completely pulsed and warmed by what God wills - as I have just read from Meister Eckhart.
What intimate interpenetration of the human ego with the divine is here generated by the feeling that the ego lives in the feeling that it itself grasps God in eternity!
This ego must not be another being in itself, but must create itself again and again; and creating itself must be the most important activity of the ego.
273. The Problem of Faust: The Problem of Faust 30 Sep 1916, Dornach
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Man is capable of sense, thinking, because he has an astral body. Faust descends from the Ego to the astral body more deeply into himself. “... In the beginning was the Thought.
Indeed, in the different characters whom Faust meets, Goethe is always trying to show Faust's other ego, so that he may come to know himself better and better. Many of the audience may remember how in earlier lectures I explained that even Wagner was to be found in Faust himself, that Wagner was just another ego of Faust's.
Man will mature by being able for a time to develop in his lower ego-bearer, in his uncontrolled egoism, what is deeply harmful—and in all conscience there is sufficient of this, as our own times clearly show.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Goethe and the World View of German Idealism 02 Dec 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I wanted to show how Fichte, in his attempt to penetrate to the human ego in its essence, could not be satisfied with grasping this ego in being or in mere thinking, in the sense of Descartes with his “I think , therefore I am”, but how Fichte wanted to grasp the self, the innermost essence of the human soul, in such a way that there lies in it something that can never lose its existence because it can create this existence anew in every moment. Fichte wanted to show the living, ever creative will as the source of the human ego; not by a judgment of the kind: I think, that is something, therefore I am — not by that did Fichte want to find the essence of the ego, but by showing that even if this ego were not in any given moment, or if it could be said of it, on the basis of some evidence, that it were not, then this judgment would be invalid on the grounds that this ego is a creative one, because it can, in every moment, generate its existence anew out of the depths of this ego.
How? Fichte does not seek to grasp being and the ego by bringing thought to consciousness, as Descartes and Cartesius did. Instead, Fichte seeks to grasp being and the ego by connecting with the world-creating powers that play into the inner soul, so that the ego creates itself in every moment.
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Sixth Lecture 16 Nov 1923, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
And only when we are able to say, for example, how the ego organization or the astral body intervenes in the head system, are we able to speak of healthy and sick people in an exact and appropriate way.
We have to relieve the astral body and the ego organization of the task of dealing with the disease process, when the disease process is allowed to run rampant.
On the other hand, the physical organization that phosphorus drives in drives the astral body and the ego out. You can study these things in the most superficial way by observing that lime, so to speak, fetters the awakened ego and the awakened astral body to the physical body everywhere.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It will be shewn later in this work that the ego too, which man in ordinary life looks upon as his entity, is not the real ego, but only the reflection of the real ego in the physical world.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: The Way of Michael, and What Preceded It
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 8 ] Now one can go back to times in which the thoughts were directly experienced in the ‘Ego.’ But in those times they were not shadowy as they are today, nor were they merely living; they were full of soul and spirit.
[ 11 ] The next stage was one in which the element of thought was no longer experienced by the Ego but by the astral body. The soul here loses the direct vision of the Spiritual. Thought appears as an element which is ensouled and alive.
There was an earliest stage in consciousness when man experienced the Thoughts in the Ego—experienced them as real Beings, imbued with Spirit, soul and life. At a second stage he experienced the Thoughts in the astral body; henceforth they appeared only as the images of Spirit-beings—images, however, still imbued with soul and life.

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