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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 831 through 840 of 2237

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188. The Relationship Between Human Science and Social Science 25 Jan 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we ascend from the three sheaths to the human ego, we have in this human ego, first of all, that which rises above space and time, even above the timeless, spaceless quality of the astral. But this human ego only came into consciousness in the period of time that followed the Samothracean worship of Kabir. The Greeks had, of course, derived their belief in the immortal from the ancient Samothracean teaching; but it was only within the Graeco-Latin period that the consciousness of the ego was to be born. Therefore the fourth did not want to come, representing as it does that which exists as a relationship between the ego and the cosmos.
224. The Festivals and Their Meaning III : Ascension and Pentecost: The Whisun Mystery and its Connection with the Ascension 07 May 1923, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
In sleep, the physical body and ether-body remain behind; from the time of falling asleep until that of waking, the ego and the astral body make themselves independent of them. During this state of independence in sleep the influence of the Christ-Force takes effect in the ego and the astral body in those men who through the requisite mood and content of their soul-life have made fitting preparation for this condition of sleep.
Thus there are two things that mankind must realise: on the one hand that Christ holds back the ether-body in its perpetual urge towards the sun; and on the other, that man's spirit-and-soul nature, his ego and astral body, can receive the Christ Impulse only in the time between falling asleep and waking—and this is only possible when knowledge of this Impulse has been acquired in waking life.
Whence does man acquire the power to receive the Christ Impulse into his nature of spirit-and-soul, into his ego and astral body? The answer is found in the Whitsun festival. Through the Mystery of Golgotha the Christ Impulse has taken effect on the earth as a reality which is within the comprehension of spiritual cognition alone.
101. Myths and Symbols 21 Oct 1907, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
In certain realms there are forces, akin to the human ego, which gave the primary impulse for the formation of the red blood. Ego-beings are the shapers and architects of this red blood. They were working from outside before the Ego was able to come down into man. The animals have not an Ego; they are ‘possessed’ by the red blood.
The birds split off from the progressive course of the evolution of humanity before the ‘I’, the Ego, came to the Earth. With advancing physical evolution, the sexual element entered into possession of each single body.
143. Calendar of the Soul 07 May 1912, Cologne
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
He supposes that thoughts and consciousness reside only in the head, and when the astral body and the Ego are outside, he believes that there is nothing within him that thinks. In reality the lower half of his body is all the more active, only he knows nothing of it.
When on a Friday in April in the year 33 A.D. the Mystery of Golgotha took place, Ego-consciousness in the present sense was actually born. It matters not at all on what part of the Earth a man lives, to which nation, race or religion he belongs.
Our desire was to express in the Calendar the objective fact of the birth of the Ego. We reckon from the Mystery of Golgotha, hence from Easter to Easter, not from one New Year's Day to the next.
199. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: Lecture X 28 Aug 1920, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
When we take into consideration that the human being consists of the ego, the astral, etheric, and physical bodies, we have to say that when man is awake, meaning, when he is immersed in his organism with his ego and astral body, he has no share in the spirit region behind the tapestry of the senses. In sleep, on the other hand, having drawn his ego and astral body out of his physical organism, man dwells within this (upper) region of the spirit world with his ego and astral body.
This coldness is the sign that one is actually entering with one's ego and astral body into the world which man enters each night, but without consciousness, not experiencing it.
233a. Easter as a Chapter in the Mystery Wisdom of Man: Lecture III 21 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Samuel P. Lockwood

Rudolf Steiner
When he has completed the period between death and a new birth and has absolved all the requirements of soul and spirit demanded during that period, he prepares to descend to Earth, to unite with the bodily-physical principle transmitted to him by his father and mother. But before it is possible for his ego and astral body to unite with the physical body he must provide himself with an etheric body, which he attracts from the surrounding cosmos.
Before that time man needed forces, when approaching the Earth again, that would enable him to shape the all-pervading ether into the form of an etheric body around his ego and astral body. These forces he drew, as he approached the Earth, from the Moon which was then within it.
The Sun appeared as something that tended to dissolve, destroy the etheric body; hence he knew that forces to be received by the Sun-beings must not proceed from his etheric body, but from his higher principles, from his ego and astral body. Only upon these must the Sun forces be allowed to act. So he knew that for the forming of his etheric body he must not look to the Sun but to the planets, and that he must turn to the Sun for his astral body and especially for his ego and its whole inner strength.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Inner Processes in the Human Organism 22 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Here I must remind you of something I said here very recently, describing how during sleep, with his astral body and his ego, man always lives through in backward order what he has experienced in the physical world in the preceding waking period.
We are subject to altogether different laws when in our astral body and ego we are outside the physical and etheric bodies. Now think of the following. Today is the 22nd December; this morning was for you, when you woke from sleep, the morning of the 22nd December.
But it can be compared—naturally only compared—with what I have just been describing to you. You go back in your astral body and your ego to the morning of December 22nd, and then, when you next wake, you jerk quickly forward to the morning of December 23rd.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XIII 17 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It is not quite correct; however, on the whole it is correct in the sense that there is a kind of a surplus of human beings who are already appearing in our time who have no egos, who are not really human. This is a terrible truth. They walk around and are not incarnations of an ego; they enter into the physical line of heredity and receive an etheric body and an astral body.
They're not always bad souls; they can just be souls who get to the soul stage but are lacking an ego. One will certainly realize this when one runs into these human beings. A priest has to know this, for after all there is fellowship among men with regard to such matters.
The intellectual or mind soul only emerges around age 20, and this makes it possible for the ego to live out its life on earth. Anyone who says that one shouldn't act in a sympathetic way to such ego-less, individuality-less people, since they won't incarnate again and because they have no individuality—is very much mistaken.
133. Earthly and Cosmic Man: The Forces of the Human Soul and Their Inspirers 23 Apr 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The human being remembers back to the point in his life when consciousness awakens; his remembrance stretches back to the birth of the “ I,” the Ego: for his actual entrance into Earth-existence is shrouded in sleep. Of what precedes the birth of the “ I ” we have to be told by our parents, by our elder brothers and sisters, by our seniors. Just as the memory of the human being now reaches back to the awakening of this Ego—the Luciferic Ego—so, later on, he will see, as in an Imagination, another Ego, another “ I ” before him.
In the future, man will remember that at a certain point of time in his childhood, the Luciferic “ I ” awakened; and he will also remember back to another point of time, when the “Christ-Ego” appears, in contrast to the Luciferic Ego. Instead of the one point, there will be two. The fact that this will arise as a memory will be the proof that the Christ-Event has not still to take place, but that it has already taken place.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Mission of Individual Peoples and Cultures in the Past, Present and Future. 16 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
We have seen that the individual still felt himself to be ego-less, devoid of personality; he looked upon the ‘I’ as a gift from the spiritual world. In the East, when the ‘I’ really awoke, it was not of course experienced in the same way.
The East, therefore, no longer experienced the whole process of receiving the ego as if it were bestowed by a higher spiritual world through the instrumentality of a divine-spiritual Being such as Thor.
Thus cultural diversities were a necessity, for the individual peoples had to be guided through the many stages of ego development. If we had sufficient time to enlarge upon these matters we could find examples from history which show the ramifications of these basic forces and how they manifest in the most diverse ways.

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