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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Process of Becoming of the Human Races 01 Dec 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Then I descend into prana, then comes kama, which evolves into manas. Together: the egos in Atma are distributed among the beings evolving in kama. When the Lemurian race unfolded, there were not yet animals in the sense that we know them today, but they were very different beings.
The apes are those beings who missed the connection at the time, who were therefore not incarnated with Manas. The ape egos are taken up by decadent bodies. Within the mental realm, there are still countless other animal souls that would incarnate if animal bodies were to arise within the present time.
Now, not a geographical closure is to be formed, but more of a moral one; a core is to be formed that will serve as the foundation for the next race. If the right egos are not found now, a failure would be recorded and there would be a delay. In the normal development, Nirmanakayas can only develop when the physical body has dissolved back into the mental.
Deeper Secrets of Human History: Appendix III
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd

Dorothy S. OsmondAlan P. Shepherd
Man was to see the outer physical world, not merely as the stage of his own inner experience, but as the place where he was to learn obedience to the laws of his own spiritual being. He was to identify his newly-evolving ego, which no longer only discovered itself in the etheric manifestation of its inner experience, but was seeking to realise itself in the physical body, in mastery over the outer world,—he was to identify it with the Lamb: the outer world was to be to him a path of self-offering and sacrifice. Thus the new etheric body was to bear the image of the LAMB, and was to imprint that image upon man's physical body in which the ego was manifesting itself. In this, man would be opposed by the self-centredness of Lucifer. This formation of the etheric body as the Lamb could not arise out of man's old serpent-like etheric body.
276. Colour: Colours as Revelations of the Psychic in the World 18 May 1923, Oslo
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Our ego-feeling lights up in us if we wake up in light. In the darkness we feel ourselves strange in the world.
Man, even if born blind, is organized for light. And the limitation of ego-energy which is present in the blind, is there because of the absence of light. Whiteness is related to light. If we feel whiteness in this way, as we feel the ego stimulated in a room by whiteness to its inner strength, we can say, making the thought living and not abstract: Whiteness is the psychic appearance of the spirit.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Man and the Evolution of the World
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Nevertheless they not only have an I or Ego but are aware of it, for the warmth of Saturn, by raying back this Ego, brings it home to their consciousness.
This result was averted by the special development described above in connection with the life-body, a development that was brought about by the Earth-Moon Beings. The true individual Ego was thereby loosed from the merely Earthly Ego, so that man during this earthly life felt himself only partly as his own I, while at the same time he felt that his Earthly Ego was a continuation of the Earthly Ego of his forefathers through the generations.
And even this individualization was impaired inasmuch as the Ego was still burdened with the memory of the Earthly consciousness—the consciousness, that is, of the Earthly Ego.
9. Theosophy (1965): Addenda
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
Only the thoughts of the animal are not those of an independent ego living in the animal, but are those of the animal group-ego, which is to be regarded as a being controlling the animal from outside. This group-ego is not present in the physical world, as is the ego of man, but works down into the animal from the soul-world described previously.
But anyone who tries to perceive how a stroke of fate is really experienced will be able to differentiate this experience from the assertions which must arise if an external standpoint is taken—through which, of course, every living connection of this stroke of fate with the ego is lost. For such a point of view, the blow appears to be either the result of chance, or to have been determined by some external cause.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science 03 Feb 1908, Mannheim

Rudolf Steiner
Weininger characterizes the female as having “no ego, no individuality, no freedom, no character.” But he sees the masculine in every woman and the feminine in every man.
The drop is not the sea, but it contains sea substance. Therefore, we do not make the ego of man into a god, but into a drop or spark of the divine essence. When this ego works on the other parts of the human being, the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body, higher parts of the human being arise from it.
This is because when a person falls asleep, the astral body with the ego is lifted out of the human being. In sleep, the four members of human nature are separated in twos.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: Higher Worlds and Their Connection with Ours 12 Apr 1910, Rome

Rudolf Steiner
During ecstasy, on the other hand, as we have seen, when the person consciously dissolves into the macrocosm, his ego becomes weaker and weaker and the disciple needs the help of a guru to prevent him from falling into complete powerlessness.
One day he will become master of himself, and his ego will rise above the everyday ego. He will ennoble and purify himself, and his blood will become chaste and pure like the green sap of plants.
The Rosicrucian, when he has trained himself in this way, sees external reality only where he can shape it into symbols that transform his inner abilities and the results of his meditation work into light. In this way, the student's ego is protected from becoming hardened in selfishness, as well as from powerlessness, and he can enter the higher worlds without danger.
101. Occult Signs and Symbols: Lecture I 13 Sep 1907, Stuttgart
Translated by Sarah Kurland, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
We know that a man's physical body is the oldest and most complicated member of his being; his etheric body is somewhat younger; his astral body younger still; the youngest of all is his ego. The physical body has a long development behind it that has come about during the course of four planetary embodiments.
Then the Moon transformed itself into earth, and to the three bodies of man already formed, the ego was added. Where, then, were these bodies before they embodied themselves in the human being?
Today, man has a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body, and an ego. When the ego works upon the astral body, ennobling it intellectually, morally, and spiritually, then the astral body becomes the spirit self or manas.
162. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Tree of Knowledge II 08 Aug 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This physical nature of the sense-organs can be seen in the fact that during sleep the ears are naturally influenced just as they are during waking life; only the ego and astral body are not concerned with them. If we had our eyes open during sleep, it is obvious that just the same would happen as during waking.
I must draw it so. And if I further wished to insert the ego I must do it schematically in the following way. This ego would open itself naturally to the spaces of the whole cosmos.
You can indeed follow this with physical cognition: the eye can be looked on as a camera obscura, where the objects from outside create their images as in a photographic apparatus, and what is created within is then seized upon by the etheric body, astral body and ego. Thus we have a physical reciprocal action with the outer world which takes place in our periphery.
327. The Agriculture Course (1958): Lecture VIII 16 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Question: Has liquid manure the same Ego-organising force as manure itself? Answer: The essential point is to have the manure and the liquid manure properly combined. Use them in such a way that they work together, each contributing to the organising forces of the soil. The connection with the Ego applies in the fullest sense to the manure, though this does not hold good, generally speaking, for the liquid manure. Every Ego—even the potentiality of an Ego, as it is in the manure—must work in some kind of connection with an astral factor.

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