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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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291. Colour: Dimension, Number and Weight 29 Jul 1923, Dornach
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
How does he come at all to speak of an inner and an outer world? Because every time he sleeps, his ego and his astral body are outside his physical and etheric body: he abandons, so to speak, his physical and etheric bodies and is among those things which are outer world.
And if a consciousness of it begins, as is the case when you are out there with your ego and your astral body, you also get to the point of ascertaining something like dimension, number and weight, but of an opposite kind.
And when on awakening he returns again to himself, his ego and his astral body keep as it were the inclination and affinity towards the outward things and cause him to recognize an outer world.
296. Education as a Social Problem: The Inexpressible Name, Spirits of Space and Time, Conquering Egotism 17 Aug 1919, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey

Rudolf Steiner
We see it as it usually is today only because it is permeated by the ether body, the astral body, and ego. Strange as it may sound, that which is the physical body proper is a corpse, even during our lifetime.
A more correct view would be if you thought of yourself as a corpse with your ego, astral and etheric bodies carrying this corpse through space. A consciousness of the true nature of man's being becomes more and more important for our age.
In the period of time culminating in our age the egotistic element was chiefly developed. The ego has permeated man's viewing of the world; it has also permeated his will. We must not deceive ourselves about that.
124. Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark: Lecture Four 16 Jan 1911, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Of what lies before we are unconscious so far as ego consciousness is concerned. The threads of memory which belong to our conscious life do not reach to this period.
In these early years what comes can only form a foundation, for the evolved human ego is not yet present. But if it entered into an evolved human ego there would then take place what occurred for the first time through the baptism in Jordan at the moment when “the Spirit from above” descended upon Jesus of Nazareth.
It was not by chance these occurred as they did, but because two factors lived in one Being: the “Son of God”—which man is from the time of his birth until the development of his ego-consciousness, and the “Son of Man” which he is after this ego-consciousness has been acquired. Through the union of the “Son of God” and the “Son of Man” all those events came to pass which later led to the Events of Palestine.
141. Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture VII 14 Jan 1913, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
It is the point of time back to which a man's memory extends in later life, the moment when he begins to feel and know himself as an ‘I’, when Ego-consciousness dawns in him. This experience does not by any means occur at exactly the same point of time, but in most cases it may be said that Ego-consciousness flashes up in the human being at some point between birth and the seventh year.
Although with less abruptness than the sudden flashing-up of Ego-consciousness, there are other occurrences which as it were invalidate the regular seven-year cycle.
It is the question: How came it that understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha enabled the content of man's soul to be carried into the sphere of his ‘I’, his Ego? How did this soul-content differ from what existed before the Mystery of Golgotha as an ancient heritage?
174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Fifth Lecture 23 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
What one did not know between birth and death: that thoughts, which otherwise merely undulated like a dream of the ego, are alive, one now knows that. And one now lives one's self out of the formerly alien life into this inner life.
The waking life of the soul is only so intense because the activity of the ego and the astral body experiences resistance from the aetheric body and the physical body. In this mutual pushing and shoving between the ego and the astral body on the one hand, and the physical and etheric bodies on the other, something develops that resembles continuous pushes and counter-pushes.
Then, however, they point to this most significant reality, which is carried out by the ego and the astral body during sleep. This activity, then, which the human being carries out, is revealed to serious and dignified spiritual research.
349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Dreaming, Death and Rebirth 09 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translated by Steiner Online Library

Rudolf Steiner
They do not walk because the ego is not inside the physical body. You can also explain to yourself why a small child does not walk. Because the ego has not yet awakened in a small child. So you can explain to yourself why a person walks: he walks because the I slips into his physical body.
Well, gentlemen, now let us take the waking dream. It is the case that the ego and the astral body are just slipping in and are not yet completely inside. These are the dreams of which we know the most.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Origin of Man 31 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
[Then we already mentioned eight days ago] the fourth link of the human being, through which man is the crown of earthly creation, that which we could say is designated in the German language by the only name that differs from all other names, the name of our ego. The ego name, when you think about it, indicates the essence of the [ego]. [But first turn to] Fichte, [who said]: Most people would much rather consider themselves a piece of lava in the moon than an ego. This ego can only be called from within itself. The name 'I' can never reach my ear if it denotes my own self; that can only be designated by the name 'I' from within.
Therefore, [even if it was dull and dim], this [astral] body [with the ego] was clairvoyant to a certain extent. In a way, this astral body, which was not so intimately connected to the physical and etheric bodies, could see into its surroundings.
91. Man, Nature and the Cosmos: The Inner Connections of the Seven Basic Principles 20 Jun 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The physical body is the oldest, the etheric body the second, the astral body the youngest. The ego is formed in the present. At the beginning of our earth epoch the physical body was not a chaos, but beautifully and harmoniously built in itself, the human being could not do anything to it; from the outside in it was built by the formers, the creating entities. It was the same with the etheric body and also with the astral body. Only with the fourth stage the ego comes and works independently. It has no influence on the etheric and the physical body, but on the astral body.
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The Higher Spiritual World N/A
Translated by Steiner Online Library

Rudolf Steiner
In the higher spiritual world, we would thus find sense experiences that are at rest in themselves and which prove to be related to those sense experiences to which the human being in the physical world is closest with his ego, the experiences of the sense of concept, sound and hearing. But those experiences are as if there were not, as it were, a human ego standing before them and taking them in, but as if there were a being behind them that creates them in its own activity.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Memory and Conscience
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 7 ] Sleep carries over the soul-spiritual being of man into the cosmic world. With the activity of his astral body and his Ego, the sleeping man is steeped in the Divine-Spiritual Cosmos. He is not only outside the physical but outside the world of stars.
[ 8 ] In the present moment of cosmic evolution these Divine Spiritual Beings work in such a way as to impress the moral content of the Universe into the astral body and Ego of man during sleep. All the World-processes in sleeping man are really moral processes, and cannot be spoken of as even remotely like the activities of Nature.
This Organisation is purely of the soul and spirit, and lives in him through the astral body and the Ego. Whatever enters of the life of Divine-Spiritual Beings into this human nature—its influence lights up in a man as the voice of conscience and all that is akin to this.

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