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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 871 through 880 of 2239

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254. The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century: Lecture III 16 Oct 1915, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We can form no true conception here if we consider the day-waking consciousness only; but if a man thinks of the moment when, together with his ego and astral body, he slips out of the body and therefore also out of the nerve-system, and especially of the moment when he slips into the body again on waking, he will have a peculiar experience. During sleep, in his ego and astral body he has been outside his nerves; he slips into the nerves again and is actually within them during his waking life; in the act of waking he feels himself streaming, as it were, from outside into the nerves.
Man does not realise this consciously but it expresses itself in his consciousness willy nilly. Now man thinks with his ego and astral body and we may therefore say: Thinking is an activity that is carried over by the ego and astral body to the etheric body.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Aphorisms from a Lecture to Members Given in London on August 24th, 1924. 24 Aug 1924, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The Feeling that lives in the Thoughts comes from the astral body, and the Willing from the Ego. In sleep the human etheric body is certainly irradiated with the world of his Thoughts, but man himself does not partake in it. For he has withdrawn, with the astral body the Feeling of the Thoughts, and with the Ego their Willing, out of the etheric and the physical. [ 27 ] 102. The moment the astral body and Ego loose their connection during sleep with the Thoughts of the etheric body, they enter into connection with ‘Karma’—with the beholding of the events through repeated lives on Earth.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Health Fever in the Light of Spiritual Science 27 Feb 1907, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Rickets is a premature remodeling of the bones because it is not properly guided by the ego. Spiritual science must intervene in the area of disease predispositions, correcting medicine here and steering it in the right direction.
One does not just occasionally stop in recognition, but also in the experience of one's life. The ego of many people often follows the will-o'-the-wisps and thus generates selfishness, the spirit of lies and error, thus generating erring temperaments and passions. If the ego is not in harmony with the order of the world, it will stray restlessly and follow all the will-o'-the-wisps that appear.
94. The Gospel of St. John: Lecture II 26 Feb 1906, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In man we have the physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego. What happens occultly, when a person sleeps? The physical and etheric bodies remain in bed. The astral body, together with the ego, rises out and floats over them in the form of a ring, in the case of an undeveloped personality, and later, in the form of the physical body.
Through this a person learns to feel his own body as a foreign object, something like a piece of wood. He no longer connects his ego with his body. In the spiritual world he sees himself with the cross on his back. With this the fourth stage is reached.
265a. Lessons for the Participants of Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924: The Three Sheaths of Christ 06 Feb 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Likewise, the images of the astral body of Christ Jesus were transferred to those people who had a special task in humanity. There was no actual ego with this being, because the ego of Jesus of Nazareth left the three covers during John's baptism in the Jordan, but the fact that the Christ lived in the covers for three years has created something like a thin membrane, a kind of ego cover, which is incorporated into those who have a good understanding of the Christ being today.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 15 Oct 1913, Copenhagen
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
They work into a man in such a way that it's difficult for him to stand his ego when he ascends into the spiritual world. Some people can't even stand the outer sign for the ego in the physical world, that is, they faint when they see blood.
The Younger Generation: Preface
Translated by René M. Querido

René M. Querido
Above all we have not yet acquired the possibility for a relation between ego and ego. But this must be prepared for by education. That is why the question of education is of such burning importance.”
61. Turning Points Spiritual History: Christ and the 20th Century 25 Jan 1912, Berlin
Translated by Walter F. Knox

Rudolf Steiner
Even as the Physical Body is directly united and in contact with the Physical World, and the Astral Body with the Astral World, so is man’s deepest life-centre, the Ego, born of that Spirit-World which passeth man’s uttermost understanding. Hence, that great message which Christianity and the Christ-Impulse brought to mankind may be thus expressed:—Seek not the Deity and the Godlike primordial principle in the Astral Body, but in man’s innermost being, for there abideth the true Ego.
The actual awakening of the Divine consciousness which speaks through the Ego is the very essence of the Christ-Impulse; and the growth and development of the ancient Initiation-Principle paved the way and made it possible that this great impulse should come to humanity.
Therefore if we would give the above words their fuller and truer meaning we should say:—Before Abraham, was the I AM. This implies that man’s Ego is eternal; and that in the beginning was the same Godlike element which has continued on throughout all generations and will be for evermore.
60. How Does One Attain Knowledge of the Spiritual World? 15 Dec 1910, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We focus our attention on what we find at the centre of philosophical observations, on the spiritual centre of the human being, the Ego—if we have learned to rise to the concept of Ego—which accompanies all our ideas, the mysterious centre of all experience.
These lead directly to an insight into how all of the world’s secrets and mysteries that float around us are concentrated, as it were, in a single point—the Ego-point— to comprehend the human being from this Ego-point. For example, the poet Jean Paul 6 talks about becoming conscious of the Ego in his biography: “I will never forget what manifested in me, which I have never told anyone about, whereby I stood at the birth of my self-consciousness, and of which I can tell at which place and at what time it happened.
We can then study human nature with the Ego as the centre point of thinking, feeling and willing, without taking ourselves into consideration or getting personal.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: The Human Being as a Spiritual and Soul Being. Research from the Perspective of Spiritual Science 16 Feb 1918, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
It is even remarkable that soul researchers, for example the very outstanding Theodor Ziehen, talk about the ego. One can see from the way even soul researchers talk about the ego that this ego only turns its outside to them.
But if you expand your consciousness by becoming your own spectator, as I have indicated, then you learn to recognize something very meaningful about this ego, you learn to recognize that what the essence of the ego is is basically always misinterpreted by ordinary consciousness.
Now, in addition to what is achieved through this second principle, which I have characterized in principle, there is another thing that is added to the achievement with regard to the ego. Through true self-observation, one comes to recognize the ego as a spiritual being that is distinct from the bodily beings.

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