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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science 10 Jan 1908, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
But man is only recognized when one considers the properties of his four-part essence: the physical body, etheric body, astral body and the ego. Today, we are particularly interested in the truth, which may seem insane, namely that the physical body and the etheric body are in some ways opposed, like north and south, positive and negative.
When a person sleeps, the astral body escapes with the ego, leaving behind the physical body and etheric body, and upon awakening, it plunges back into the latter. Why does the astral body sink back into it with the ego? Because it receives impressions through the physical senses; for the physical eye does not see and the physical ear does not hear.
94. Popular Occultism: Introduction 28 Jun 1906, Leipzig
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have thus learned to know the four members of man's being: the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and man's nucleus, the “I”, or Ego. At the moment of death, the etheric body, the astral body and Ego separate from the physical body. The etheric body and astral body gradually dissolve, until the Ego enters Devachan, where it remains until it begins a new life on Earth.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Answers to Questions from Lecture 12 02 Sep 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Question about the work of the Ego Work can be done on the astral body, on the etheric body, on the physical body. Every human being works on his astral body; all moral education is work on the astral body.
“The eternal-womanly draws us to the heights.” On the Ego-body The Ego-body appears to the clairvoyant as a blue hollow between the eyes, behind the forehead.
9. Theosophy (1971): Addenda
Translated by Henry B. Monges, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
Only the thoughts of the animals are not those of an independent ego living in the animal, but those of the animal group-ego, which must be regarded as a being governing the animal from without. This group-ego is not, like the human ego, present in the physical world, but works down into the animal from the soul world as described in part 1 of Chapter III.
Anyone who tries to observe how a stroke of fate is really experienced will be able to differentiate between this experience and the assertions to which a point of view that is merely external must necessarily give rise, and through which, of course, every living connection between this stroke of fate and the ego is lost sight of. For such a point of view, the blow appears to be either the result of chance or to have been determined by some external cause.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture II 28 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
Now, if we turn on the other hand to consider something that is not so obviously descended from Hegel but can be traced back to Hegel nonetheless, we find still within the first half of the nineteenth century, but carrying over into the second half, the “philosopher of the ego,” Max Stirner. While Karl Marx occupies one of the two poles of human experience mentioned yesterday, the pole of matter upon which he bares all his considerations, Stirner, the philosopher of the ego, proceeds from the opposite pole, that of consciousness.
Stirner sees the world as populated solely by human egos, by human consciousnesses that want only to indulge themselves to the full. “I have built my thing on nothing”—that is one of Max Stirner's maxims.
Why, thinks Max Stirner, should I, who have built only upon the foundation of ego-consciousness, have to admit that God is after all the greater egoist Who can demand of man and the world that all should be performed as it suits Him?
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Planetary Development

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, the soul can be seen to consist of two parts: one that is always united with the etheric body, and the other that is only united with it when we are consciously awake. During sleep, the ego leaves the body with the latter. During sleep, this ego now belongs to the universe; it is united with the beings from which the human planet was originally born. — The spiritual soul belongs to the world of the planets that it has lived through before uniting with the etheric body.
Nature and Our Ideals: Translator's Introduction

Eugene Schwartz
It belongs to dark and elementary powers ... There is still something else—my conscious Ego! When the “dark and elementary powers” are allowed to run rampant, the result is all that passes for modern culture, especially in painting, music and drama. When the “something else,” the Conscious Ego, is sought, it must be striven for along the lines of A Theory of Knowledge, The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity and the following letter, Nature and Our Ideals.
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: The Ways and Goals of the Spiritual Man 04 Jun 1910, Copenhagen

Rudolf Steiner
Take with you the Master, the Ideal, but feel with it that the ego must be driven out. Not from your own ego should all feeling, all willing, all thinking be done. Your unworthy ego had to be driven out.
Liquid as the drop is, it would immediately dissolve in the mass of water, it would melt away. This is what happens to the unstable ego when it wants to enter the world of the All-One. We dare not venture to penetrate there alone, for we will lose ourselves as the red drop loses itself in the mass of water.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Evolution of the Earth 30 Aug 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
Man has seven members: the first is, so to speak, the lowest; the etheric body is higher and of finer texture; the astral body is still higher and finer; of the Ego-body only the first rudiments yet exist. It would be wrong to conclude that the highest body now possessed by man is the most perfect, and the physical body the most imperfect.
Less perfect is the etheric body, and still less so the astral; the Ego-body is the least developed of them all. The reason is that the physical body has gone through the longest period of evolution and is the oldest part of the human being; younger is the etheric body, still younger the astral, and the Ego-body is the youngest of all.
But he was lower than modern man, for he was not able to say “I” to himself. He did not yet possess an Ego-body. These three kingdoms dwelt on the living body of the Moon. An important fact is that these Moon-men did not breathe as man does today; they breathed fire, not air.
254. The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century: Lecture III 16 Oct 1915, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We can form no true conception here if we consider the day-waking consciousness only; but if a man thinks of the moment when, together with his ego and astral body, he slips out of the body and therefore also out of the nerve-system, and especially of the moment when he slips into the body again on waking, he will have a peculiar experience. During sleep, in his ego and astral body he has been outside his nerves; he slips into the nerves again and is actually within them during his waking life; in the act of waking he feels himself streaming, as it were, from outside into the nerves.
Man does not realise this consciously but it expresses itself in his consciousness willy nilly. Now man thinks with his ego and astral body and we may therefore say: Thinking is an activity that is carried over by the ego and astral body to the etheric body.

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