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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 771 through 780 of 2237

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68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Essence of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science 29 Jan 1908, Wiesbaden

Rudolf Steiner
One must recognize the full significance of this resounding within man, of the human ego. Fichte once said: “People would much rather think of themselves as a piece of lava from the moon than as an ego. They see this essence of the ego who knows where, just not in themselves.” These four elements, the physical, etheric and astral bodies and the ego, are present in the most uneducated “savage” who still eats his fellow human beings, as well as in the most developed cultural human being.
In the astral body of an advanced person, we can distinguish two parts: one part that the ego has ennobled and one part that has not yet been transformed. The transformed part of the astral body we call the manas or the spiritual self, the fifth limb of the human being.
93. The Temple Legend: Evolution and Involution as they are Interpreted by Occult Societies 23 Dec 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
[Gap] The secret of secrets is this, therefore: the human being must learn how to keep silence about the paths along which his ego unfolds, and to regard his deeds, not his ego, as the criterion. The real heart of the secret lies in his deeds and the overcoming of the ego through action. The ego must remain concealed within the deed. Elimination of the interests of the ego from the on-streaming flow of karma—this belongs to the first degree. Whatever karma the ego incurs is thereby wiped out from karma. Nation, race, sex, position, religion—all these work upon human egoism.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Experiences of Initiation. The Mysteries of the Planets. 05 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
In his innermost being the pupil felt that the divine Word had taken on an astral garment of love, and he said to himself, “Man, who today consists of four members, physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego, has his ego as his highest member. This ego descended into the garment of love and formed Kama-Manas for itself. Kama, in which Manas clothed itself, was the innermost essence of man. This was the ego. But we know also that this innermost essence will evolve three higher members. These transform the lower members, transform even the physical body.
This was the verse of the Veda. When the word of the ego resounds, the fourth part of the Vach resounds. The verse of the Veda reads, “Four parts of the Vach are manifest; three are visible; three are now concealed; in the fourth speaks Man.”
201. Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe: Lecture XII 08 May 1920, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Now compare this fact with another—viz. the fact that in everyday life we alternately separate physical body and etheric body from the astral body and Ego in sleep, and in waking unite them. We may therefore say that altogether between birth and death there is a rather looser connection between the physical and etheric bodies on the one hand and the Ego and astral body on the other.
This means it works upon the physical, etheric and astral bodies and the Ego. There is however, a difference in their reception of its working. The astral body takes it up at once.
This is not the case, the Sun and Moon are not from the same origin but are two streams running side by side; and just as little can Man's human Ego and astral body be traced to the same origin as his physical and etheric bodies. They are two different streams.
233a. The Easter Festival in the Evolution of the Mysteries: Lecture II 21 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
This spirit and soul, as they manifest themselves in the human being, are unified by the ego into a single entity, whereas in the cosmos as a whole we have to do in spiritual observation not with one but with a multitude, an immeasurable, limitless multitude of spiritual beings.
And for that reason they knew that the forces emanating from the sun-beings must be received by the higher human members, the ego and the astral body, but not by the etheric body. Only upon the higher members could the sun-forces be allowed to work. For the etheric body, on the other hand, one turned not to the sun but to the planets. For the astral body and even more so for the ego's full inner power one had to turn to the sun. This was the second thing revealed by the Mysteries that had access to the secret of the moon.
315. Curative Eurythmy: Lecture VI 17 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Kristina Krohn, Anthony Degenaar

Rudolf Steiner
The result is that by means of the physical movement one carries over into consciousness what otherwise occurs unconsciously. One stimulates the astral body and the ego by means of this detour through the physical body and strengthens them. But what happens as a result of this? When the astral body and the ego are strengthened in this manner their activity becomes similar to the activity in the child and still growing person as it occurs naturally.
It awakens the crystallizing forces. In people with weak egos it strengthens the “I”, it makes the ego more egoistic. In people who effuse organically because they are not sufficiently egoistic we will find it necessary to activate the forces of egoism not for the benefit of the soul, but for the body.
317. Curative Education: Lecture VIII 03 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Two weeks after birth he had convulsions—a solitary attack; an important fact to note, for it provides the first clear evidence that the ego organisation and the astral body are finding it impossible to make their way into the physical and the ether body.
Seldom indeed does one come upon such a striking resemblance as here stood revealed! The same cannot be said of the ego organisation. The ego is still no more than rudimentary; it reminds one of an ego organisation such as children have in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.
Owing to the astral body being so extraordinarily strongly developed, the ego organisation seems to have missed sharing in the life and development of the last months of pregnancy.
293. The Study of Man: Lecture XII 03 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Daphne Harwood, Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
You make a great mistake if you believe that you live with your ego in your muscles and flesh. Even when you are awake you do not live with your ego in your muscles and flesh, you live with your ego principally in the shadow which you photograph in this way, in the forces used by your body when it moves. Grotesque though it may sound, when you sit down and press your back against the back of the chair, you live with your ego in the force which is developed in this pressure. When you stand up you live in the force with which your feet press the ground.
It is not in the least true that we live with our ego in our visible body. We live with our ego in forces. We only carry our visible body about with us; drag it along with us during our physical earth life until death.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Western Ways of Initiation 02 Jun 1909, Budapest

Rudolf Steiner
Theosophy seeks to awaken the ability to enter the spiritual world with the ego consciousness that first arose through sensory perceptions, and to connect this ego consciousness with clairvoyance.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: On Experiencing the Will-part of the Soul 15 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
At the same time we have in the astral organism of the will the true nature of the Ego. While something psychic-spiritual which is continually active in the rhythmical part of the physical organism corresponds with feeling, the will-part of the soul continually permeates the metabolic organism and the organization of the limbs.
The human organism is now so constituted that the presentation of the ego-development in it would be disturbed if we went back to the old ascetic practices. At present we must do the opposite.
This faculty is the spiritual counterpart, experienced after death, of the freedom brought about in earthly life by the ego-consciousness. Man then takes over in the period between death and re-birth his moral-spiritual quality-being, left behind in the lunar sphere, as the designer of his fate which he can thus experience in freedom in his new existence on earth.

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