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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 751 through 760 of 2237

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105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture X 14 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Other beings of whom we said that they had passed through their human stage at an earlier period already possessed egos, and man learnt to know the ego through beholding them, but he only came to know it truly in the period between death and rebirth.
The physical body corresponds to itself; the glandular system to the etheric body; the nervous system to the astral body; and the circulatory system (that of the blood) to the ego. The ego entered physically into man through his being endowed more and more with blood, thus becoming ever more capable of devoting himself to the material world.
Horrible as it may sound to the chemist, it is nevertheless true that the superabundant ego, that which would have brought humanity to the war of all against all through excessive egoism, flowed from the wounds of the Redeemer on Golgotha.
310. Human Values in Education: Modelling of Bodies 24 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
If however we wish to obtain an understanding of the ego-organisation it is essential to master and make one's own the inner nature and structure of some language.
Italian has formed itself out of an internal dancing, an internal singing, out of the soul's participation in the whole organism of the body. From this we see how the ego stands within the substance of the Folk-Soul; through making a study of the inner connections, the inner make-up of language, we learn to know how the ego works.
But in saying this he tells us nothing about the other man, only about his own ego. But we do not want to know this; we want an objective description. Today people find this very difficult.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: The German National Cause in Austria 14 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
The Germans are fighting for a cultural task that was given to them by their national development, and what they are up against in this struggle is national chauvinism. It is not our dear national ego, not the name that has come to us by chance of birth, that we have to defend, but the content that is linked to this ego, that is expressed by this name.
That is the hallmark of chauvinism as the German people have never known it. What is wrong with this narrow-minded national ego, which only wants to assert its own emptiness as much as possible and wants to know nothing of the whole world, when it allies itself with parties that would prefer to destroy the achievements of our European culture of the last centuries?
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 23 Nov 1913, Stuttgart
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But mostly we'll still look for all kinds of excuses, because we don't want to accuse ourselves, and that's why we still can't look into the spiritual world. Our desire-ego pulls a veil in front of it. If we would turn our attention away from the events and experiences of our desire life, if we would turn our ego towards the spiritual and direct our whole devotion towards it, we would then have been successful a long time ago. If we would only direct as much attention to our meditation as one uses for all kinds of conversations that one has in social life or for news about one's dear fellow men, we would then make rapid progress in our knowledge of higher worlds, we would then push back our ego that's defending itself. Our thoughts are nothing but memories of previous events, and these events are nothing but the desires that we've felt.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 25 May 1910, Hamburg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Human qualities are such that a man can control them very well with his ego if they stay in the right balance. But if he lets any one become too intensive, the ego can get under the control of this quality.
We've all been subjected to them But an esoteric must try to combat them with his ordinary ego For if he lets ill feelings master him, something happens to him. He succumbs to the wrong spirit of heaviness.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 10 Oct 1911, Karlsruhe
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Our meditations should always proceed from our inner moral impulses; the other world and especially our personal ego should be excluded completely. We should grasp the Godhead of the world and the way it streams through the world with its divine light in our thoughts quite objectively. Our ego shouldn't become obtrusive here or then the effect would become just the opposite. Quite differently constituted spiritual effects would then have to appear, namely Luciferic effects. In the first line, I see in pure rays of light, the moral impulse that suppresses the ego in all humility and that should e completely devoted to the divine spirit of the world in which one rests while forgetting oneself, doesn't come out.
265a. Lessons for the Participants of Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924: The Twelve Senses And The Seven Life Processes 20 May 1913, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The relationship between the sun, moon and earth acts on the astral body. The sun alone acts on the ego. The seven upper or light senses and the five lower or dark senses: Sense of language Sense of thought (mind) Sense of self Sense of touch Sense of life Sense of motion Sense of balance Sense of smell Sense of taste Sense of sight Sense of warmth Sense of hearing Sun Willing Moon Feeling Earth Thinking Breathing warming nutrition Transformation or secretion Continuation or processing Growth Reproduction Notes B from the estate of Elisabteh Vreede first degree We should become more and more aware that we are the complete image of the macrocosm in our essence, that we are a small world, a microcosm.
In their narrow-mindedness, scientists may talk about Martians as if they were similar to humans; only on Earth can these three forces be found in the way they are through the relationship of the Earth to the Sun and Moon. And our ego finds itself in the sun, in unity; the certain independence that the sun has from the other planets is brought about by our ego.
265a. Lessons for the Participants of Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924: The Future Desolation of Man and the World 08 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
In the future, people will be around as if they had no ego; they will move and work like robots. Eduard von Hartmann's pessimism: blowing up the Earth is the best thing to do.
Although we feel deepest sorrow about it, we can still be grateful to our karma for what we receive here, because then, in the future – as if floating above it – we will be able to give these automaton-like people something to guide them, something like a substitute for the missing ego. This is what the master says when asked about it. Recording B by Alice Kinkel For all degrees The knowledge and understanding of the development of our earth is the power and the means for us to advance in the occult.
The Master of Wisdom showed the image of humanity's future when He was implored: a horrifying image - people walking around down there like automatons, who have lost their ego as if lost, who are deeply numbed by this materialistic culture that contains only the strength of old men.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Progress of Mankind Up To Atlantean Times 31 Aug 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
The capacity to breathe signifies the acquisition of the individual human spirit. The Ego enters into him together with the air he breathes. If we speak of an Ego common to all men, it also has a common body, the air. Not without reason did the ancients call this universal Ego, Atma—Atmen, the breath. They knew very well that they drew it in with the breath and breathed it out again. We live in one common Ego because we live in the all-pervading air. Of course the event I have been describing must not be taken too literally.
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The Processes of Life N/A
Translated by Steiner Online Library

Rudolf Steiner
The only difference is that the degree of clarity with which external sense perceptions are inwardly relived is much greater than that which is accorded to the inner experiences characterized here. Hidden beneath or within the 'ego-person' is another person who is built up out of inner experiences, just as the ego-person is built up out of the results of external sense perceptions.
But just as little as one may throw together the process of sensory perception with the process in the ego that is linked to it, so little may one do so, for example, in relation to the breathing process and the inner experiences (of an emotional nature) that combine with this process.
In the astral world, the astral human being enters into a relationship with the processes of life, in so far as these reveal themselves in the life instincts. In the physical world, the human ego enters into a relationship with the sense experiences (sound, tone, warmth, light, etc.) that present themselves as the external world, insofar as these reveal themselves as the sense world.

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