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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 731 through 740 of 2237

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266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 19 Nov 1912, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We should direct our attention to it ever more. For at this moment, our ordinary ego didn't think—what thought was the divine thinking that passes through all ages and eternities. It thinks me—the great world thinking, thinks me.
Of course, we can't exclude the word “I,” but it's the higher, expanded I that should be felt here. The personal ego with which we live in the physical body must cease at death and pass over into the higher I. It dies into the world ego: I C M.
168. Relationships Between the Living and the Dead 16 Feb 1916, Hamburg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Indeed, if we were not able to have this experience when we pass through the gate of death, of knowingly participating in the falling away of our physical body, we should never be able to develop an Ego-consciousness after death. The Ego consciousness is aroused after death through this experience of the falling away of the physical body.
And, on the other hand:—“I see growing within me, out of this event, the feeling—I am an Ego.” We may express this with the paradox words:—“If we were unable to experience our death from the other side, we would not have an Ego-consciousness after death.”
It continues to live in our astral body and in our Ego. Our Ego lights up in self-consciousness through the contemplation of the moment of death.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: The Human Psyche in Sleep, Wakefulness and Dreaming 21 Mar 1922, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Well, during the time from falling asleep to waking up, we are, with our soul-spiritual part – we also call it the astral body and the I - outside of our physical body and the etheric body. We dwell with our ego and our astral body in this world, in which, at first, we cannot perceive as our consciousness is in our earthly existence, because the astral body and the ego in which we are are somewhat indefinite and its organs of perception are not developed.
But how one can see more precisely into this world can be seen when one first looks at those beings who, in earthly life, essentially have the astral body, not a distinct ego in earthly life. These are the animals. These animals also have sleeping and waking. If we now look at sleeping in animals, the following emerges.
When you fall asleep, your astral body moves on the waves of the air and remains within the airspace; your ego goes into the indefinite, so to speak, disappears into the warmth of the outside world. The soul is already able to live in the warmth of the ether and the air during the time when a person is between falling asleep and waking up.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 03 Dec 1910, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We've only become dwellers on earth through the influence of Lucifer and Ahriman; otherwise our egos would have remained in spiritual regions, and our bodies on the earth's surface would have been directed from those regions. Even though Lucifer and Ahriman combat the direct working of the divine spirit, they're nevertheless wanted by the spirit, for it's only through such resistance that the ego becomes fully objective in the physical world. Without Ahriman we wouldn't see a plant's green as such, but only the spiritual being that's in the plant.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Introductory Explanations Concerning the Nature of Man 17 Jun 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When man is asleep, only the physical and the etheric body lie upon the bed, whereas the astral body and the Ego are lifted out; but when the astral body and the etheric body go out of the physical body, then death arises, and with it the decay of the physical body.
Now we have learned to know three parts of human nature; the physical body; the etheric body and the astral body. The fourth part, the Ego, we shall learn to know next time. The Ego is that member which raises man above the animal and makes of him the crown of creation.
We should therefore think of these three members, of these three bodies, as sheaths, woven in different regions, and we, that is to say, our Ego, lives in these sheaths, together with the higher members of human nature, together with our immortal part.
127. The Mission of the New Spirit Revelation: The Relationship Between Theosophy and Philosophy 28 Mar 1911, Prague

Rudolf Steiner
— An important contemporary epistemologist has characterized this problem with a concise expression: The human ego, in so far as it encompasses the horizon of consciousness, cannot leap over itself, for it would have to leap out of itself if it were to leap into reality.
This leads us to recognize – which I cannot expand on further now – that our ego cannot be taken only subjectively, but is more comprehensive than our subjectivity. We have the right, from a given content, that is, from something objective, to distinguish that which is subjective.
As soon as one can describe the ego as participating in the sphere of objectivity, the ego must have qualities within it that are similar to those of the objective; something from the sphere of objectivity must also be found in the ego.
201. Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe: Lecture IX 25 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
You know that in the abstract the relation is something like this: In the waking condition, the physical, etheric and astral bodies, together with the Ego-being, are in a certain inner connection; whereas during sleep, we have on the one side, the physical and etheric bodies united, and on the other—separated from them at any rate in comparison with the waking state—we have the astral body and the Ego.
For spiritual observation shows the following: If a man's right leg is raised or moved by the will, a direct influence of the Ego-being of man takes place, acting upon that limb, so that it is really raised by the Ego-being itself; only, the process takes place in a state like that of sleep.
This nerve as such has no part in the activity of the Ego upon that limb. A direct correspondence exists between the limb and the will, which latter is associated in man with the Ego-being, and in the animal with the astral body.
233a. The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries: Lecture II 21 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Now in the human being a single soul-and-spirit gathered together in an Ego makes its appearance. But in the organism of the universe, spiritually seen and considered, it is not a single soul-and-spirit that comes to expression, but a multiplicity.
It is for the astral body and especially for the human Ego that he will turn to the Sun. He knew that for the full inner force of the Ego, of the “I am”, he must go to the Sun.
Man learned that for the etheric body he belongs to the planetary system, whereas for the inner force and permeation of his Ego above all and of his astral body, he must look up to the Sun. Such indeed was this initiation. Man himself became one with the Moonlight.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Man's Relation to the World of Stars 03 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But it must not be forgotten that while, in the waking state, after the food has been taken, inner physical and etheric activity proceeds under the influence of the intaken foodstuffs, this physical and etheric organism of man is permeated by his Ego-organization and astral body. It is also the case that during the waking state, man's Ego and astral ‘being’ take command of what goes on in the physical and etheric bodies in connection with the process of nourishment.
This albumen is only fettered to the Earth through the fact that during the waking state we are permeated by our soul and spirit—our astral body and Ego. During sleep this albumen is worked upon by the whole planetary system from Moon to Saturn, and by the world of the fixed Stars.
Man asleep is a duality; his Ego and astral body—I could equally well say, his spirit and soul—become subject to the spiritual Beings of the higher kingdoms of the Universe.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Rhythms of Earthly and Spiritual Life. Love, Memory, the Moral Life 15 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
While we are asleep here on Earth, our physical and etheric bodies lie in the bed; our astral body and our Ego are outside the physical and the etheric bodies and are then in a position to experience—unconsciously, it is true—the environment of soul and spirit.
He must be able to say to himself: ‘I will refrain from the desire to press what I experience with my Ego and my astral body during sleep into the physical and etheric bodies, for in earthly life these bodies could not stand it.’
Here on Earth, the fact that we feel ourselves within an Ego, depends upon memory. If we lived only in the present and had no memories, our Ego would have no inner coherence.

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