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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 901 through 910 of 1029

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272. Faust, the Aspiring Human: A Spiritual-Scientific Explanation of Goethe's “Faust”: Mystical Knowledge and Spiritual Revelation of the Nature Perception of Spirits 15 Aug 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And then we see, the Pater ecstaticus shows us how the soul inwardly, in the manner of Meister Eckart or Johannes Tauler or Suso, takes in the divine reign, so that the soul comes to the point of confessing with Meister Eckart: “Not I, but the God in me wills and thinks and feels.” For if the soul continues to ascend, it will perceive spiritual revelation in nature from the elemental world, as we see in the Pater Profundus, whose inner being expands throughout the whole, all-encompassing nature.
We see how he really does know the development of mysticism in the progression of the three fathers, and on the other hand, we find how he wonderfully separates the initially unified choir of angels into two groups: the choir of younger angels and the choir of more mature angels.
Just try to find that wonderful intensification which now lies in the peculiar feeling, the rhythmic formation of the words: By the love that made of thy Son, transfigured with God, We feel something like a trickling nearby. At the well to which Abram used to lead his flock, At the bucket that was allowed to touch the Savior's cool lip; At the pure, abundant spring, Which now flows forth from thence, Abundant, eternally bright, Through all the worlds it flows — Imagine how it expands!
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: The Mission of Truth 22 Oct 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
Why does he want this knowledge? Does he mean to place it at the service of the Gods? If a man desires only this kind of truth, he wants it for himself, and he will be on the way to becoming a cold egoist and misogynist in later life.
Prometheus had warned his brother against this gift from the gods. But Epimetheus, with his different character, accepts the gift, and when the earthen vessel is opened, all the afflictions that can befall mankind come pouring out.
This latter acquires its rightful strength by receiving, in loyalty to truth, what the gods “up there” bestow: Take note of this: What is desirable, you feel down here; What is to be given, they know up there.
176. The Karma of Materialism: Lecture VI 04 Sep 1917, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
But such tendencies are apt to reverse and the same kind of thinking which made human beings atheists—due to certain luciferic-ahrimanic impulses at work during the first upsurge of natural science—will make them pious once the first glow has faded. The teachings of Darwin can make people God-fearing as easily as it can make them atheists, it all depends which side of the coin turns up. What no one can become through Darwinism is a Christian; nor is that possible through natural science if one remains within its limits.
A bridge can be built from this philosophy to the Christ Spirit; just as a bridge can be built from natural science to the Father Spirit. By means of natural-scientific thinking the Christ Spirit cannot be attained. Consequently as long as Kantianism prevails in philosophy, representing as it does a viewpoint that belongs to pre-Christian times, philosophy will continue to cloud the issue of Christianity.
324a. The Fourth Dimension (2024): Third Lecture 17 May 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In the astral, the son is there first and then the father; in the physical, the egg is there first and then the chicken. In the physical, it is different.
In Greek, you have a pretty allegory. The three gods Uranus, Kronos and Zeus symbolize the three worlds. Uranus represents the heavenly world: Devachan; Kronos represents the astral; Zeus the physical.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: How Can the Idea of Threefolding be Realized? 19 Jul 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Now, the conversation I had with Mr. von Kühlmann – the content of which can still be proven today, because the gentleman who was with me is still alive, thank God, and hopefully will be for a long time. The conversation ended with Mr. von Kühlmann telling me in his own way: I am just a limited soul.
Just think about it, here is a church, here is the second church - I am choosing an example that is common in Catholicism. Let us assume that Father N lives here (he is drawn on the board). This priest says mass every day, says vespers on Sundays and so on; that is when he puts on his vestments.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 25 Oct 1906, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
In religions of earlier cultural epochs, and still in the Hebrew religion, the word “I” was called: “The unutterable name of God.” No matter how it is interpreted according to modern philology, the ancient Hebrew name for God signifies what today is expressed by the word “I.” A hush went through the assembly when the initiate spoke the “Name of the Unknown God”; the people would dimly sense the meaning contained in the words that resounded through the temple: “I am the I am.”
However, it was much more encompassing, as it included not only his own life but the lives of ancestors. A son would feel at one with his father and grandfather, as if they were sharing the same “I.” This was also the reason he did not give himself a personal name but one that included past generations, designating what they had in common with one and the same name.
282. Speech and Drama: Study of the Text From Two Aspects: Delineation of Character, and the Whole Form of the Play 17 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
—Let such men as Voltaire, as Marat, be our geniuses, our gods, for the future! Before them, 0 people, uncover your heads! That, then, is Hebert.
(aside, to Robespierre) ‘He's desperately savage today is Father Duchesne !’ (Both men mingle in the crowd.) CHAUMETTE. (mounts the tribune on HEBERT leaving it) Republicans!
Let us be as shrewd as the old heathen who brought to their gods only the skins and bones of the sacrificial animals, eating the flesh themselves. Our goddess shall be reason, sound reason, without speculation and unencumbered by knowledge or by the learning of aristocrats.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily by Goethe 08 Jan 1905, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
In this light, the snake saw the third king, who sat there in the mighty form of a god, leaning on his club, adorned with a laurel wreath, and looking more like a rock than a human being.
The beautiful lily fell around the neck of the old man and kissed him most warmly. “Holy Father,” she said, “a thousand thanks to you, for this is the third time I have heard the ominous word.”
Oh, my friend, he continued, turning to the old man and looking at the three sacred statues, 'glorious and secure is the kingdom of our fathers, but you have forgotten the fourth power that ruled the world even earlier, more generally, more certainly: the power of love.
173a. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture VI 17 Dec 1916, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
They consider that everybody may use his common sense to see that God rules the world like an overseer, that man has an immortal soul and that after death this will enter into a spiritual world where there will be reward and punishment for virtue and vice.
To use a rather rough-and-ready, though graphic comparison: To say that an Englishman or a German can be identified with the folk soul of his nation is, for the spiritual scientist, as nonsensical as saying that a son or daughter can be identified with father or mother. This is a rough-and-ready comparison, as I said, because on the one hand we are dealing with two physical people, whereas on the other we mean one physical and one non-physical being, which differ totally from one another when examined concretely.
One is immersed in the forces which bring one to particular parents, and which brought father and mother to their parents, and so on back through the generations, in all their offshoots and ramifications, and whatever works together here in the most varied ways—in all this one is immersed for centuries!
159. The Mystery of Death: The Path of the Human Being through the Gate of Death - A Transformation of Life 19 Feb 1915, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The words read: Into cosmic distances I will carry My feeling heart, so that it grows warm In the fire of the holy forces' working; Into cosmic thoughts I will weave My own thinking, so that it grows clear In the light of the eternal life; Into depths of soul I will sink Devoted meditation, so that it grows strong For the true goals of human activity; In the peace of God I strive thus Amidst Life's battles and cares To prepare myself for the higher Self; Aspiring for work in joy-filled peace, Sensing cosmic being in my own being, to fulfil my human duty; May I live then in anticipation, Oriented toward my soul's star Which gives me my place in spirit realms.
It is the matter of the human beings who then experience peace to produce the connection with that what will be there in the spiritual world. Those who today experience as mothers and fathers, as brothers and sisters or other relatives the death on the battlefield of a human being dear to them can take up the fact in their consciousness that with the etheric body something extremely significant passes over into the general effectiveness of the earthly humankind for the future. Not only that they can know that the individualities go invigorated by death to a later stronger life on earth, but they can also know: that what the warrior after death has handed over to the folk-soul weaves and lives really. Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers have those who have gone young through the gate of death twice, one must say, now in the folk-soul and also as individuality.

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