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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture II 29 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Tr. Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
She does not wait to be questioned, in the manner of the Greek Pythian oracle; she steps forth, the people assemble, and her utterances about men and peoples and Earth-cycles seem to ring out with overbearing force.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture III 30 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Tr. Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
And when Apollo had overcome the dragon, the Python, a temple was built, and instead of the dragon we see how the vapours entered into the soul of the Pythia, and how the Greeks imagined that Apollo lived in these swirling dragon-vapours and prophesied to them through the oracle, through the lips of the Pythia. And the Greeks, that self-conscious people, rose through the stages for which their souls had been prepared; they accepted what Apollo had to say to them through the Pythia, who was imbued with the dragon-vapours.
233a. The Festival of Easter: Lecture II 21 Apr 1924, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
An ancient knowledge preserved in certain of the Mystery Oracles held that the constellations and the mutual movements of our planetary system were observed from the moon, and that in accordance with these movements the deeds of the Moon-beings were determined.
8. Christianity As Mystical Fact (1947): The Mysteries and Mystery Wisdom
Tr. Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
5. Plutarch: On the Decline of the Oracles; Cicero: On the Nature of the Gods.
83. The Tension Between East and West: The Individual Spirit and the Social Structure 08 Jun 1922, Vienna
Tr. B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
The original implication was that, if we allow these natural objects to affect us in a certain way, we shall be led to a particular kind of spiritual being, from whom we can receive various impulses, including social ones. Oracles, star-gazing, everything astrological was basically a product of the decline of these older views, towards which, however, objective science today is already being led, if dimly as yet.
93. The Temple Legend: The Mystery known to Rosicrucians 04 Nov 1904, Berlin
Tr. John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
At this Sarahil, the nurse of the queen, exclaimed: “The oracle is fulfilled. Had-Had recognises the husband which the genii of fire destined for Balkis, whose love alone she dare accept!”
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture III 03 Sep 1910, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
Thus in the second half of the Atlantean epoch there were sanctuaries, appropriately called ‘Oracles’, where from among a humanity no longer able in a normal way to be aware of the direct workings of the sound-ether and the life-ether, pupils and dedicated disciples of the sacred wisdom were so trained that by first suppressing all perception through the senses, they could become aware of the manifestations of these higher ethers.
8. Christianity As Mystical Fact (1961): Mysteries and Mystery Wisdom
Tr. E. A. Frommer, Gabrielle Hess, Peter Kändler

Rudolf Steiner
Plutarch, Moralia, De defectu oraculorum, 417 C. (The Obsolescence of Oracles, 14.)7. Cicero, De natura Deorum I, 119.8.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Initiation Mysteries 01 Jul 1909, Kassel
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But the manner in which primitive men had to be initiated, in accord with the demands of those ancient times, depended upon the origin of their descent—that is, whether from Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus. Even in Atlantis, therefore, there existed oracles in manifold variety. Some had adjusted their spiritual vision primarily to the beholding of what we have described as the Eagle spirits, while others saw the Lion spirits, the Bull spirits, or the Man spirits: the initiation accorded with the specific traits of the candidate.
4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): Are There Limits to Knowledge?
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
After the appearance of the 2nd edition of the Kritik in 1787, Kant became famous everywhere in German intellectual circles, and his views were regarded as those of an oracle. From 1792–97 he was engaged in a struggle with the government concerning his religious views. In 1794 he withdrew from society, and gave up all teaching except for one public lecture course on logic.

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