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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 71 through 80 of 171

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68a. The Essence of Christianity: On Lucifer 09 Nov 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Here we must be clear about dualism – duality – which plays a role in all areas of life. The ancients, including Pythagoras, speak of this duality: light and darkness, male and female, positive and negative magnetism, and we could cite many more such dualities. – When we make a glass rod electrically positive by rubbing it, we simultaneously make the rubbing material electrically negative.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom I 08 Jun 1907, Leipzig

Develop these organs further and you will enter the world of inspiration. The School of Pythagoras called this world the harmony of the spheres. This is not an image, it is reality. It is not a sensual sound.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom II 09 Jun 1907, Leipzig

In ancient, ancient legends, there is talk of solar heroes: Hermes, Buddha, Zarathustra, Pythagoras; even in Germanic countries: Siegfried, with a few changes, a basic type. Why is that? Because in those days the process was exactly the opposite of what it is today.
137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture IV 06 Jun 1912, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In so far as ancient Greece received its religious ideas through the teaching of Pythagoras, we find again here the consciousness that Pythagoras has undergone an initiation and has consequently been able to bring down from spiritual worlds and incorporate into human consciousness what he saw to be right and necessary for the men who were on Earth at that time.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture II 02 Sep 1910, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
In the centres of learning in ancient Babylon where he was also the teacher of Pythagoras, Zarathustra—Zarathas or Nazarathos—could only teach in a way that was possible in a specially constituted body, for he was obliged to use such a body as his instrument.
It was only in a form conditioned by a body such as ancient Babylonia was able to produce that Zarathustra could bring forth again all the wisdom which he then conveyed to Pythagoras, to the learned Hebrews and the Chaldean and Babylonian sages who at that time—in the sixth century B.C.
186. The Challenge of the Times: The Present from the Viewpoint of the Present 30 Nov 1918, Dornach
Tr. Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
No; what I introduced to you as a social science derived from spiritual science is much like the theorem of Pythagoras. If you consider Pythagoras's theorem, if you know that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides of a right angle triangle, it is impossible that anything should exist within the world of experience to contradict this.
284. Two Paintings by Raphael 05 May 1909, Berlin
Tr. Rick Mansell

Rudolf Steiner
To be sure, we do not interest ourselves in that wild idea of some modern visionaries as to whether it might not be possible to draw the theorem of Pythagoras in lines of electric light over a great tract of Siberia and in this way set up communication with the inhabitants of Mars.
90b. The Evolution of Human Freedom. The Idea of God 19 Jan 1905, Düsseldorf
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
All self-seeking must be set aside. The pupils of Pythagoras were so trained. The Gnostic teaching was called “Mathesis;” because it was tranquil and passionless.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: The World Conceptions of the Middle Ages
Tr. Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
This tendency of modern times cannot be felt as the same that drove beyond thought in ancient times in Pythagoras and later in Plotinus. These thinkers also strove beyond thought but, according to their conception, the soul in its development, its perfection, would have to conquer the region that lies beyond thought.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy, Buddhism and Christianity 07 Mar 1907, Düsseldorf

This original wisdom was made understandable by Zarathustra for the Persian people, and it was Pythagoras who did the same for the Greeks. So it was with the greatest religious teacher, who was no ordinary initiate but carried a divine spirit within him, with Christ Jesus, to whom it was reserved to found the greatest and purest religion, which, when it is understood by all, will be the universal religion of mankind.

Results 71 through 80 of 171

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