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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 81 through 90 of 171

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60. Zarathustra 19 Jan 1911, Berlin
Tr. Walter F. Knox

Rudolf Steiner
And we shall not wonder at the view expressed by a Greek writer, that the great spiritual leaders of the races imparted to the people part of a future culture of which they stood in need. This Greek writer pointed to Pythagoras, showing what he had learned from his great predecessors—Geometry from the Egyptians, Arithmetic from the Phoenicians, Astronomy from the Chaldeans—and how he had turned to Zarathustra's doctrines to learn from them the sacred teaching of the relations of man to the spiritual world and the true conduct of life.
The worst enemy of Ormuzd bears the name of “Calumny”—one of the chief qualities of Ahriman. The Greek writer tells us that Pythagoras could not find the highest moral idea (the moral purification of man) among the Egyptians from whom he learnt Geometry, nor among the Phoenicians from whom he learnt Arithmetic, nor among the Chaldeans from whom he learnt Astronomy; but that he had to turn to the followers of Zarathustra to understand the heroic conception of the universe, since purification alone can vanquish evil.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): Adept Schools of the Distant Past 07 Mar 1907, Düsseldorf
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The great and unique event of the coming of Christ Jesus was thus prepared for by all the work of the founders of religions—Zarathustra, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus, Pythagoras. All their teaching had the same goal—to let wisdom come to human beings, though always in the form most appropriate for the people concerned.
97. Adept-School of the Past 07 Mar 1907, Düsseldorf
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The coming of Christ-Jesus was prepared for by the sequence of the founders of religions, by Zarathustra, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus, Pythagoras. All their teachings pursue the same aim: To let wisdom flow into humanity, but in every case, in the form most suited to each people respectively.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: Germanic and Indian Secret Doctrine 24 Apr 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Such superior personalities were, for example, Buddha, Pythagoras, Moses and the greatest initiate, Christ Jesus. These are individuals who are far ahead of other people; it is such individuals who know the higher worlds from their own experience, who have knowledge of what lies hidden behind the physical world.
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: The Ways and Goals of the Spiritual Man 04 Jun 1910, Copenhagen

Rudolf Steiner
It is the multiplicity that we look into, and it is on the multiplicity that we must focus our gaze. But how are we to find our way? Pythagoras said: “Seek not the manifold with your eyes, ears and senses, seek it through number!” Equipped with number, we are to approach the manifold.
143. The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ: The Path of Initiation 17 Apr 1912, Stockholm
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
The Greeks did not prize this incorporation into Osiris; they were more occupied with cramming as much as possible into the human incarnations, they wanted to get as much as possible out of the incarnation. Thence the remarkable fact that Pythagoras, the great initiator of a certain line of Greek culture, in an earlier incarnation had fought as a Trojan hero on the side of the Trojans. He himself says that he was a Trojan hero, mentioned in Homer, and that he recognized himself as an enemy of the Greeks because he recognized his shield. When Pythagoras says that he had been Euphorbos, anthroposophy teaches a full understanding of this assertion.
90b. Theosophy, Christology and Mythology II: The Relationship of Occultism to the Theosophical Movement 22 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is different when something is added to this idea that also comes from the higher spheres. Take, for example, Pythagoras' teaching of the music of the spheres, as he taught it to his students. Philosophers seek to present Pythagoras' occult music as a very simple system.
90a. (On) Apocalyptic Writings: Lecture II 17 Oct 1904, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
It was the actual teachings of Buddha, Zoroaster, Confucius, Hermes, Pythagoras, Lao-tze, it was the words themselves that were all important. These Teachers stood as it were on high mountain and from there proclaimed the Most Holy Word.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom 17 Jan 1907, Stuttgart

So Plato's teachings are related to the Old Testament. The same is said of Pythagoras and other great philosophers. Even Apollo has a very beautiful oracle that proves this: “Steep is the path to the / gap]” — “Steep is the path / gap]” But there were mortals who did climb this path.
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Third Lecture 05 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
Now we must turn back for a few words to the other Child Jesus, in whose physical body was enclosed the ego of Zarathustra, the Zarathustra who was once a contemporary of Buddha and, as Zaratas-Nazaratos, taught Pythagoras during the Babylonian captivity. So we know the ego of this Solomon-like baby Jesus, but now we have to look at that physical body.

Results 81 through 90 of 171

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