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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Wisdom of Man, of the Soul, and of the Spirit: Preface

Marie Steiner
This focal point of all evolution could be envisioned only in the power of the ego. Divine ego had permeated life; then came the time for the human ego—that drop from the ocean of the divine ego-being—to possess itself. Through transformation and according to laws governing earth-life, it had to be shaped and harmonized, to return eventually as an individual ego to the divine ego, retaining all it had achieved, in freedom uniting its will with the divine will, guided by knowledge and clear vision to a desire for this most exalted reunion.
At the decisive turning point in human evolution—there where the descent of the divine ego to the human ego halted and the reascent commenced—anthroposophy points to the light streaming from the Mystery of Christ's human incarnation and His death of sacrifice.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Human Tasks in the Higher Worlds 26 Aug 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
On the physical plane animals have only a physical, an etheric and an astral body; they have no Ego there, for their Ego is to be found on the astral plane. Just as your ten fingers have a common soul, all animals of one species have their common soul on the astral plane. The Ego of the species lion, dog, or ant, and so on, is to be found there as a real being. It is as though the Ego hovered in astral space and held the individual animals on strings like marionettes.
The various beings, then, are ranked in the following way: Man Animal Plant Mineral Upper Devachan — — — Ego Lower Devachan — — Ego Astral Body Astral Plane — Ego Astral Body Etheric Body Physical Plane EgoAstral BodyEtheric BodyPhysical Body Astral BodyEtheric BodyPhysical Body Etheric BodyPhysical Body Physical Body When a man dies, his Ego is to be found together with the Egos of the animals, and the work he can be engaged on is similar to that of the Egos of the animals—to produce gradual changes in the animal world.
118. The New Spiritual Age and the Return of the Christ 20 Feb 1910, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Those who suffer will cease to suffer if, in the Ego, they receive Christ. Those who receive Christ in the Ego, can be calmed, can be meek; and they will rule over the Earth.
What needs to happens for us to ascend from the Sentient Soul to the Intellectual or Mind Soul. The Ego, the ‘I’ ascends first. Man must develop himself so that he can feel himself as an Ego and every other human being as well. What lives in the soul needs to be passed from Ego to Ego; What passed from one human to another, subject and predicate, must be equal. In the first sentences of the Beatitudes the subject is different from the predicate.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 15 Mar 1910, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The things that are attached to this aren't nearly as much of a hindrance for the acceptance of theosophical teachings as the etheric hindrances, since the etheric body is a much denser mass than the astral body. The ego develops from age 21-28. The masters of wisdom and of the harmony of feelings adapted theosophical teachings to present conditions so that they mainly work on the ego and are grasped by the ego.
He must use the knowledge that he's acquired in the ego through theosophical teachings to ennoble his older but lower body. Why can a man understand all of theosophy's teachings through thinking, through his ego?
On earth the physical body is in the earth condition whereas the newest and youngest part, the ego, is in the Saturn condition. The ego is the Saturn in us, and that's why it understands everything that happened since Saturn times.
196. Some Conditions for Understanding Supersensible Experiences 18 Jan 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If another anchorage were not now available, man would have no ego at all. For this ego, this ‘I’, that he has between birth and death, is furnished for him by his body.
It becomes a mirror, reflecting back to you the image of the ego. The ego itself is here (= = =), but the image of the ego is reflected back to you by the body. You know of this ego-image when you look at the body with that centre of your being of which most people at present know nothing, but in which they nevertheless live.
We must learn to feel this ego, to feel that we have within us the ego behind which stand the Hierarchies, just as the body, composed of elements of the three kingdoms of nature, is behind the ego that is an image only.
124. Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark: Lecture Five 28 Feb 1911, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Sorrow as a soul-experience brings greater strength to the ego in respect of outward experience than does indifference. Sorrow is always an inner enhancement of the ego.
It is where he allows the weakness of Faust's ego to lead him so far that he feels at first constrained to extinguish this ego physically, he feels driven to suicide.; then the Easter bells ring out, and at the sound the ego of Faust begins to gather strength, so much so that tears spring—the sign of this in the soul of Faust:—“Tears start, earth holds me once more,” he cries.
These show that the ego feels strong as regards its understanding of things and events. In laughter our ego draws together, and its intensity is strengthened.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Harmonization of the Inner Forces of Man through the Christ-Impulse 04 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Hitherto we have only indicated in rough outline that in the waking state the physical body, the etheric or life body, the astral body, and the ego are seen by clairvoyant conciousness as interpenetrating each other, forming an interpermeating whole, and that at night the physical and etheric bodies remain in bed, while the astral body and the ego are withdrawn.
The ego abandoned the physical body, and in place of the ego of Jesus of Nazareth there entered into this threefold sheath—occupying principally the physical body, though again not exclusively—the Christ Being.
Out of the complex composed of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego, the etheric and astral bodies were withdrawn, but the ego remained. Hence there could be no question of self-consciousness during the three and a half days of initiation: it was extinguished; and it was replaced by a form of consciousness from the higher spiritual world, instilled by the priest-initiator who guided the candidate throughout and placed his own ego at the latter's disposal.
152. Pre-Earthly Deeds of Christ 07 Mar 1914, Pforzheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the twelfth year of the life of the latter the Ego of Zarathustra passed over into him from the child of the line of Solomon, and from that time until his thirtieth year the Nathan child with the Ego of Zarathustra made himself ready to receive the Christ-Being.
In it is Life, And the Life shall become the Light of my Ego. And may the Divine Thought shine into my Ego That the darkness of my Ego may grasp the Thought Divine.
And the Life of the Thought is the Light of the Ego. May light-giving Thought fill the Darkness of my Ego, That the Darkness of my Ego may grasp the Living Thought And live and weave in its Divine Primal Beginning.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Human Character 29 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The human ego works its way up from the sentient soul to the consciousness soul and can only grasp itself in this way.
This is the extreme of anger, when the I almost sinks in anger and the soul becomes similar to a state of powerlessness. Then anger arises. The ego cannot conquer anger. If it conquers, then, by being conquered, anger becomes an educator in the right way, indirectly through the ego itself, if the ego does not let itself be overcome by the emotion but exercises self-control.
But only with the right tact can the right thing come out. What happens when the ego works primarily on the sentient soul, but as a strong ego that works inwardly on the human soul? Of particular importance is the case that shows us this ego at the stage where it is enlightened by moral judgments and ideals.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture VIII 08 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
This has often been spoken of, and my book Theosophy too refers to the point of time when the human being begins to be aware of himself as an ‘I’, an Ego—an experience that is not possible for an animal. If an animal were to look into its inner nature in the way a human being does, it would not find an individual Ego, but a group-Ego; it would feel itself belonging to a whole group.
The goal now, since the Mystery of Golgotha, was that a man should undergo Initiation while maintaining full awareness of the Ego functioning in him during the hours of waking life. The clouding of the Ego that was always part of the process of ancient Initiation, was to cease.
We describe man as consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body and Ego. The Ego or ‘I’ of man is in a certain sense the highest of his members; but at the stage at which it is to-day, it is the ‘baby’ among the four.

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