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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 171 through 180 of 2213

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266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 18 May 1913, Stuttgart
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If one investigates the past of such a sick person occultly one can find that he passed by many things in the world with great indifference and thereby weakened his ego a great deal. It's a weakening, almost like an occasional loss of the ego. Theosophists also often tend to turn away from the outer world.
One doesn't have to neglect what one is striving for theosophically thereby. So the ego grasps itself in memory, and high beings gave us the ego and memory. The ego that grasps itself in memory is like a letter that an esoteric must learn and that the Gods have written into world space.
The second is the spiritual one that stands behind it and that gave us the ego, and the third is the high bearer of the Christ principle, the Christ, who gives us the higher I with his grace-sun forces.
57. The Bible and Wisdom (New Testament) 14 Nov 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Nevertheless, it was a very long way the human development had to cover, while the God Yahveh started forming the human being in such a way that he could grasp the ego consciously. The strength of the ego had to work in the human being already well before, before he got the consciousness of the ego.
Thus, the ego maintained for generations at that time, for centuries. As we speak today about the ego and know that it goes back as far as we can remember, the human being of primeval times said to himself: it makes no sense to call myself an ego. I recall my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. His ego went through generations, and it had even a name. As we find an expression of God in our personal ego if we become engrossed in this ego, the ancient human being said to himself, looking up through the generations: God who lives in the ego lives for generations,—as a divinity which then Moses recognised in the higher worlds.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: X. On the Nature of Our Thinking Principle

H. P. Blavatsky
The Mystery of The Ego Enq. I perceive in the quotation you brought forward a little while ago from the Buddhist Catechism a discrepancy that I would like to hear explained.
All this seems as contradictory as it is puzzling; nevertheless, there are hundreds of people, even in Europe, who realise all this perfectly, for they comprehend the Ego not only in its integrity but in its many aspects. Finally, if I would make myself comprehensible, I must begin by the beginning and give you the genealogy of this Ego in a few lines.
This individualised "Thought" is what we Theosophists call the real EGO, the thinking Entity imprisoned in a case of flesh and bones. This is surely a Spiritual Entity, not Matter, and such Entities are the incarnating EGOS that inform the bundle of animal matter called mankind, and whose names are Manasa or "Minds."
183. The Science of Human Development: Eighth Lecture 01 Sep 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
When we speak of the dead person, the only thing that can be recognized as the dead person's very own element is the ego. I said that there is a connection with the ego of earthly life, but not an actual kinship; for in fact, after death, this ego presents itself in a completely different way than the ego is experienced between birth and death.
There can be no question of development after death, which we must indeed speak of for the ego between birth and death. After death, the ego is, so to speak, a fixed spiritual entity that arises out of the vision of death itself, and nothing about this ego can be changed.
It would also be bad for the dead person if that were not the case; for his gaze, the gaze of the dead person, is actually primarily absorbed by this ego. He is as if transfixed in this ego. And if this ego were to disappear, it would be for the dead person just as if the surrounding world of the senses were to disappear for the living.
318. Pastoral Medicine: Lecture V 12 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
But because of the special karmic density, both ego and astral body are strong, and they bring into the dream condition receptivity for the perception of the spiritual world.
That is how the condition that I have just been describing comes about. The astral body should only be drawing the ego down after puberty, so that then the ego can completely unfold by the beginning of the twenties. With these children the astral body has already drawn the ego down after the change of teeth or in the ninth, tenth, eleventh year.
Then we have the second stage, the drawing down of the ego and astral organization by the etheric body. The individual snaps too strongly with the ego, astral body, and etheric body into the physical organism, and the physical organism is not able to receive them into its single organs.
234. Anthroposophy, An Introduction: Dream-life and External Reality 08 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Now, if we study a man's life, we find that it is governed by his ego—more or less, according to his strength of will and character. But the activity of the ego within human life very strongly resembles the first kind of dream-experience.
It cannot be the ego, for this knows nothing of the symbolic organ-forms presented by the dream. One is forced to see that it is the astral body of man that, in sleep, shapes these symbolic pictures of the inner organs, as the ego the pictures of external experience.
It was necessary to trace his journey by external inquiries. You see, his ego was not present in what he was doing. If you study the literature of this subject you will find hundreds and hundreds of cases of such intermittent ego-consciousness.
98. Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World: Whitsuntide: Collective Spiritual Striving and Working toward Spiritualisation of the World II 09 Jun 1907, Cologne
Translated by Antje Heymanns

Rudolf Steiner
We take away those higher powers, the astral body and the ego, which must provide for the physical body at night. What we don’t do during the night, other beings must do.
At night the astral body and the ego stay in the higher world above, and down below remain the physical body and the etheric body. They have been abandoned at night by the astral body and the ego.
Mankind should make an effort to make its arrangements as well as possible, so that they are not creating such beings. Now let us focus on the ego and the astral body during the night. Keep in mind that also the human astral body and the ego are in a special situation.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: The Function of Protein in the Human Body, and Albuminuria
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
This physical body of man, in its form a product of the ego organization, is the bearer of inorganically active forces. It thus has a lethal effect on anything that is alive. Everything that enters the realm of the ego-organization dies. Hence, in the physical body the ego-organization incorporates purely inorganic substances.
If this is not the case, the result is an excessive activity of this etheric body. The quantity of protein prepared by the ego organization, which the etheric body receives, is insufficient for its activity. The consequence is that the activity orientated towards enlivening that protein absorbed by the ego-organization overwhelms that protein still containing foreign etheric effects.
61. Human History, Present, and Future in the Light of Spiritual Science 01 Feb 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Then the Christian culture entered with necessity into that age which has produced the ego-culture. It regards the Christ impulse as that by which the human ego receives the impulse to settle in the spiritual in future again as the human being has once descended from the spiritual.
Because the human being cannot be astonished in the dream, because astonishment appears only with the ego-consciousness in the culture of perception, and because something is contained in the dream that comes from times without ego-consciousness.
While dreaming we can do the most unbelievable things, and never conscience torments us. Conscience belongs to the ego-consciousness. It appeared only when the ego-consciousness developed. One can prove this, while one compares, for example, the dramas of Aeschylus and Euripides.
124. Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark: Lecture Two 06 Dec 1910, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore the Prophets looking to the future could speak as follows:—“A time is coming when man will be aware of his ego; he will then know that it is through the self-conscious ego that the secrets of the spiritual world will come to him.”
This Angel was to carry revelation a stage further, and make known to man that he was to enter consciously into his ego, while the revelations of former Angels had not been suited to a self-conscious ego. So Isaiah announces:—“The age of the Mystery of the Ego is to come, and from among the host of Angels one will be specially chosen to declare to you this Mystery!”
He was sent beforehand to those who were to attain their self-conscious ego, and was to come as a Being from the Hierarchy of Angels. No angel had as yet announced generally to men that it was foretold they were to receive a self-conscious ego.

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