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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 151 through 160 of 2213

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224. The Forming of Destiny in Sleeping and Waking 06 Apr 1923, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The reason why the Ego and astral body cannot unfold consciousness of all the complicated circumstances in which they are immersed during sleep is that, at the present stage of the Earth's evolution, Ego and astral body have no organs wherewith to become aware of the happenings in which they are involved.
This is a characteristic function of the astral body. And now let us consider the Ego during the hours of sleep. The Ego is related, as it were, by nature to the limb-system. Just as the astral body is connected with the breast from which speech proceeds, so is the Ego involved in what the human being performs with his limbs, what he does between waking and falling asleep as he walks about or uses his arms and hands.
We are confronted with something even more striking when we observe the Ego in the sleeping state. The Ego carries out into sleep satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the activities of the limbs.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture XV 04 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We can only judge these cases aright, if we know that they arise from a weak ego, an ego-organisation insufficiently strong for the dominance of the process of sugar formation. It is a matter of correctly interpreting the phenomena.
And let me say at once that an hereditary affliction is especially effective in the case of a feeble ego. We can always trace a connection between a feeble ego—or let us say an ego not adequately in control of all its complexes of force—and the liability to suffer from hereditary taints.
Indeed all the influences at work in our ego come to us from very far away. And so we must try to learn something of the processes akin to our ego, in the extra-human world, so that we may be able to put the ego in an environment which will teach and enable it to take the part it should in the telluric outside the earth.
293. The Study of Man: Lecture VI 27 Aug 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Daphne Harwood, Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
With our physical body we can pass through the world in this way. With our ego, the youngest member of the human being, we could not pass through these world forces if this ego were to give itself up directly to them. This ego cannot give itself up to all that is round it and in the midst of which it is placed. This ego must still be guarded from having to pour itself out into the world forces.
In this way thinking-cognition is communicated to the ego. In feeling it is different. There the ego does enter into the real body, not only into the images.
275. Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom: Impulses of Transformation for Man's Artistic Evolution I 29 Dec 1914, Dornach
Translated by Pauline Wehrle, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
It must be developed and it is developed as a result of our being left to ourselves with our ego. But the moment the ego sends the impulses of its concept into the astral body we need the help of another being; unaided we can do nothing here.
This art does not contain what works in the ego as something which can be expressed in language or ordinary ideas; it is something that has moved from the ego down one step towards the subconscious.
But if we accept it as a gift from a higher sphere and sink it into our ego, if we dive down, like a swimmer into the water, into our ego, taking with us what as yet can only be dimly felt of the spirit-self, then poetry is born.
109. Christianity in Human Evolution 15 Feb 1909, Berlin
Translated by Frances E. Dawson, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
This was true as well of the astral body and even the ego; that is, the ego as an impulse, as it was kindled in the astral body of Jesus of Nazareth when Christ entered his threefold sheath.
That alone could the ego take into the inner sanctuary. The civilization since the sixteenth century is one of egotism. What must now enter into this ego?
We might say that it, too, has physical, etheric and astral bodies, and an ego—an ego that can even deny its origin, as in our time, since it can become egotistic. But it is still an ego that can receive the true Christ Being into itself, thereby rising to ever higher stages of existence.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Recent Results of Occult Investigation Into Life 03 Nov 1912, Vienna
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
To live as men we need physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego. In human life as it is at present, we need these four members. But if we are to attain ego-consciousness, we must destroy them.
In doing this we restore worth to our ego and compensate for the harm done. In the case where our ego is involved it is still within our power during life to make the necessary adjustment.
To sum up, we can lessen the worth of our ego but we can also augment it. This faculty to correct a member of our being, to rectify its errors in such a way as to further its development, we possess in respect of the ego.
27. Fundamentals of Therapy: The Therapeutic Process
Translated by E. A. Frommer, J. Josephson

Rudolf Steiner
The whole development of the human organism is based upon this principle; originally the entire form and configuration of the physical and etheric body proceed from the activity of the astral body and ego-organization; then, with increasing age, the astral and ego-activities within the physical and etheric organization go on their own accord. But if they fail to do so, the astral body and ego-organization will have to intervene at a later stage of their development in a way for which they are no longer properly adapted.
If we now introduce silicic acid into the organism, the activities which the astral and ego-organism have been devoting to the skin are relieved. The normal inward activity of this organism is set free again and a healing process is thus initiated.
103. The Gospel of St. John: The Seven Degrees of Initiation 23 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
For we have called attention to the fact that every night he draws out those members which care for this physical and ether body, namely, the astral body and ego, thus leaving his physical and ether bodies to their own fate. You all, as astral body and ego, faithlessly desert your physical and ether bodies every night.
My ego is one with the Father, but in general the ego present in every personality is also one with the Father.”
In countless utterances, Christ says: “When I speak of My Ego, I speak of the Eternal Ego in men which is one with the spiritual foundations of the world. When I speak of this Ego, I speak of something which dwells in the innermost depths of the human soul.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Mission of Truth 06 Dec 1909, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
When the human being understands this character of truth, then he will say: It is precisely through the work for the truth that the ego becomes stronger in its selfhood in its inner strength; for truth is only achieved when the ego has to make an effort, because truth can only be found in the depths of the ego.
But when we have succeeded in deciding on a truth, then the ego is in its inmost being the judge of the truth. Thus, the ego must feel itself in its power when it decides on the truth, when it acquires truth.
Thus we see that truth, although it yields to the strong human ego at an intermediate stage, nevertheless fulfills the great mission in its perfection of shaping the ego ever higher and higher.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Aura II 19 Jan 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The solar system appears to be inanimate because the ego has already been externalized. If we could get to the edge of the solar system, we would find the ego there.
The ego is the boundary between the spirit from outside and the spirit that lives in man. This boundary is the ego of the solar system concerned.
We will animate the next entities again, but not with manasic egos, but with higher egos. We leave the thoughts of the more developed ones to form a new sun; we lay them on the altar of community.

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