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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2161 through 2170 of 2213

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310. Human Values in Education: Stages of Childhood 19 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
It might appear that this is an external organisation, but in the course of these lectures we shall see how inward it can be. In addition to this man still has his ego-organisation, which is not to be found in the animal world and which he alone possesses among earthly beings.
310. Human Values in Education: Three Epochs of Childhood 20 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
At about 9⅓ years old the time has come which I have already characterised, when the ego begins to differentiate itself from the outer world. Then we can make a more realistic approach in our teaching about plants and animals.
333. Freedom of Thought and Social Forces: The Knowledge of the Supersensible Human Nature and the Task for Our Age 22 Jul 1919, Ulm

Rudolf Steiner
If our memory, our recollection, is disturbed, the ego is disturbed, a terrible mental illness occurs. So that we have to say: just as man, in order to have love, must have limits in his knowledge of nature, so too, in order to have memory, he must be placed in the impossibility of coming to the higher human being through mere inner contemplation.
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Fifth Lecture 15 Nov 1923, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
In this way, we not only free the astral body, but, when it comes to blood diseases, the ego organization is also involved. In this way, we come to turn our gaze to the whole of nature.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: The Formation of Social Judgment 16 Aug 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And it has become fully mature, this judging consciousness soul, this conscious soul that enters into a relationship with the world entirely from the ego – this consciousness soul becomes mature at that point. Schiller at 37 was five years younger than 42, Goethe at 47 was five years older than 42.
68c. The Story of the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily: Lecture One 04 Apr 1904, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
He says, “Self-seeking and Self-will are not permanent, they are driven out by the Ego. Here we must be good.” The Divine Love, which is referred to by Spinoza, and which he wishes to attain through Spiritual Alchemy,—that it is with which man should unite himself, that it is with which man should unite his will.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: XII. What Is Practical Theosophy?

H. P. Blavatsky
By the use of our higher reason, spiritual intuition and moral sense, and by following the dictates of what we call "the still small voice" of our conscience, which is that of our EGO, and which speaks louder in us than the earthquakes and the thunders of Jehovah, wherein "the Lord is not."
281. Poetry and the Art of Speech: Lecture II 06 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Rudolf Steiner
And in the nineteenth century, too, all feeling had been completely lost for what Homer meant to convey – that when I reveal myself in poetry, it is really something higher that is revealed in me: my “I” withdraws, my ego withdraws, so that other powers make use of my speech-organism; divine-spiritual powers make use of this speech-organism in order to reveal themselves.
In this nightmare, this Alp, we have the last atavistic traces of what is indicated in the Nibelungenlied, when it says: “To us in olden maeren is many a marvel told…”; something is here related which does not come out of normal day-time ego-consciousness, but from a kind of perception which proceeds in the manner of the consciousness we possess in an especially vivid dream such as the nightmare, the maeren.
57. Goethe's Secret Revelation: Goethe's Secret Revelation: Esoteric 24 Oct 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Let it become a bridge for you, and you will wake up in a higher life and be one with the essence of things, when you no longer live in the illusion that, cut off from the higher ego, you can exhaust the essence of things. When Goethe speaks of the sacrifice of the idea and the soul-material, in order to acquire new life in higher spheres, and of the deepest inner love, he likes to think of the words of the mystic Jacob Böhme, who knows from experience this self-surrender of the Snake.
57. Goethe's Secret Revelation: The Riddle in Faust: Esoteric 12 Mar 1909, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Then, when the Homunculus has entered upon the physical world, he loses his qualities, the ego becomes his master! ‘But struggle not to higher orders: Once Man, within the human borders, Then all is at an end with thee.’

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