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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2181 through 2190 of 2213

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159. The Mystery of Death: The Intimate Element of the Central European Culture and the Central European Striving 07 Mar 1915, Leipzig
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If anybody could arouse deeper interests in the big events of life in the souls dedicating themselves to spiritual science—this would be so desirable, especially now—events that lead the soul from the ken of its ego to the large horizon of humankind! Then one were able to deepen the look, the whole attitude of the souls who recognise the encompassing forces, because they have taken up spiritual science in themselves, and release them from the interest in the narrow forces that deal only with the individual human being!
281. Poetry and the Art of Speech: Lecture V 30 Jul 1921, Darmstadt
Translated by Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Rudolf Steiner
It is mainly breathing which lives in Greek rhythm (being closer to thought than the blood-circulation), but the experience of blood-circulation was rightly regarded by ancient spiritual researchers as the immediate expression of human personality, the human ego. And this is what lives in the Nordic treatment of speech. Here we see how the blood-rhythm strikes in and the breathing rhythm recedes.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Great Questions of our Present Civilization 23 Feb 1921, The Hague
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
If someone’s memory were to be completely erased, the ego or I of such a person would be virtually destroyed. Severe soul sickness would befall such an individual.
297a. Education for Life: Self-Education and Pedagogical Practice: Religious and Moral Education in the Light of Anthroposophy 04 Nov 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
When we teach the child, we notice that before this moment, which lies between the ages of nine and ten, he does not yet properly distinguish himself from his environment, does not properly experience himself as an ego - even if he has long been saying “I” to himself. In this moment of life, he really learns to distinguish himself from his environment.
343. Lectures on Christian Religious Work II: Twenty-first Lecture 06 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
There is always an elevation of egoism in the experience of love, even of the most spiritual kind, and this devotion in love in a merely abstract, even if soul-abstract, form, is something that very strongly leads to ego and this is lived out in our time in the fact that actually the objective sense of responsibility is no longer strongly present in people, but people tend very strongly to the mere subjective sense of responsibility.
342. Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity: Third Lecture 14 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
But because man is satisfied in this way, in that he seemingly gets the whole world into his ego, he loses the social connection with the rest of the world, and that which should live as a social being is atomized, atomized right down to the individual.
342. Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity: Fourth Lecture 14 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
When the astral body [is considered] taken out of the physical body, it takes on complicated plant forms, and the human ego is a purely mineral, crystal-like being, it is completely geometrically shaped. So that one can say: In form, man is human in the physical body, in the etheric body he is actually animal-like, in the astral he is plant-like and in the I he is mineral-like.
108. The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales 26 Dec 1908, Berlin
Translated by Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
By means of the consciousness soul we can see all those spiritual beings that have remained behind at the stage where the human being had only the sheath of the ego. We see them living at that point, not able to do much with their minute strength, and as we see their forms in images according to their inner nature, they appear to us as dwarfs.
61. Death in Man, Animal, and Plant 29 Feb 1912, Berlin
Translated by R. H. Bruce

Rudolf Steiner
We remember—and through this alone is it possible for an ego to speak within us—all that we have experienced back to a certain point in our childhood; but we remember only the things connected with our ideas, with our thoughts.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: What is Immortal about the Human Being? 16 Feb 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
If we do this with intense seriousness, if we go out of ourselves with our will and know how to say: what I have experienced as fate, I am already in it, I have brought it about myself, because I am connected with my ego in it. [When we make this a habitual inner activity], then we come out of ourselves again, but in such a way that we draw out the other part of our inner being, which is as it were torn off, that which has not been brought out [is] through the concentration of thought , that we now follow up on that and that it connects with what has been brought out first, and now a whole, initially hidden inner man is drawn out of us, an inner man in whom we then know ourselves to be alive, in whom we know ourselves to be so alive that we now look at this outer, this physical man, as we otherwise look at the outer surroundings, tables and chairs.

Results 2181 through 2190 of 2213

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