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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2171 through 2180 of 2213

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4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): The Value of Life
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
[ 50 ] Ethics based on pessimism arises from a disregard for moral imagination. Only someone who considers the individual human ego incapable of giving a content to its striving would see the totality of will as a longing for pleasure.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Human Soul, Destiny and Death from the Point of View of Spiritual Science 02 Dec 1914, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
That is the significant thing. We would not come to an ego [consciousness] in the time between death and a new birth if we were merely thoughts of the higher beings, so to speak; only because we can always look back into our past earthly life, because we have a time body instead of the space body in the ordinary life after death, only because of this do we have self-awareness.
73a. Scientific Disciplines and Anthroposophy: Questions During the First Anthroposophical College Course I 04 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Then present-day humanity also still knows, but only in reminiscences, in chaotic images, the dream state, but this points back, it is an atavistic remnant of an earlier state of consciousness, of an ego-less image consciousness; this is therefore an underhuman consciousness. And it is preceded by two other states of consciousness, so that we can say: the present state of consciousness is the fourth in the series.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Knowledge of the Spirit 16 May 1922, Mannheim

Rudolf Steiner
Indeed, the person who immersed himself in this way, seeing a spiritual soul in every spring, in every breath of wind, in everything that is nature, did not have the strong ego, the strong self-confidence that the present man has. strong sense of self that the present-day man has.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: The Paths of Psychic Cognition 21 Nov 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is truly the case that, as when an object lies before me and I want to grasp it: as I have to stretch out my hand and become aware of its reality, so too, through that which I first achieve through the method described, I have to separate what then confronts me as imagination from my own ego, and plunge it into oblivion. But in doing so, I extend my own being into a world that I can then grasp.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: The Human Aura

Rudolf Steiner
It flows to him from the spirit. The more the spirit flows to the human ego, the more it shines in the aura. And in contrast to the transient phenomena of the sensory world, the spirit is eternal, immortal.
164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science V 04 Oct 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In the moment when you do not think of the atom materially, when you think that the atom is not something material but something else, one can think of the atom as indivisible, just as the human ego is also thought of as indivisible. Suppose the atom is force, then you can also think of it as being put together.
165. The Conceptual World and Its Relationship to Reality: Lecture Two 16 Jan 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Only this made it possible to understand how the Christ, as a kind of cosmic ego, permeates the bodies, so that you first knew something about these bodies. For those who in the future will seek an understanding of the Christ, knowledge of the structure of the human being must be the essential preparation.
169. Toward Imagination: The Twelve Human Senses 20 Jun 1916, Berlin
Translated by Sabine H. Seiler

Rudolf Steiner
This sense of speech must not be confused with the sense of thinking, which in turn is not identical with the ego sense. I would like to give you an example of how people can go wrong in our time in this matter of the senses.
190. The Spiritual Background of the Social Question: Lecture VI 14 Apr 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When I recently depicted how Man is really capable of development from outside only up to the 28th year today, and how development comes to an end at that point of time when he is standing just before the mind-soul and the Ego but does not come to them, and thereby goes to meet a certain inner emptiness—this, then, is an important truth for the present time.

Results 2171 through 2180 of 2213

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