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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2201 through 2210 of 2213

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169. Toward Imagination: Toward Imagination 18 Jul 1916, Berlin
Translated by Sabine H. Seiler

Rudolf Steiner
We do not speak superficially of some vague kind of correspondence between the ego-sense and Aries or between the other senses and this or that sign of the zodiac. We speak about this correspondence because during the earlier periods of our earthly planet the senses of the human being were not yet developed to the point of being enclosed in the organism.
173b. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: LectureI XI 26 Dec 1916, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
The author, a conceited fellow, has never belonged to our Society but has been entertaining the world with all sorts of double egos and such like. He has now used the opportunity of the various national hatreds and passions to mount an attack on our Anthroposophy of a kind which shows that his hands are not clean.
159. Christ In Relation To Lucifer and Ahriman 18 May 1915, Linz
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
From the time of our falling asleep to the moment of our awakening we live with our spiritual-intellectual being as astral body and ego, and during this period we also live outside our habitual national identity. Only during the time from our awakening to the time when we fall asleep do we partake in our nationality, because then we are immersed in our physical body.
161. The Problem of Death: Lecture III 07 Feb 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If one really wants to express with a certain surety of aim—if I may put it thus—that which is in the supersensible world and lives therein, as is the case with one who has gone through the gate of death, one must first and foremost be healed of what can be called the earthly ego-delusion. One must have succeeded in thinking of oneself as little as possible, in setting oneself as little as possible in the central point of the universe.
297. The Idea and Practice of Waldorf Education: Anthroposophy and the Art of Education 29 Dec 1920, Olten

Rudolf Steiner
Now Mach has also given us a remarkable example of his inability to get to the human ego at all. Mach once said – I don't want to say anything against his importance in a limited area, where he has it; but we live in a time in which even a person like that can say something like this – he said: self-knowledge is actually something that is very far from a person, because he was once he was quite tired – he was a university professor – walking along, a bus had just come along, so he jumped in and saw a strange man getting in on the other side – as if the bus could have been boarded from the other side as well.
71b. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious 26 Feb 1918, Nuremberg
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
But now the scientist of spirit, in practicing the activity necessary for spiritual investigation (as described yesterday), experiences another self, the same self, but in another form, the true ego—he experiences the spirit-soul nature of man independently of the bodily nature. However great a horror it may be for many people, it is nevertheless true that spiritual experiences are achieved outside the body.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Path of Knowledge

Rudolf Steiner
“I am free” is a thought. In a certain sense, it applies to the ego. But the sentence “I am unfree” also applies. Only if one grasps both sentences and illuminates them with each other does one obtain the life that they determine in the world of thought.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Nietzsche's Psychological Life and Richard Wagner 23 Mar 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And just as there is a transition from the more self-free way of the Greek world view to the ego-permeated way of the newer world view, there is a transition from sculptural creation to musical feeling in the progress of humanity.
288. Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of the First Goetheanum: The Goetheanum in Dornach 12 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In the middle, the realization, the realization that brings it to the individualism of the ego-grasping. That which humanity has felt as actual cultural thoughts, for example in the 16th century, is attempted here to be expressed through color.
1. Goethean Science: Knowing and Human Action in the Light of the Goethean Way of Thinking Methodology
Translated by William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
What he does, does not seem to flow only from his own individual ego; he appears determined by what he has in common with his people; his individuality seems to be abolished by the character of his people.

Results 2201 through 2210 of 2213

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