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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 321 through 330 of 1476

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21. The Case for Anthroposophy: The Philosophical Bearing of Anthroposophy
Tr. Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
It is paradoxical but perfectly correct to say: normal consciousness knows the content of its convictions; but it only dreams of the regulation by logic that is extant in the pursuit of these convictions. Thus we see that, in ordinary-level consciousness, the human being sleeps through his willing, when he unfolds and exercises his will in an outward direction; he dreams his willing, when, in his thinking, he is seeking for convictions. Only it is clear that, in the latter instance, what he dreams of cannot be anything corporeal, for otherwise logical and physiological laws would coincide. The concept to be grasped is that of the willing that lives in the mental pursuit of truth.
304. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I: Education and Drama 19 Apr 1922, Stratford
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
If one wanted to explain a Shakespeare play logically, one would be in the same position as someone wanting to explain dreams logically. 4) When is it right to introduce this element into education? 5) The Waldorf school is built on the artistic element.
In order to fully enjoy Shakespeare, Goethe outwardly contrives conditions bordering on dream conditions. People always try to look for the logic in Shakespeare’s plays. However, they are guided not by logic but by the pictorial element.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Lemuria 28 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The brain is developed to such an extent that it can already reflect the spiritual, but not recognize it; it remains dull in them; people with dream-like consciousness, to whom the highest is offered. A third type does not even get that far.
This is how humans developed the brain and absorbed the animalistic that became sexual. If the Pitris had incarnated in the dream-conscious, each would have had the ability to absorb Pitri in his entire nature. But there would be no free self-determination.
134. The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture VI 01 Jan 1912, Hanover
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You have only to give attention to such things and you will find they occur constantly in life. You dream of some situation. Perhaps you dream you are standing opposite a man who is talking with another man. You are standing there and making a third. In your dream you have a clear and exact picture of the countenance of the man opposite you. You say to yourself: “How do I come to have such a dream?
It is only owing to inexactitude of observation that people as a rule know nothing about these things. The conceptions that dreams bring before us in this way are by no means the most important of the impressions that work upon the soul.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Marie Eugenie delle Grazie 21 Mar 1894,

Rudolf Steiner
Robespierre is the hero in whose soul lives everything that humanity has always called idealism. He ends tragically because the great dream of the ideals of humanity that he dreams must necessarily ally itself with the mean aspirations of lower natures.
94. Popular Occultism: Twelfth Lecture 09 Jul 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
But once you have practised these six qualities for a while, you may begin to develop your astral senses and then you start to sleep consciously. Your dreams are no longer random, but they gain regularity; the astral world rises before you. Now you have the ability to perceive everything of a soul nature in your surroundings in pictures.
But in those days they turned in the opposite direction to that of those who have occult development today, where they turn in a clockwise direction. An analogy to the dream-like clairvoyant state of the Lemurians is the fact that even today, with atavistic clairvoyance, the lotus flowers still turn in the same direction as they once did in Atlantean and Lemurian times, namely in an anticlockwise direction.
132. Evolution in the Aspect of Realities: Inner Aspect of the Moon-Embodiment of the Earth II 21 Nov 1911, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We can best picture these to ourselves by the ideas that a man has when he dreams; the fluidic ideas that succeeding one another in a dream may evoke a conception of what takes place in a Being in whom the volition of longing dwells, and is guided by the Spirits of Movement into relation with other Beings.
There must be something more than love, happiness, fame, and so on; something of which our Souls do not even dream. It can be no evil spirit at the head of the world, He is only not understood. Do not we smile too when children cry?
All this immense firmament but a speck of dust compared with infinity! Tell me, is this nothing but a dream? At night when we are reposing between our linen sheets, we have a wider aspect, richer in intuition than thoughts can grasp or words describe.
132. Inner Realities of Evolution: Inner Aspect of the Moon-Embodiment of the Earth II 21 Nov 1911, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We can best realise this in the picture that a man has when he dreams; the fluidic pictures that succeed one another in a dream may evoke a conception of what takes place in a being in whom the volition of longing dwells, and is guided by the Spirits of Movement into relation with other beings.
there must be something more than love, happiness, fame, and so on; something of which our souls do not even dream. It can be no evil spirit at the head of the world, it is merely not understood. Do not we smile too when children cry?
All this immense firmament but a speck of dust compared with infinity! Tell me, is this nothing but a dream? At night when we are reposing between our linen sheets, we have a wider aspect, richer in intuition than thoughts can grasp or words describe.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class III: Seventh Recapitulation 20 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And secondly, the Guardian of the Threshold points with a stronger gesture to what feeling is to the person over there, who we ourselves are, and he admonishes that we are to see this feeling as a dim dream. In fact, we see feeling - which makes the person over there more real than thinking, for thinking is illusion, whereas feeling is half reality - we see the person's feeling enfold in numerous dream-pictures during the day.
But what kind of dreaming is feeling? In this feeling, not only the individual dreams, but within it the whole surrounding world dreams. Our thinking is our own. That's why it's illusion.
Now we must achieve, to the extent possible, tranquility of heart, the Guardian warns, so that we can extinguish what lives and interweaves as feeling in the dream-pictures, just as dreams are extinguished in deep sleep. Then we can reach the truth of feeling, and we can see human feeling interwoven with the cosmic life that is present in spirit in all our surroundings.
181. Earthly Death and Cosmic Life: Feelings of Unity and Sentiments of Gratitude: A Bridge to the Dead 19 Mar 1918, Berlin
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
What works there and breaks into a feeling of thankfulness, works in a similar way within us as does the impression of the outer world which is to be remembered; it goes side by side with the concept, and only the man who has a distinct feeling that he dreams from waking to falling asleep, can be aware of these things. I have shown in the public lecture on ‘The Historical Life of Man and its Problems’ that as regards our feeling and will we continue to sleep and dream even in waking life. If we allow the world to work upon us in this way, our impressions and concepts take place incessantly, but beneath this we dream about everything and this dream-life is far richer than we think. It is only eclipsed by our conscious concepts as is a weak light by a stronger.
The dead can only speak to us through the element which passes through the dreams interwoven with our life. The dead speak into these intimate subconscious perceptions which take place of themselves.

Results 321 through 330 of 1476

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