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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 371 through 380 of 516

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32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Marie Eugenie delle Grazie 22 Sep 1899,

Rudolf Steiner
It is a graveyard on which we stand - yet ourselves, How pure and happy, because unconsciously and without torment Germs the young green here from the rot! How unearthly cheerfulness it weaves around The rotten little crosses all around and almost ashamed They crumble - what should be the sign Of the misery of existence in this blessed place?
340. World Economy: Lecture I 24 Jul 1922, Dornach
Tr. Owen Barfield, T. Gordon-Jones

Rudolf Steiner
This band of colours is created with the help of the prism: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. So far (from the red to the violet) the spectrum appears luminous. But, as you know, before the region which shows a luminous effect, what are called the infra-red rays are assumed to exist: and, beyond the violet, the ultra-violet rays.
73. Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science: Modern history in the light of spiritual-scientific investigation 17 Oct 1918, Zürich
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
112 But just look at the natural world and the leaps that are made! A plant will first develop green leaves and later transform them into petals of different colours—a leap. And such leaps exist everywhere in the natural world, refuting common prejudice that people find comfortable.
For those productive ideas do not arise as independent green plants in the human soul—the supersensible, if it is to be sought, must arise as an independent plant in the human soul—but from calm contemplation of objective natural phenomena.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: Creation of the world and of man. Saturn-, Sun-, and Moon-condition in the earth's evolution 30 Jun 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
So we can say that the second condition to come about was gaseous, definitely airy. [See drawing-green.] In what has been formed, in a certain sense, as a second cosmic body everything is air.
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VI 10 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir

Rudolf Steiner
It will be necessary in the future that the bee-keeper even contrives a small green-house—it need not be a large one—in which he can cultivate those plants which the bees not only like, but must have at certain times of the year.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
They tell us that the tree of holy night has not yet become the wood of the cross but the power to be this wood is beginning to arise within it. The roses growing among the green are a symbol of the eternal conquering the temporal. The square of Pythagoras (Fig. 12) is a symbol for the fourfold nature of man—physical body, ether body, astral body and I.
54. Paracelsus 26 Apr 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If one uses sensuous expressions of that which is considered for this spiritual research, like black, white, yellow, green et cetera, one only means metaphors of something that is behind. It is quite wrong if one identifies them with our material things.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Pythagorean Doctrine 09 Nov 1901, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Because we have seen a triangle, we can form a quadrilateral by connecting the blue one with the green one. This can be extended in the mind. We can move from the triangle to the square. But we cannot go from one shade of color to another.
53. Human Wisdom 13 Oct 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
That Goethe was a theosophist follows from a “concealed” writing which exists, indeed, in every edition, however, is read by the fewest: from the Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. This contains the whole theosophy, but in such a way as the theosophical truths have always been communicated.
53. Goethe's Secret Revelation 23 Feb 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Already eight days ago, I pointed to the fact that the basic question should be solved in Goethe's Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily how the human being develops from his lower self to the higher one, and that a big view of the future underlies the fairy tale.

Results 371 through 380 of 516

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