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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 231 through 240 of 359

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Turning Points Spiritual History: Introduction

Walter F. Knox
This wholly unselfish action, however, called for determination, inflexibility of will, and a moderate and rational apprehension of spiritual reality, permeated throughout with a profound sense of its fundamental substantiality. But here was no worn-out intellectual faculty, no ecstasy, no mystic intoxication with Eastern tinge—austere, resolute and calm, he went his way, ever imparting spiritual enlightenment.
Although the wisdom of the East deserves our warmest feelings of admiration and wonder, nevertheless, the fundamental principle underlying its historical onward progress does not appear as a vital factor; this element must now be introduced by the West, to which task it should regard itself as directly committed.
In the spring of 1904, also in the Architektenhaus, Rudolf Steiner spoke concerning certain subjects which contained within them the germ of his later pioneer work in social and pedagogical spheres; these were included under the title, Psychic Teachings in Theosophy, as follows: 16 March—I.
204. Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy: Lecture VII 22 Apr 1921, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
We need only compare this with the people who said later, It will lead nowhere to try and develop a national constitution or social conditions out of human reason. Instead, we ought to study ancient times, concentrate on history.
He stands firmly on the gospel of the threefold social order, but in the spirit of his home town of Wuppertal he is also a devout Christian.” Well, there are as many lies here as there are words!
14. Friedrich von Savigny, 1779–1861, historian of law.15. Leopold von Ranke, 1795–1886, historian.16.
197. Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind: Lecture X 14 Nov 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You can get an idea of the different forms it took if you consider one of the fundamental aspects of modern technology, let us say coal-mining, in different countries in the civilized world.
Some of these were able to overcome the others, as it were, on the basis of objective laws that had nothing to do with human beings. Add to this the fact that the United States intervened in the process.
Human beings remain limited to the non-human realm, even in the social sphere they will be limited to non-human aspects, unless they find the bridge that leads to the nature of the human being.
329. The Liberation of the Human Being as the Basis for a Social Reorganization: The Spirit as a Guide Through the Senses and into the Super Sensible World 06 Nov 1919, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
The experience of repeated earthly lives will develop out of the right social life and feelings of modern man. Natural science, in its research, has already come to the conclusion that it no longer wants to be purely materialistic, at least in the case of some minds.
And because most people only have such hazy fantasies, they think that the laws that come into play only come from fantasies. But in truth, no figments of the imagination arise when a person makes an effort to move forward.
In the face of real spiritual knowledge, as it is meant and presented here today, there is truly no shame or anything degrading if one person, in a truly social existence, simply accepts what is transmitted to him from the spiritual world, while another person is able to discover it.
172. The Karma of Vocation: Lecture VIII 25 Nov 1916, Dornach
Tr. Olin D. Wannamaker, Gilbert Church, Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, he never officially married but lived, as his contemporaries say, in a common-law marriage with a certain Marina Gamba by whom he had two daughters, whom he sent into a convent, and a son, whom he later legitimized.
I have already told you that those who are familiar with the fundamental laws of the occult conception of the world knew that in the middle of the nineteenth century we reached the lowest point—or, as the materialists might designate it, the highest point—of materialistic thinking, feeling, and willing.
So this Arthur describes a fragment from that part of his life when materialism takes hold of humanity and forms the social order. Arthur says: At twenty-one, I went to a metropolis for the first time—not the city in which I now live—in order to begin my studies.
173a. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture I 04 Dec 1916, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
Comparison between the two reveals the ancient conflict that characterizes human spiritual life, the conflict between an inner world of free personal activity and an outer world of rigid laws, coercive measures. Even as long ago as the time of Christ, justice as the fulfilment of the law was balanced by mercy, duty by love, and the legal order by voluntary imitation of Christ.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity signify one formula that gains its power from a social conscience. Order, Duty and Justice, on the other hand, must presuppose the suggestive power of a higher authority if they are to become effective.
The very thing most able to grasp reality is kept at arm's length. The main reason for this is that there is a fundamental impulse lacking in their striving, and that is the fundamental impulse for truth. There is an urge to seek for the truth in empty phrases.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Education Based on Knowledge of the Human Being I 24 Dec 1921, Dornach
Tr. Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
But this notion of primeval nebulae makes sense only when we apply to it the laws of aeromechanics. Such laws, however, contain nothing of a soul or spiritual character. People who long for such a soul and spiritual element, therefore, must imagine that all sorts of divine powers exist along side the aeromechanical view of the universe, and then these spirit beings must be somehow blended skillfully into the image of the nebulae.
Education Based on Knowledge of the Human Being 21 A hypothetical concept of the end of the cosmos is bound to follow the laws of physics. In this context, we encounter the socalled second fundamental law of thermodynamics. According to this theory, all living forces are mutually transformable.
They equate the origin of everything with the primeval nebulae, comprehensible only through the laws of aeromechanics. They equate the end of everything with complete destruction by heat, resulting in a final universal grave.
303. Poetry and the Art of Speech: Decline and Re-edification
Tr. Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Marie Steiner
Cleverness, and a dash of temperament, are enough to be going on – absolutely rattling along, with no feeling at all for a wise disposition of aesthetic resources, such as comes from knowledge of our human organization. No knowledge of the laws that are manifestations of divine-creative forces in art, of which for us both man and the world are representations.
Only we must begin by learning to spell. We must concern ourselves with the fundamentals, the speech-sounds themselves, and not with projecting our own one-sided personality. I once saw in Germany a large-scale production of Shakespeare’s Tempest.
Rudolf Steiner saw in a spiritual deepening of art, science and religion and in their mutual fructification an effective remedy for the social ills of mankind. Barbarity might be avoided and, in place of the twilight of European culture that has already been confirmed by science, there might rise out of affliction, misery and delusion the light of a new dawn.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Education in the Light of Spiritual Science 01 Dec 1906, Cologne
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Knowledge of human nature and problems of education are intimately connected. No aspect of social life can benefit more from spiritual research than education, because it is possible to provide practical guidelines in this realm through supersensible knowledge.
Inartistic lifeless toys do not foster trust in spiritual life. A fundamental connection exists between today's lack of religious belief and the way young children are taught.
There is no better way for spiritual science to serve humanity than fostering social impulses in the young during the formative years. What takes place in human beings during the time they grow up and mature is one of life's greatest riddles; those who find practical solutions will prove true educators.
260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 28 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
An important role will have to be played by the capacities that lie in the feelings and in those of direct perception of the esoteric and the occult, and by moral qualities and so on. The fundamental feature of what will be at work with regard to the three Classes, which are built on the foundation of the Anthroposophical Society, which in its turn is entirely public—this fundamental feature in the working of the three Classes will be, of course, the spiritual-scientific content.
The sentence I want to add here is: ‘A certain number of members, to be determined from time to time in the By-Laws, has the right to request a special General Meeting at any time.’ The possibility for this must also be left open.
Other things can be said when the Vorstand presents you with some By-Laws. They can be said tomorrow in the members' meeting. At 4.30 this afternoon is the eurythmy performance.

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