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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Date Lecture Title Book Title City Volume
13 Mar Spiritual Sciencd in its Relation to Religion Not Yet Available Basel 69e
01 Jun The Four Sacrifices of Christ Basel 152
05 May Awakening Spiritual Thoughts The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Basel 154
27 Dec The Birth of Christ Within Us The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas Basel 156
03 Jun Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Basel 266-III
08 Jan Michelangelo Berlin 63
15 Jan Evil in the Light of Spiritual Knowledge Berlin 63
12 Feb The Moral Foundation of the Life of Man Berlin 63
26 Feb Voltaire from the Viewpoint of Spiritual Science Berlin 63
19 Mar Between Death and Rebirth of Man Berlin 63
26 Mar Homunculus Berlin 63
23 Apr Spiritual Science as and Essential in Life Berlin 63
29 Oct Goethe's Attitude in Our Fateful Days and the German Culture Not Yet Available Berlin 64
05 Nov The "Barbarians" of Schiller and Fichte Not Yet Available Berlin 64
26 Nov The Soul of Man in Life and Death. Spiritual-Scientific Considerations Berlin 64
27 Nov The Soul of a People Considered in the Light of Spiritual Science Berlin 64
27 Jan Theosophy and Anti-sophy Not Yet Available Berlin 69e
06 Jan Lecture IX On the Fifth Gospel Berlin 148
13 Jan Lecture X On the Fifth Gospel Berlin 148
10 Feb Lecture XI On the Fifth Gospel Berlin 148
20 Jan Lecture I Human and Cosmic Thought (1961) Berlin 151
20 Jan Lecture I Human and Cosmic Thought (1991) Berlin 151
21 Jan Lecture II Human and Cosmic Thought (1961) Berlin 151
21 Jan Lecture II Human and Cosmic Thought (1991) Berlin 151
22 Jan Lecture III Human and Cosmic Thought (1961) Berlin 151
22 Jan Lecture III Human and Cosmic Thought (1991) Berlin 151
23 Jan Lecture IV Human and Cosmic Thought (1961) Berlin 151
23 Jan Lecture IV Human and Cosmic Thought (1991) Berlin 151
18 Apr Understanding the Spiritual World I The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Berlin 154
26 Apr Robert Hamerling: Poet and Thinker The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Berlin 154
12 May Understanding the Spiritual World II The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Berlin 154
01 Sep Lecture I The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations Berlin 157
31 Oct Lecture II The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations Berlin 157
28 Nov Lecture III The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations Berlin 157
23 Jan Viewpoints on the Architectual Design of the Anthroposophical Colony at Dornach (see also 286) Not Yet Available Berlin 252
25 Jun Memorial for Gräffin von Brockdorf Not Yet Available Berlin 261
18 Jan 2nd General Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society Welcome Not Yet Available Berlin 261
01 Sep Not Yet Available Berlin 261
24 Jan Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Berlin 266-III
27 Mar Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Berlin 266-III
25 Apr Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Berlin 266-III
21 Jan Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance Not Yet Available Berlin 277a
23 Jan And the Building Becomes the Human Being III (see also 252) Not Yet Available Berlin 286
10 Jan Christ in the 20th Century Not Yet Available Bremen 69c
11 Jan Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Bremen 266-III
03 Oct The Human Being and his Relationship to the World Occult Reading and Occult Hearing Dornach 156
04 Oct Identification with the Signs and Spiritual Realities of the Imaginative World Occult Reading and Occult Hearing Dornach 156
05 Oct Inner Experiences and `Moods' of Soul as the Vowels and Consonants of the Spiritual World Occult Reading and Occult Hearing Dornach 156
06 Oct Inner Mobility of Thought Occult Reading and Occult Hearing Dornach 156
07 Oct Time of Expectancy Not Yet Available Dornach 156
12 Dec How to Get One's Being into the World of Ideas I Not Yet Available Dornach 156
13 Dec How to Get One's Being into the World of Ideas II Not Yet Available Dornach 156
19 Dec How to Get One's Being into the World of Ideas III Not Yet Available Dornach 156
20 Dec How to Get One's Being into the World of Ideas IV Not Yet Available Dornach 156
26 Dec A Christmas Lecture Festivals of the Seasons Dornach 156
09 Nov Concerning the Origin and Nature of the Finnish Nation Dornach 158
14 Nov The Essence of National Epics with Special Reference to the Kalevala I Not Yet Available Dornach 158
15 Nov The Essence of National Epics with Special Reference to the Kalevala II Not Yet Available Dornach 158
20 Nov Lecture I The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman Dornach 158
21 Nov Lecture II The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman Dornach 158
22 Nov Lecture III The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman Dornach 158
31 Dec New Year's Eve Celebration Address Not Yet Available Dornach 158
20 Sep Christian Morgenstern. Commemorating the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Building in Dornach. Spiritual Science and the Modern Spiritual Life Not Yet Available Dornach 250
13 Aug Address following the Outbreak of World War I Not Yet Available Dornach 252
19 Sep Lecture on the Eve of the Laying of the Foundation Stone for the John-Building Not Yet Available Dornach 252
10 Oct Eulogy at the Grave of Theo Faiss (died Oct. 7) Not Yet Available Dornach 261
27 Dec Words at the Grave of Albert Faiss Not Yet Available Dornach 261
28 Dec Technology and Art Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom Dornach 275
29 Dec Impulses of Transformation for Man's Artistic Evolution I Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom Dornach 275
30 Dec Impulses of Transformation for Man's Artistic Evolution II Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom Dornach 275
31 Dec Cosmic New Year: the Dream Song of Olaf Asteson Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom Dornach 275
07 Jun Number 14 Not Yet Available Dornach 277a
28 Jun Number 15 Not Yet Available Dornach 277a
07 Oct On the Nature of Eurythmy Not Yet Available Dornach 277a
07 Jun The Acanthus Leaf Ways to a New Style in Architecture Dornach 286
17 Jun The House of Speech Ways to a New Style in Architecture Dornach 286
28 Jun The New Conception of Architecture Ways to a New Style in Architecture Dornach 286
05 Jul True Aesthetic Laws of Form Ways to a New Style in Architecture Dornach 286
26 Jul The Creative World of Colour Ways to a New Style in Architecture Dornach 286
18 Oct Lecture I The Building at Dornach Dornach 287
19 Oct Lecture II The Building at Dornach Dornach 287
24 Oct Lecture III The Building at Dornach Dornach 287
25 Oct Lecture IV The Building at Dornach Dornach 287
12 Oct Lecture V The Building at Dornach Dornach 287
26 Jul The Creative World of Colour Colour Dornach 291
03 Nov The "Barbarians" of Schiller and Fichte Not Yet Available Hamburg 70a
07 Feb Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Hanover 266-III
07 Feb The Fifth Gospel. The Building in Dornach Not Yet Available Hanover
09 May How Does One Gain Understanding of the Spiritual World I How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical Karlsruhe 261
10 May How Does One Gain Understanding of the Spiritual World II How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical Karlsruhe 261
10 May Commemoration of Christian Morgenstern Not Yet Available Karlsruhe 261
08 May How is the Soul to Find its True Nature? Not Yet Available Kassel 69d
09 May Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Kassel 266-III
03 Jan Spiritual Science and the Spiritual World. Views at the Goals of our Time Not Yet Available Leipzig 69e
04 Jan Theosophy as a Way of Life Not Yet Available Leipzig 69e
01 Jan Lecture V Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail Leipzig 149
02 Jan Lecture VI Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail Leipzig 149
02 Jan Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Leipzig 266-III
29 Mar The Origin of Evil and Anger in the Light of Spiritual Science Not Yet Available Munich 69d
31 Mar On Death Not Yet Available Munich 69d
01 Dec The "Barbarians" of Schiller and Fichte Not Yet Available Munich 70a
02 Dec The Soul of Man, Destiny and Death Not Yet Available Munich 70a
30 Mar The Dornach Building. The Three Antecedents to the Event at Golgotha Not Yet Available Munich 152
13 Sep Middle Europe Between East and West I Not Yet Available Munich 174a
31 Mar Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Munich 266-III
12 Jul Lecture I Christ and the Human Soul Norrköping 155
12 Jul Christ and the Human Soul I How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical Norrköping 155
14 Jul Lecture II Christ and the Human Soul Norrköping 155
14 Jul Christ and the Human Soul II How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical Norrköping 155
15 Jul Lecture III Christ and the Human Soul Norrköping 155
15 Jul Christ and the Human Soul III How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical Norrköping 155
16 Jul Lecture IV Christ and the Human Soul Norrköping 155
16 Jul Christ and the Human Soul IV How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical Norrköping 155
13 Jul Anthroposophy and Christianity Norrköping 155
14 Jul Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Norrköping 266-III
27 May Progress in the Knowledge of Christ Not Yet Available Paris 152
25 May The Presence of the Dead in our Life The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Paris 154
26 May The Blessing of the Dead The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Paris 154
08 Feb Christ in the 20th Century Not Yet Available Pforzheim 69c
07 Mar Pre-Earthly Deeds of Christ Pforzheim 152
16 Apr How is the Soul of Man to Find its True Nature? Not Yet Available Prague 69d
17 Apr Faith and Knowledge The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path Prague 154
06 Mar The Inner Being of Man and Life Between Death and a New Birth Not Yet Available Stuttgart 69d
04 Mar Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Seeking at Present Not Yet Available Stuttgart 69e
05 Mar The Working of the Christ Impulse in the Development of Mankind Not Yet Available Stuttgart 152
03 Dec Middle Europe Between East and West II Not Yet Available Stuttgart 174a
30 Sep Consideration of Current Events and Their Causes. The European Folksouls. The War as a Teacher Not Yet Available Stuttgart 174b
05 Mar Esoteric Lesson From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 Stuttgart 266-III
07 Mar Questions and Answers Not Yet Available Stuttgart
10 Apr Eulogy for Christian Morgenstern (Died 31 Mar 1914) Not Yet Available Various 261
06 Apr Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science and the Spiritual Seeking at Present Not Yet Available Vienna 153
08 Apr Life, Death and the Immortality of the Human Soul? Not Yet Available Vienna 153
09 Apr The Four Spheres of the Inner Life The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth Vienna 153
10 Apr The Vision of the Ideal Human Being The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth Vienna 153
11 Apr The Senses and the Luciferic Temptation The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth Vienna 153
12 Apr Wisdom in the Spiritual World The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth Vienna 153
13 Apr Between Death and the ‘Cosmic Midnight Hour’ The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth Vienna 153
14 Apr Pleasures and Sufferings in the Life Beyond The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth Vienna 153
14 Apr On the John-Building in Dornach Not Yet Available Vienna 153
14 Apr On the John-Building Not Yet Available Vienna 252
20 Sep Lecture on the Anniversary of the Laying of the Foundation Stone Not Yet Available 252
31 Dec Opening Words to the 2nd General Meeting of the John-Building Assembly Not Yet Available 252
25 Dec Update on Alice Spregel Not Yet Available 253