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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Lectures Given by Rudolf Steiner

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z All
GA# Book/Collection Title Year #
329 The Liberation of the Human Being as the Basis for a Social Reorganization 1919 9
92 The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends 1904-5 7
69e About Horses That Can Count and Calculate 1913 1
97 Adept-School of the Past 1907 1
302a Adult Education. Artistic Lesson Design 1922 1
118 The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World 1910 6
156 An Age of Expectation 1914 1
327 The Agriculture Course (1938) 1924 8
327 The Agriculture Course (1958) 1924 8
193 The Ahrimanic Deception 1919 1
209 The Alphabet: An Expression of the Mystery of Man 1921 1
unk An Impulse for the Future 1
57 Ancient European Clairvoyance 1909 1
87 Ancient Mysteries and Christianity 1901–2 24
180 Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution 1918 7
143 Ancient Wisdom and the Heralding of the Christ Impulse 1912 1
286 And The Temple Becomes Man 1911 1
286 And the Building Becomes the Human Being 1912-14 2
97 The Animal Soul 1907 1
108 The Answers to Questions About the World and Life Provided by Anthroposophy 1908-9 9
73 Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science 1917 8
258 The Anthroposophic Movement (1938) 1923 8
258 The Anthroposophic Movement (1993) 1923 8
314 Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine 1922 4
155 Anthroposophical Ethics 1912 3
342 Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity 1924 8
181 Anthroposophical Life Gifts 1918 7
313 Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy 1921 9
155 Anthroposophy and Christianity 1914 1
220 Anthroposophy and Modern Civilization 1923 1
324 Anthroposophy and Science 1921 8
82 Anthroposophy and the Visual Arts 1922 1
231 Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Times 1923 1
140 Anthroposophy as a Substance of Life and Feeling 1913 1
unk Anthroposophy in Daily Life 1911 1
78 Anthroposophy's Contribution to the Most Urgent Needs of Our Time 1921 1
234 Anthroposophy, An Introduction 1924 9
104 The Apocalypse of St. John 1908 13
90a (On) Apocalyptic Writings 1904 3
203 Apollonius of Tyana 1921 1
288 Architectural Forms Considered as the Thoughts of Culture and World-Perception 1916 1
288 Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of the First Goetheanum 1915–20 5
190 Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible 1919 1
275 Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom 1914 8
339 On The Art of Lecturing 1921 6
339 The Art of Lecturing 1921 6
276 The Arts and Their Mission 1923 8
176 Aspects of Human Evolution 1917 8
107 The Astral World 1908 3
323 Astronomy as Compared to Other Sciences 1921 18
95 At the Gates of Spiritual Science 1906 14
257 Awakening to Community 1923 10
257 Awakening to Community (single) 1923 1
89 Awareness—Life—Form 1904-5 34
124 Background to the Gospel of St. Mark 1910-11 13
158 The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman 1914 3
145 The Beginning of Spring, Easter Monday and Sunday 1913 1
178 Behind the Scenes of External Happenings 1917 2
107 The Being of Man and His Future Evolution 1908 9
141 Between Death and Rebirth 1912-13 10
142 The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul 1912-13 5
68a The Bible and Wisdom 1908 1
60 The Biggest Questions of Existence 1910-11 1
187 The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul 1918 1
143 Birth of the Light 1912 1
322 The Boundaries of Natural Science 1920 8
202 The Bridge Between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitution of Man 1920 3
202 The Bridge between Morality and Nature 1920 1
184 The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real 1918 2
318 Broken Vessels 1924 11
54 Brotherhood and the Fight for Survival 1905 1
161 Brunetto Latini 1915 1
60 Buddha 1911 1
58 Buddha and Christ 1909 1
130 Buddha and Christ: The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas 1911 1
175 Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha 1917 10
288 The Building at Dornach 1920 3
287 The Building at Dornach 1914 5
143 Calendar of the Soul 1912 1
68b Carnegie and Tolstoy 1908 1
174a Central Europe Between East and West 1914-18 8
174a Central Europe between East and West 1916 1
79 The Central Question of Economic Life 1921 1
186 The Challenge of the Times 1918 6
163 Chance, Necessity and Providence 1915 8
108 A Chapter of Occult History 1908 1
306 The Child's Changing Consciousness and Waldorf Education 1923 8
116 The Christ Impulse and the Development of the Ego-Consciousness 1909-10 7
214 Christ and the Evolution of Consciousness 1922 1
155 Christ and the Human Soul 1914 4
149 Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail 1913-14 6
159 Christ in Relation to Lucifer and Ahriman 1915 1
69c Christ in the 20th Century 1912 1
97 The Christian Mystery (2000) 1906-7 31
109 Christianity in Human Evolution 1909 1
109 Christianity in the Evolution of Mankind 1909 1
260 The Christmas Conference 1923-24 20
125 The Christmas Festival In The Changing Course Of Time 1910 1
108 The Christmas Mystery, Novalis, the Seer 1908 1
var A Christmas Thought and the Secret of the Ego 1915 1
101 Christmas: A contemplation out of the Wisdom of Life 1907 1
291 Colour 1921-24 10
349 Colour and the Human Races 1923 2
200 The Coming Experience of Christ 1920 1
253 Community Life, Inner Development, Sexuality and the Spiritual Teacher 1915 7
218 The Concealed Aspects of Human Existence and the Christ Impulse 1922 1
127 The Concepts of Original Sin and Grace 1911 1
220 Concerning Electricity 1923 1
107 Concerning the Nature of Pain, Suffering, Joy, and Bliss 1908 1
158 Concerning the Origin and Nature of the Finnish Nation 1914 1
218 Concerning the Spiritual Soul of Man Between Death and a New Birth 1922 1
143 Conscience and Astonishment as Indications of Spiritual Vision 1912 1
143 Conscience and Wonder as Indications of Spiritual Vision 1912 1
212 Contrasting World-Conceptions of East and West 1922 1
240 Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael 1924 6
130 Cosmic Ego and Human Ego 1912 1
209 Cosmic Forces in Man 1921 3
195 The Cosmic New Year 1919 5
184 The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind 1918 3
224 The Cosmic Word and Individual Man 1923 1
var Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man 1923-24 6
175 Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses 1917 7
191 Cosmogony, Freedom, Altruism 1919 3
91 Cosmology and Human Evolution. Color Theory 1903 7
207 Cosmosophy Vol. I 1921 11
208 Cosmosophy Vol. II 1921 11
316 Course for Young Doctors 1920-24 17
193 The Crossing of the Threshold and the Social Organism 1919 1
225 Cultural Phenomena — Three Perspectives of Anthroposophy 1923 12
317 Curative Education 1924 12
315 Curative Eurythmy 1921 8
223 The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth 1923 5
172 The Cyclic Movement of Sleeping and Waking 1916 1
203 Dangers Threatening the Spiritual Life of Today 1921 1
182 The Dead Are With Us (1964) 1918 1
182 The Dead Are With Us (1973) 1918 1
298 Dear Children 1919-20 3
69d Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science 1910-14 23
61 Death in Man, Animal, and Plant 1912 1
109 The Dedication of an Anthroposophical Group 1909 1
107 The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers 1909 2
302a Deeper Insights into Education 1923 3
117 Deeper Secrets of Human Development in the Light of the Gospels 1909 4
117 Deeper Secrets of Human History 1909 3
140 Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World 1913 2
157 The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations 1914-15 14
107 The Development of Christianity in Present Humanity 1909 1
228 The Development of Human Consciousness in the Past, Present and Future 1923 3
206 Development of the Child up to Puberty 1921 1
191 Differentiation of Primeval Wisdom into East, Middle, West 1919 1
295 Discussions with Teachers 1919 20
60 The Disposition, Talent and Education of the Human Being 1911 1
225 Dreams as a Bridge between the Physical and the World of Moral Ideas 1923 1
222 The Driving Force of Spiritual Powers in World History 1923 7
206 The Dual Form of Cognition During the Middle Ages 1921 1
218 The Ear 1922 1
181 The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit 1918 2
181 Earthly Death and Cosmic Life 1918 7
221 Earthly Knowledge and Heavenly Insight 1923 6
133 Earthly and Cosmic Man 1911-12 9
209 East and West in the Light of the Christmas Idea 1921 1
203 East and West, and the Roman Church 1921 2
113 The East in the Light of the West 1909 9
54 Easter 1906 1
233a The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries 1924 4
233a The Easter Festival in the Evolution of the Mysteries 1924 4
unk Easter and the Awakening to Cosmic Thought 1907 1
233a Easter as a Chapter in the Mystery Wisdom of Man 1924 4
307 Education 1923 11
302a Education and Instruction 1920 1
296 Education as a Social Problem 1919 6
302a Education for Adolescents 1922 1
302 Education for Adolescents 1921 8
145 The Effect of Occult Development 1913 10
159 Effects of the Christ-Impulse Upon the Historical Course of Human Evolution 1915 1
117 The Ego 1909-10 3
168 The Ego-Consciousness of the So-called Dead 1916 1
106 Egyptian Myths and Mysteries 1908 12
194 Elemental Beings and Human Destinies 1919 1
212 The Elemental World and the Future of Mankind 1922 1
98 The Elementary Kingdoms 1907 1
211 The End of the Dark Age 1922 1
62 Errors in Spiritual Investigation: Meeting the Guardian of the Threshold 1913 1
69a The Errors of Spiritual Investigation 1912 1
130 Esoteric Christianity and the Guiding Spirits of Humanity 1911-2 3
130 Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz 1911 13
68a Esoteric Christianity: The Gospel of St. John and Ancient Mysteries 1906 1
94 An Esoteric Cosmology 1906 18
var Esoteric Development 1905-23 10
270 Esoteric Instructions 1924 31
270 Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I 1924 9
270 Esoteric Lessons for the First Class II 1924 10
270 Esoteric Lessons for the First Class III 1924 7
unk The Essence of Anthroposophy 1913 1
68a The Essence of Christianity 1903-9 73
345 The Essence of the Active Word 1923 4
308 The Essentials of Education 1924 5
180 Et Incarnatus Est 1917 1
80b The Eternal Soul of Man From the Point of View of Anthroposophy 1923 1
67 The Eternal human Soul 1918 9
157 The Etheric Being in the Physical Human Being 1915 1
159 The Etheric Body as a Reflexion of the Universe 1915 1
130 The Etherisation of the Blood 1911 1
277 Eurhythmy (single) 1920 1
57 The European Mysteries and Their Initiates 1909 1
325 European Spiritual Life in the 19th Century 1921 2
278 Eurythmy as Visible Singing 1924 8
279 Eurythmy as Visible Speech 1924 15
185 Evil and the Future of Man 1918 1
207 Evil and the Power of Thought 1921 1
63 Evil in the Light of Spiritual Knowledge 1914 1
132 Evolution in the Aspect of Realities 1911 6
227 The Evolution of Consciousness 1923 13
90b Evolution of Human Freedom and Personal Consciousness 1905 1
354 The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars 1924 14
218 Exact Clairvoyance and Ideal Magic 1922 1
124 Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark 1910-11 10
211 Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity 1922 1
211 Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity (D. Osmond) 1922 1
218 The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background 1922 1
143 Experiences of the Supernatural 1912 4
130 Facing Karma 1912 1
178 Factors of Karma, Deficiencies in Psychoanalysis 1916 1
300a Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner I 1919-21 24
300b Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner II 1921-23 25
var Fairy Tales in the Light of Spiritual Investigation 1907 2
130 Faith, Love and Hope 1911 2
220 Fall and Redemption 1923 1
177 The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness 1917 14
233a The Festival of Easter 1924 4
var The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas 1905-21 8
var The Festivals and Their Meaning III : Ascension and Pentecost 1908-24 6
var The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas 1913-24 7
var The Festivals and Their Meaning II: Easter 1908-22 8
var Festivals of the Seasons 1907-16 19
148 Fifth Gospel (D. Osmond) 1913 5
148 Fifth Gospel I (Frank Thomas Smith) 1913 5
148 The Fifth Gospel II (Frank Thomas Smith) 1913 2
148 The Fifth Gospel III 1913 8
218 First Steps in Supersensible Perception and The Relation of Anthroposophy to Christianity 1922 2
157a The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death 1915 6
224 The Forming of Destiny in Sleeping and Waking 1923 1
343 Foundation Course: Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action 1921 15
260 The Foundation Stone Meditation 1923 6
260 Foundation Stone Meditation & Rythms (Katz) 1
260 Foundation Stone Meditation (Riedel) 1
79 Foundations of Anthroposophy 1921 3
79 Foundations of Anthroposophy (single) 1921 1
93a Foundations of Esotericism 1905 31
344 The Founding of the Christian Community 1924 20
107 The Four Human Group Souls (Lion, Bull, Eagle, Man) 1908 1
152 The Four Sacrifices of Christ 1914 1
229 Four Seasons and the Archangels 1923 5
57 The Four Temperaments 1909 1
324a The Fourth Dimension (2024) 1905-1908 8
72 Freedom, Immortality and Social Life 1917-8 1
109 From Buddha to Christ II 1909 1
131 From Jesus to Christ 1911 10
69c From Jesus to Christ (single) 1911 1
185 From Symptom to Reality in Modern History 1918 9
266 From the Contents of Esoteric Classes I: 1904–1909 1904-09 51
266 From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912 1910-12 68
266 From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914 1904-14 38
78 Fruits of Anthroposophy 1921 8
207 Fundamental Impulses in the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times 1921 1
186 The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times 1918 5
314 Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Medicine 1922 4
191 Fundamentals of the Science of Initiation 1919 1
60 Galileo, Giordano Bruno, and Goethe 1911 1
122 Genesis (1959) 1910 10
122 Genesis (1982) 1910 10
299 The Genius of Language 1919-20 6
178 Geographic Medicine 1917 2
225 Gnostic Doctrines and Supersensible Influences in Europe 1923 1
113 Goethe Celebration 1909 1
206 Goethe and the Evolution of Consciousness 1921 1
68c Goethe and the Present 1889–1912 33
271 Goethe as the Founder of a New Science of Aesthetics 1888 1
272 Goethe's Faust from the Point of View of Spiritual Science 1910 1
273 Goethe's Personal Relationship to his 'Faust' 1918 1
57 Goethe's Secret Revelation 1908-09 4
184 Goethe, Comte and Bentham 1918 1
188 Goetheanism as an Impulse for Man's Transformation 1919 6
var The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 1915 1
61 Good Fortune - Its Reality and Its Semblance 1911 1
117a The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels 1910 13
94 The Gospel of St. John 1906 3
103 The Gospel of St. John 1908 12
112 The Gospel of St. John 1909 14
100 The Gospel of St. John (Basle) 1907 8
112 The Gospel of St. John - in Relation to the Other Gospels especially that of St. Luke 1909 14
114 The Gospel of St. Luke 1909 10
139 The Gospel of St. Mark 1912 10
123 The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946) 1910 12
123 The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965) 1910 12
159 The Great Virtues 1915 1
92 Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism 1904 4
98 The Group Souls of Animals, Plants and Minerals 1908 1
245 Guidance in Esoteric Training 1903 1
198 Healing Factors for the Social Organism 1920 2
73a Health Care as a Social Issue 1920 1
348 Health and Illness, Volume I 1922 9
348 Health and Illness, Volume II 1922-23 9
162 'Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away' 1915 1
202 Hegel, Schopenhauer, Thought, Will 1920 1
172 Hereditary Impulses and Impulses from Previous Earth Lives 1916 1
60 Hermes 1911 1
61 The Hidden Depths of Soul Life 1911 1
143 Hidden Forces of Soul-Life 1912 1
179 Historical Necessity and Freewill 1917 7
196 The History and Actuality of Imperialism 1920 3
292 The History of Art I 1916-17 9
292 The History of Art II 1917 4
353 The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations 1924 14
51 The History of the Middle Ages 1904 8
107 History of the Physical Plane and Occult History 1908 1
187 How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? 1918 8
69d How Can We Gain Knowledge of the Supersensible Worlds? 1913 1
168 How Can the Destitution of Soul in Modern Times Be Overcome? 1916 1
182 How Do I Find the Christ? 1918 1
60 How Does One Attain Knowledge of the Spiritual World? 1910 1
156 How Does One Get One's Being into the World of Ideas? 1914 4
351 How the Spirit Works in Nature 1923 4
var How the Spiritual World Interpenetrates the Physical 1914 6
347 The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit 1922 10
119 The Human Being's Journey Through the World of the Senses, Soul and Spirit 1910 1
68b The Human Cycle Within The World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit 1904-10 55
218 The Human Experience in the Ethereal Cosmos 1922 1
207 Human Freedom and Its Connection with the Mystery of Golgotha 1921 1
212 The Human Heart 1922 1
61 Human History in the Light of Spiritual Investigation 1
170 Human Knowledge and Its Significance for Man and the Cosmos 1916 1
213 Human Questions and Cosmic Answers 1922 4
60 The Human Soul and the Animal Soul; The Human Spirit and the Animal Spirit 1910 2
66 The Human Soul and the Human Body 1917 2
175 The Human Soul and the Universe 1917 1
64 The Human Soul in Life and Death 1914 1
212 The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution 1922 9
224 The Human Soul in its Connection with Divine-Spiritual Individualities 1923 3
310 Human Values in Education 1924 10
151 Human and Cosmic Thought (1961) 1914 4
151 Human and Cosmic Thought (1991) 1914 4
69e The Humanities and the Future of Humanity 1910-14 24
205 Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit I 1921 7
206 Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit II 1921 4
314 Hygiene: a Social Problem 1920 1
unk 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life' 1911 1
289 The Ideas Behind the Building of the Goetheanum 1921 2
56 Illusory Illness and the Feverish Pursuit of Health 1907 2
209 Imaginative Cognition and Inspired Cognition 1921 1
81 The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science 1922 7
252 An Impulse for the Future 1911 1
171 Impulses of Utility, Evil, Birth, Death, Happiness 1916 2
284 In What Sense Are We Theosophists and In What Sense Are We Rosicrucians? 1
238 The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis (Steiner's Final Lecture) 1924 1
296 The Inexpressible Name. Spirits of Space and Time. 1919 1
102 The Influence of Spiritual Beings on Man 1908 11
168 The Influence of the Dead on the Life of Man on Earth 1916 1
191 The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman 1919 5
138 Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment 1912 7
193 Inner Aspect of the Social Question 1919 3
153 The Inner Being of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth 1914 3
53 The Inner Development of Man 1904 1
171 Inner Impulses of Evolution 1916 7
153 The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth 1914 6
283 The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906-23 7
132 Inner Realities of Evolution 1911 5
55 Insanity from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science 1907 1
172 The Insertion of Early Human Destiny into Extraterrestial Relationships 1916 1
220 The Intellectual Fall from Grace and Spiritual Ascent of Sins 1923 2
179 Intellectuality and Will – The Necessity of New Cognitive Powers 1917 1
162 Intervals of the Life on Earth 1915 1
111 Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy 1908 30
221 The Invisible Man Within Us 1923 1
57 Isis and Madonna 1909 1
203 It Is a Necessity of Our Times to Find a Path Leading Back to the Spirit 1921 1
62 Jacob Boehme 1913 1
203 Jehovah-Christ, Lucifer and Ahriman 1921 1
130 Jeshu ben Pandira 1911 2
131 Jesuit and Rosicrucian Training 1911 1
69c Jesus and Christ 1
79 Jesus or Christ 1921 1
235 Karma 1924 6
96 Karma and Details of the Law of Karma 1906 1
176 The Karma of Materialism 1917 8
173 The Karma of Untruthfulness I 1916 12
174 The Karma of Untruthfulness II 1916-17 13
172 The Karma of Vocation 1916 10
172 The Karma of the Individual and the Collective Life of Our Time, Goethe 1916 1
235 Karmic Relationships I 1924 12
236 Karmic Relationships II 1924 16
237 Karmic Relationships III 1924 11
238 Karmic Relationships IV 1924 10
239 Karmic Relationships V 1924 7
240 Karmic Relationships VI 1924 9
239 Karmic Relationships: VII 1924 9
240 Karmic Relationships VIII 1924 6
237 Karmic Relationships III (single) 1924 1
237 Karmic Relationships, Esoteric Studies III, Entry of the Michael Forces 1924 1
311 The Kingdom of Childhood 1924 8
221 Knowledge Pervaded with the Experience of Love 1922 1
69b Knowledge and Immortality 1910-11 10
211 Knowledge and Initiation: Cognition of the Christ Through Anthroposophy 1923 2
198 Knowledge as a Source of Healing 1920 2
56 Knowledge of Soul and Spirit 1907 1
350 Learning to See in the Spiritual World 1923 4
unk A Lecture on Eurythmy 1923 1
346 Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse 1924 18
62 Leonardo da Vinci 1913 1
62 Leonardo's Spiritual Stature at the Turning Point of Modern Times 1913 1
140 Life Between Death and Rebirth 1912-13 16
60 Life and Death 1910 1
161 Life between Birth and Death as a Mirror of Life between Death and a New Birth 1915 1
349 The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity 1923 10
320 The Light Course 1919 10
140 Links Between the Living and the Dead 1913 2
220 Living Knowledge of Nature 1923 1
96 The Lord's Prayer 1907 1
162 The Lost Union of Speaking and Thinking 1915 1
143 Love and Its Meaning in the World 1912 1
191 Lucifer and Ahriman 1919 5
119 Macrocosm and Microcosm 1910 11
150 Macrocosm and Microcosm (lecture) 1913 1
220 Man and Cosmos 1923 1
198 Man and Nature 1920 1
56 Man and Woman in Light of Spiritual Science 1908 1
219 Man and the World of Stars 1922 12
230 Man as Symphony of the Creative Word 1923 12
206 Man as a Being of Sense and Perception 1921 3
var Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul 1918-21 3
228 Man as a Picture of the Living Spirit 1923 1
137 Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy 1912 10
228 Man in the Past, Present, and Future; The Evolution of Consciousness 1923 4
226 Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution 1923 6
220 Man's Fall and Redemption 1923 1
173c Man's Position in the Cosmic Whole. The Platonic World-Year 1917 1
204 Man, Offspring of the World of Stars 1921 1
201 Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe 1920 16
93 The Manicheans 1904 1
120 Manifestations of Karma 1910 11
67 Manifestations of the Unconscious 1918 1
204 Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy 1921 17
172 Matter Incidental to the Question of Destiny 1916 1
198 The Meaning of Easter: St. Paul and the Christ Impulse 1920 1
161 Meditation and Concentration 1915 1
161 Meditation and Concentration: Three Kinds of Clairvoyance 1915 3
var Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man 1919-20 5
170 Memory and Habit 1916 3
218 Memory and Love 1922 1
127 Mendelssohn's 'Overture of the Hebrides' 1911 1
58 Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I 1909 9
59 Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience II 1910 9
194 The Michael Revelation 1919 1
223 Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man 1923 4
63 Michelangelo 1914 1
unk The Migrations of the Races 1904 1
188 Migrations, Social Life 1919 4
130 The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz 1912 7
121 The Mission of Folk-Souls 1910 11
62 The Mission of Raphael in the Light of Spiritual Science 1913 1
108 The Mission of Savonarola 1908 1
194 The Mission of the Archangel Michael 1918-19 8
121 The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls 1910 11
127 The Mission of the New Spirit Revelation 1911 8
307 A Modern Art of Education 1923 2
212 Modern and Ancient Spiritual Exercises 1922 1
101 A Mongolian Legend, The Hermaphrodite 1907 1
unk Morality and Karma 1910 1
98 The Mysteries 1907 1
194 The Mysteries of Light, of Space, and of the Earth 1919 4
144 The Mysteries of the East and of Christianity 1913 4
183 Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man 1918 3
232 Mystery Centres 1923 14
159 The Mystery of Death 1915 15
122 The Mystery of Genesis 1910 1
214 The Mystery of Golgotha 1922 1
97 The Mystery of Golgotha 1906 1
68d The Mystery of the Human Temperaments 1909 1
214 The Mystery of the Trinity 1922 8
101 Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols 1907 9
158 The National Epics With Especial Attention to the Kalevala 1912 1
322 Natural Science and Its Boundaries 1920 2
203 Natural Science and the Anthroposophical Movement 1921 1
325 Natural Science and the Historical Development of Humanity 1921 2
271 The Nature and Origin of the Arts 1909 1
98 Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World 1907-8 18
61 The Nature of Eternity 1912 1
60 The Nature of Sleep 1910 1
60 The Nature of Spiritual Science and Its Significance for the Present 1910 1
166 Necessity and Freedom 1916 5
192 The Necessity for New Ways of Spiritual Knowledge 1919 2
220 The Need for Christ 2023 1
143 Nervous Conditions in Our Time 1912 1
69c A New Experience of Christ 1910-14 10
118 The New Spiritual Age and the Return of the Christ 1910 1
200 The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century 1920 7
150 Newborn Might and Strength Everlasting - A Christmas Offering 1923 1
351 Nine Lectures on Bees 1923 9
108 Novalis 1908 1
354 Nutrition and Health 1924 2
283 The Occult Basis of Music 1906 1
126 Occult History 1910-11 6
254 The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century 1915 10
128 An Occult Physiology 1911 8
183 Occult Psychology 1918 3
156 Occult Reading and Occult Hearing 1914 4
140 Occult Research into Life Between Death and a New Birth 1913 2
152 Occult Science and Occult Development 1913 2
55 The Occult Significance of Blood 1906 1
146 The Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita 1913 9
101 Occult Signs and Symbols 1907 4
136 Occultism and Initiation 1912 1
158 Olaf Åsteson: The Awakening of the Earth Spirit 1913 1
90b The Old Sagas of the Gods 1905 1
210 Old and New Methods of Initiation 1922 14
284 On Chaos and Cosmos 1907 1
90b On The Gospel of St. John 1905 1
282 On the Art of Drama 1921 1
168 On the Connection of the Living and the Dead 1916 1
354 On the Development of Human Culture 1924 2
213 On the Dimensions of Space 1922 1
165 On the Duty of Clear Sound Thinking 1916 1
148 On the Fifth Gospel 1914 3
155 On the Meaning of Life 1912 2
180 On the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times 1917 3
351 On the Nature of Butterflies 1923 1
129 On the Occasion of Goethe's Birthday 1911 1
79 On the Reality of Higher Worlds 1921 1
unk On the Relationship with the Dead 1913 1
227 Opening and Closing Addresses in Penmaenmawr 1923 2
203 Opponents of Anthroposophy 1921 1
53 Origin and Goal of the Human Being 1904-5 1
68a The Origin of Evil 1908 1
347 The Origin of Speech and Language 1922 1
55 The Origin of Suffering the Origin of Evil Illness and Death 1906 3
61 The Origin of the Animal World in the Light of Spiritual Science 1912 1
96 Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit 1906-7 20
326 The Origins of Natural Science 1922 9
var Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos 1920-2 7
208 Outer and Inner Life 1921 1
319 An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research 1924 2
102 An Outline of Religious Ideas in post-Atlantean Times 1908 1
143 Overcoming Nervousness 1912 1
97 Parsifal 1906 1
203 Past Incarnations of the Peoples of Today 1921 1
318 Pastoral Medicine 1924 11
152 The Path of the Christ through the Centuries 1913 1
125 Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man 1910 8
79 Paths to Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1921 1
335 The Peoples of the Earth in the Light of Anthroposophy 1920 1
165 Perceiving and Remembering 1916 1
147 Perception of the Elemental World 1913 1
161 Perception of the Nature of Thought 1915 1
74 The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas 1920 3
215 Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion 1922 10
51 Philosophy, History and Literature 1901-2 10
271 The Physical-Superphysical: Its Realisation Through Art 1920 1
314 Physiology and Therapeutics 1920 4
204 A Picture of Earth-Evolution in the Future 1921 1
var Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds 1922 6
224 Pneumatosophy 1923 1
var The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales 1908-13 2
281 Poetry and the Art of Speech 1920-23 7
319 Polarities in Health, Illness and Therapy 1923 1
197 Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind 1920 11
184 The Polarity between Eternity and Evolution in Human Life 1918 1
94 Popular Occultism 1906 10
94 Popular Occultism II 1906 4
82 The Position of Anthroposophy among the Sciences 1922 1
294 Practical Course for Teachers 1919 14
108 Practical Training In Thought (1928) 1909 1
108 Practical Training In Thought (1966) 1909 1
59 Prayer 1910 1
152 Pre-Earthly Deeds of Christ 1914 1
152 Prelude to the Mystery of Golgotha 1914 3
224 Preparing for a New Birth 1923 1
159 Preparing for the Sixth Epoch 1915 1
154 The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path 1914 7
109 The Principle of Spiritual Economy 1909 11
161 The Problem of Death 1915 3
168 The Problem of Destiny 1916 1
273 The Problem of Faust 1916-19 12
165 The Problem of Jesus and Christ in Earlier Times 1915 1
68d Problems of Nutrition 1909 1
193 The Problems of Our Time 1919 4
61 Prophecy — Its Nature and Meaning 1911 1
var Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy 1912-21 5
275 Pythic, Prophetic and Spiritual-Scientific Clairvoyance 1915 1
202 The Quest for the Isis-Sophia 1920 1
282 Questions and Answers on Dramatic Art 1921 1
62 Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit 1913 1
104a Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse 1906-9 17
220 Realism and Nominalism 1923 1
118 The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric 1910-17 13
224 The Recovery of the Living Source of Speech 1923 1
74 The Redemption of Thinking (1956) 1920 3
143 Reflections of Consciousness, Super-consciousness and Sub-consciousness 1912 1
108 Regarding Higher Worlds 1908 1
var Reincarnation and Immortality 1916-22 6
135 Reincarnation and Karma 1912 5
unk Reincarnation and Karma (Lecture) 1903 1
172 The Relation of Man to the Hierarchies 1916 1
188 The Relationship Between Human Science and Social Science 1919 1
219 The Relationship of Humans to the Starry World 1922 1
168 Relationships Between the Living and the Dead 1916 1
206 The Remedy for Our Diseased Civilisation 1921 1
79 The Renewal of Culture 1921 1
301 The Renewal of Education 1920 16
165 The Representative of Life 1915 1
203 The Responsibility of Man for World Evolution 1921 5
350 Rhythms in the Cosmos and in the Human Being 1923 11
92 Richard Wagner and Mysticism 1907 1
92 Richard Wagner in the Light of Anthroposophy 1905 4
170 The Riddle of Humanity 1916 15
54 The Riddles of the World and Anthroposophy 1905-6 1
108 The Rishis 1908 1
198 Roman Catholicism 1920 3
309 The Roots of Education 1924 5
109 Rosicrucian Esotericism 1909 10
233a Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation 1924 6
var Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the British 1922 3
298 Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School 1919-24 24
220 Salt, Mercury, Sulphur 1923 1
51 Schiller and Our Times 1905 9
202 The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia 1920 4
147 Secrets of the Threshold 1913 8
207 The Seeds of Future Worlds 1921 1
221 Self Knowledge and the Christ Experience 1923 1
125 Self-knowledge in Relation to the Mystery Drama, 'The Portal of Initiation' 1910 1
170 The Sense-Organs and Aesthetic Experience 1916 1
202 The Shaping of the Human Form out of Cosmic and Earthly Forces 1920 1
127 The Significance of Spiritual Research for Moral Action 1911 1
unk The Significance of the Mass 1905 1
254 Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the Middle of the 19th Century 1915 3
var Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 1904-6 3
97 The Sin Against the Holy Ghost and the Ideal of Christian Grace 1907 1
54 The Situation of the World 1905 1
192 Social Basis For Primary and Secondary Education 1919 3
332a The Social Future 1919 6
203 Social Life 1921 3
203 Social Life (single) 1921 1
328 The Social Question 1919 6
68d The Social Question and Theosophy 1905 1
193 The Social Question as a Problem of All Humanity 1919 1
190 The Social Question as a Problem of Soul Life 1919 2
189 The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness 1919 8
186 Social and Anti-Social Forces in the Human Being 1918 1
193 Some Characteristics of Today 1919 1
196 Some Conditions for Understanding Supersensible Experiences 1920 1
127 The Son of God and the Son of Man 1911 1
303 Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education 1921 16
64 The Soul of a People Considered in the Light of Spiritual Science 1914 1
202 The Souls Progress through Repeated Earth Lives 1920 1
181 A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future 1918 7
271 The Sources of Artistic Imagination and the Sources of Supersensible Knowledge 1918 1
284 Special Building for Anthroposophy at Stuttgart From an Occult Point of View 1911 1
282 Speech and Drama 1924 19
283 Speech and Song 1922 1
60 The Spirit in the Realm of Plants 1910 1
65 The Spirit of Fichte Present in our Midst 1915 1
297 The Spirit of the Waldorf School 1919 6
174b The Spiritual Background of Human History 1914-21 16
190 The Spiritual Background of the Social Question 1919 6
136 Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 1912 10
219 The Spiritual Communion of Mankind 1922 1
84 The Spiritual Development of Man 1923 3
190 Spiritual Emptiness and Social Life 1919 1
155 The Spiritual Foundation of Morality 1912 3
305 Spiritual Ground of Education 1922 9
110 The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928) 1909 10
110 Spiritual Hierarchies Q & A 1909 2
228 The Spiritual Individualities of the Planets 1923 1
231 Spiritual Knowledge: A Way of Life 1923 1
218 Spiritual Relation in the Configuration of the Human Organism 1922 3
312 Spiritual Science and Medicine 1920 20
59 Spiritual Science and Speech 1910 1
297 Spiritual Science and the Art of Education 1919 1
319 Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing 1924 3
199 Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms 1920 18
63 Spiritual Science as a Treasure for Life 1913-14 1
202 Spiritual Science, History, Reincarnation, Culture, Examples 1920 1
159 Spiritual Science, a Necessity for the Present Time 1915 1
352 A Spiritual Scientific View of Nature and Man 1924 8
52 Spiritual Teachings Concerning the Soul 1
213 Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries 1922 1
196 Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity 1920 14
192 Spiritual-Scientific Consideration of Social and Pedagogic Questions 1919 4
184 St. Augustine, St. Simon and Auguste Comte 1918 1
277 St. John's Tide 1923 1
353 Star Wisdom, Moon Religion, Sun Religion 1924 3
260 The Statutes of the Anthroposophical Society 1923 1
68c The Story of the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily 1904 2
97 The Structure of the Lord's Prayer 1907 1
293 The Study of Man 1919 14
159 The Subconscious Forces 1915 1
208 The Sun-Mystery in the Course of Human History 1921 1
330 The Supersensible Being of Man and the Evolution of Mankind 1919 1
216 Supersensible Influences in the History of Mankind 1922 6
55 Supersensible Knowledge 1906-7 13
84 Supersensible Knowledge: Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Age 1923 2
231 Supersensible Man 1923 5
297a The Supersensible in the Human Being and in the Universe 1922 1
217a A Talk to Young People 1923 1
217a The Task of Today's Youth 1920-4 14
117 The Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science 1909 1
211 The Teachings of Christ, the Resurrected 1922 1
275 Technology and Art: Their Bearing on Modern Culture 1914 1
171 The Templars 1916 1
93 The Temple Legend 1904-6 20
108 The Ten Commandments 1908 1
var The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount 1908-10 2
83 The Tension Between East and West 1922 10
108 The Theory of Categories 1908 1
89 Theosophic/Esoteric Cosmology 1904 3
138 The Theosophical Movement Is the Answer to the Spiritual Longing of Our Time 1912 1
94 Theosophy Based on the Gospel of John 1906 8
90c Theosophy and Occultism 1903 15
100 Theosophy and Rosicrucianism 1907 14
53 Theosophy and Tolstoy 1904 1
99 Theosophy of the Rosicrucian 1907 14
90a Theosophy, Christology and Mythology I 1903-4 75
90b Theosophy, Christology and Mythology II 1905-6 38
205 Therapeutic Insights: Earthly and Cosmic Laws 1921 5
167 Things in Past and Present in the Spirit of Man 1916 12
307 Three Epochs in the Religious Education of Man 1923 1
302a The Three Fundamental Forces in Education 1920 1
var Three Lectures on Easter and Pentecost 1921-23 3
125 Three Lectures on the Mystery Dramas 1910-11 3
143 The Three Paths of the Soul to Christ 1912 2
211 The Three Stages of Sleep 1922 1
184 Three Streams in Human Evolution 1918 6
330 Threefold Order of the Body Social I 1919 1
330 Threefold Order of the Body Social II 1920 2
80b The Threshold In Nature and In Man 1921 1
169 Toward Imagination 1916 7
162 The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 1915 6
118 True Nature of the Second Coming 1910 2
243 True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation 1924 11
220 Truth, Beauty, and Goodness 1923 1
69a Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research 1911-13 10
60 Turning Points Spiritual History 1911-12 6
188 A Turning-Point in Modern History 1919 1
203 The Two Christmas Annunciations 1921 1
284 Two Paintings by Raphael 1909 1
var The Universal Human 1909-16 4
208 The Universe 1921 1
105 Universe, Earth and Man 1908 11
125 Vital Questions in the Light of Reincarnation and Karma 1910 1
224 The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny 1923 2
304 Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy I 1921-22 9
304a Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy II 1922-24 12
321 The Warmth Course 1920 14
108 The Way of Knowledge 1909 1
286 Ways to a New Style in Architecture 1914 5
174a The Weaving and Living Activity of the Human Etheric Bodies 1916 1
182 What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? 1918 1
60 What Has Geology to Say About the Origin of the World? 1911 1
319 What can the Art of Healing Gain through Spiritual Science 1924 3
108 What is Self Knowledge? 1908 1
84 What is the Purpose of Anthroposophy and the Goetheanum? 1923-4 5
84 What was the Purpose of the Goetheanum and Anthroposophy 1923 1
57 Where and How Does One Find the Spirit? 1908-9 1
162 Whitsuntide in the Course of the Year 1915 1
65 Why is Spiritual Investigation Misunderstood? 1916 1
161 Wilhelm Jordan as the Renewer of the Nibelungenlied 1915 1
51 William Shakespeare 1902 1
125 The Wisdom Contained in Ancient Documents and in the Gospels 1910 1
115 Wisdom of Man, of the Soul, and of the Spirit 1909-11 12
54 Women and Society 1906 1
129 Wonders of the World 1911 10
93 The Work of Secret Societies in the World. The Atom as Coagulated Electricity 1904 1
182 The Work of the Angels in Man's Astral Body 1918 1
127 The Work of the Ego in Childhood 1911 1
101 The World Ash: Yggdrasil 1907 1
79 World Development in the Light of Anthroposophy 1921 1
204 World Downfall and Resurrection 1921 1
340 World Economy 1922 14
233 World History in the light of Anthroposophy 1923-24 9
134 The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit 1911-12 6
208 The World of the Senses, the World of Thought, and Their Beings 1921 1
150 The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence 1913 10
62 The Worldview of Herman Grimm 1913 1
178 The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge 1917 3
165 The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year 1915 1
165 The Year's Course as a Symbol for the Great Cosmic Year 1915 1
217 The Younger Generation 1922 13
217a Youth in an Age of Light 1924 1
217a Youth's Search in Nature 1924 1
125 Yuletide and the Christmas Festival 1910 1
60 Zarathustra 1911 1
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z All